Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing

Placement Guide for Integrated Education and Training (IET) Programs

Students who place into GED and ESOL levels 5 and 6, based on the testing criteria noted above, are eligible to take FDOE approved credit and noncredit certificate and certification courses.  These programs provide opportunities that seamlessly integrate education and career-focused content and deliver workforce preparation and training. The IET service approach provides all levels of adult education students the opportunity to acquire the skills needed to:

  • Transition to and complete postsecondary education and training programs.
  • Obtain employment and advance in employment leading to economic self-sufficiency.
  • Exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

Placement Criteria Appendix I outlines the placement scores required and the 2024-25 approved Adult Education IET courses and concurrent IET courses.

  • Students transitioning from ESOL EDU 058 to other programs are tested following the procedures of their new selected program.
  • EDU 064 is not offered at MDC since Spring 2020.