Note: All competencies are PDF documents
ACG1403 Excel for Business.pdf
ACG2001 Principles of Accounting 1.pdf
ACG2001L Principles of Accounting 1 Lab.pdf
ACG2011 Principles of Accounting 2.pdf
ACG2011L Principles of Accounting 2 Lab.pdf
ACG2021 Financial Accounting.pdf
ACG2021L Financial Accounting Lab.pdf
ACG2031 Accounting Theory.pdf
ACG2071 Managerial Accounting.pdf
ACG2071L Managerial Accounting Lab.pdf
ACG2100 Intermediate Accounting 1.pdf
ACG2170 Financial Statement Analysis.pdf
ACG2360 Cost Accounting.pdf
ACG2450 Microcomputers in Accounting.pdf
ACG2630 Auditing.pdf
ACG3103 Intermediate Accounting I.pdf
ACG3113 Intermediate Financial Accounting II.pdf
ACG3343 Cost Accounting and Controls.pdf
ACG4401 Accounting Information Systems.pdf
ACG4632 Auditing.pdf
AER0605 Tesla Electronic System Technician.pdf
AER0606 Tesla Maintenance Technician.pdf
AFH2000 African History and Culture.pdf
AFR1101 The Foundation of the he United States Air Force - Part 1.pdf
AFR1111 Introduction to the United States Air Force - Part 3 Sem Basic Air Force ROTC.pdf
AFR2130 The Foundation of the United States Air Force - Part 2.pdf
AFR2131 Introduction to the United States Air Force - Part 2.pdf
AMH2010 History of the US to 1877.pdf
AMH2020 History of the US Since 1877.pdf
AMH2035 Recent American History Since 1945.pdf
AMH2047 U.S. Military History.pdf
AMH2070 Florida History.pdf
AMH2079 History of South Florida.pdf
AMH2090 History of Women in the United States.pdf
AMH2091 Afro-American History.pdf
AML2010 American Literature 1.pdf
AML2020 American Literature 2.pdf
AML2600 African American Literature.pdf
AMT0044 Tools, Materials, and Processes 1.pdf
AMT0045 Tools, Materials, and Process 2.pdf
AMT0046 Aircraft Materials, Hardware & Processes.pdf
AMT0047 Applying the Design Process.pdf
AMT0219 Aircraft Hydraulics & Aviation Mathematics.pdf
AMT0269 Aircraft Electrical Systems & Quality Control.pdf
AMT0509 Composites and Capstone Project.pdf
AMT0949 OJT Commercial Jet.pdf
ANT2000 Introduction To Anthropology.pdf
ANT2410 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology.pdf
ANT2511 Introduction to Physical Anthropology.pdf
ARC1113 Sketchbook Studies.pdf
ARC1115 Architectural Communications 1.pdf
ARC1126C Architectural Drawing 1.pdf
ARC1128 Architecture Drawing 2.pdf
ARC1301 Architectural Design 1.pdf
ARC1302 Architectural Design 2.pdf
ARC1949 Co-op Work Experience 1 ARC.pdf
ARC2053 Architectural Computer Applications.pdf
ARC2056 Computer Aided Architectural Presentation.pdf
ARC2171C Computer Aided Drafting 1.pdf
ARC2172 Computer Aided Drafting 2.pdf
ARC2178C Introduction to Building Surfacing.pdf
ARC2180C Introduction to 3D Building Modeling.pdf
ARC2201 Theory of Architecture.pdf
ARC2303 Architectural Design 3.pdf
ARC2304 Architectural Design 4.pdf
ARC2312C Introduction to Building Assembly Modeling.pdf
ARC2461 Architectural Materials and Construction 1.pdf
ARC2580 Architectural Structures 1.pdf
ARC2681 Environmental Technology.pdf
ARC2701 History of Architecture 1.pdf
ARC2702 History of Architecture 2.pdf
ARC2765 An Introduction to Cities of the World.pdf
ARC2767 Architectural History Urban Spaces.pdf
ARC2949 Co-op Work Experience 2 ARC.pdf
ARH1000 Art Appreciation.pdf
ARH2050 Art History 1.pdf
ARH2051 Art History 2.pdf
ARH2402 Art History 3.pdf
ARH2740 Cinema Appreciation.pdf
ARH2857 Introduction to Museum Studies.pdf
ART1201C Basic Design.pdf
ART1202C Two-Dimensional Design.pdf
ART1203C Three Dimensional Design.pdf
ART1205C Color and Composition 1.pdf
ART1300C Drawing.pdf
ART1330C Figure Drawing.pdf
ART1803C Workshop for ART Research and Practice Studio.pdf
ART1949 Co-op Work Experience 1 ART.pdf
ART2142C Advanced Metals.pdf
ART2150C Jewelry and Metals 1.pdf
ART2151C Jewelry and Metalsmithing 2.pdf
ART2301C Drawing 2.pdf
ART2302C Advanced Drawing.pdf
ART2400C Printmaking 1.pdf
ART2401C Printmaking 2.pdf
ART2406C Advance Printmaking.pdf
ART2500C Painting 1.pdf
ART2501C Painting 2.pdf
ART2502C Advanced Painting.pdf
ART2600C Computer Art.pdf
ART2601C Intermediate Computer Art.pdf
ART2602C Advanced Computer Art.pdf
ART2701C Sculpture 1.pdf
ART2702C Sculpture 2.pdf
ART2703C Advanced Sculpture.pdf
ART2750C Ceramics 1.pdf
ART2751C Ceramics 2.pdf
ART2771C Advanced Ceramics.pdf
ART2802C Visual Arts Workshop.pdf
ART2938 Exhibition Design.pdf
ART2949 Co-op Work Experience 2 ART.pdf
ART2950 Portfolio Preparation - ART.pdf
ASC1010 Aerospace History.pdf
ASC1210 Aviation Meteorology.pdf
ASC1550 Aerodynamics.pdf
ASC1610 Aircraft Engines and Structure Theory.pdf
ASC2320 Aviation Laws and Regulations.pdf
ASC2470 Physiology Psychology of Flight.pdf
ASC2670 Aircraft Systems.pdf
ASL1140C American Sign Language 1.pdf
ASL1150C American Sign Language 2.pdf
ASL2160C American Sign Language 3.pdf
ASL2200C American Sign Language 4.pdf
ASL2210 ASL Conversational Skills.pdf
ASL2220 Receptive Skills Development.pdf
ASL2400 Linguistics of American Sign Language.pdf
ASL2430 Manual alphabet Skills Development.pdf
ASL2510 Deaf Culture and Community.pdf
AST1002 Descriptive Astronomy.pdf
AST1002L Descriptive Astronomy Lab.pdf
ATE1110 Animal Anatomy.pdf
ATE1110L Animal Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory.pdf
ATE1211 Animal Physiology.pdf
ATE1630 Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians.pdf
ATE1650L Introduction to Clinical Practice 1.pdf
ATE1940 Veterinary Clinical Experience I.pdf
ATE1941 Veterinary Clinical Experience 2.pdf
ATE2050L Small Animal Nursing Lab II.pdf
ATE2611 Animal Medicine 1.pdf
ATE2612 Small Animal Nursing 2.pdf
ATE2614 Animal Medicine 2.pdf
ATE2631 Small Animal Nursing 1.pdf
ATE2636 Large Animal Clinic and Nursing Skills.pdf
ATE2636L Large Animal Clinic & Nursing Skills Laboratory.pdf
ATE2638 Animal Lab Procedures 1.pdf
ATE2638L Animal Lab Procedures 1 Lab.pdf
ATE2639 Animal Lab Procedures 2.pdf
ATE2639L Animal Lab Procedures 2 Lab.pdf
ATE2652L Introduction to Clinical Practice 2.pdf
ATE2655L Animal Nursing and Medicine Lab 1.pdf
ATE2661 Large Animal Disease.pdf
ATE2671C Lab Animal Medicine.pdf
ATE2710 Animal Emergency Medicine.pdf
ATE2722C Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine.pdf
ATE2942 Veterinary Clinical Experience 3.pdf
ATF1601L Flight Orientation Simulator Lab.pdf
ATF2210 Commercial Pilot Flight.pdf
ATF2210L Commercial Pilot Flight.pdf
ATF2305 Instrument Pilot Flight.pdf
ATF2305L Instrument Pilot Flight Lab.pdf
ATF2400 Multi-Engine Pilot Flight (Multi-Engine Land - MEL).pdf
ATF2501 Certified Flight Instructor-Flight Training (CFI).pdf
ATF2501L Flight Instructor Laboratory.pdf
ATT1100 Private Pilot Theory.pdf
ATT2110 Commercial Pilot Theory 3.pdf
ATT2120 Instruments Pilot Theory.pdf
ATT2131 Flight Instructor Theory.pdf
ATT2133 Multi-Engine Pilot Theory.pdf
ATT2660 Regional Airline Operations.pdf
ATT2820 Air Traffic Control.pdf
ATT2821 Air Traffic Control (ATC) Radar.pdf
ATT2822 VFR Tower Operations.pdf
ATT2823 Air Traffic Control (ATC) NON-Radar.pdf
AVM1010 Aviation Industry Operation.pdf
AVM1022 Flight Operations.pdf
AVM1062 Aviation Career Planning.pdf
AVM1121 Hazardous Materials - Dangerous Goods.pdf
AVM1160 Aviation Maintenance Programs and Inspections.pdf
AVM1161 Aircraft Performance Measures and Maintenance Requirements.pdf
AVM1162 Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Interactions with Commercial Airline Operations.pdf
AVM1163 Policies and Procedures for Commercial Airlines Maintenance Programs.pdf
AVM1164 Logistics and Maintenance Programs for Commercial Airlines.pdf
AVM1440 Aviation - Airport Security.pdf
AVM1520 Airline Reservations.pdf
AVM1521 Airline Ticketing.pdf
AVM1949 Co-op Work Experience 1 AVI.pdf
AVM2120 Air Cargo.pdf
AVM2410 Principles of Airport Management.pdf
AVM2431 Customer Service Agent.pdf
AVM2441 Aviation Safety - Human Factors.pdf
AVM2450 Airport Facilities Finantial Plannning.pdf
AVM2510 Airline Management.pdf
AVM2515 Airline Marketing.pdf
AVM2949 Co-op Work Experience 2- AVI.pdf
^ Top
BAN1004 Principles of Banking.pdf
BAN1013 Negotiable Instruments of Payment Mechanics.pdf
BAN1155 International Banking.pdf
BAN1231 Commerical Lending.pdf
BAN1240 Essentials of Retail Lending.pdf
BAN2210 Analyzing Financial Statements.pdf
BAN2211 Applied Financial Statement Analysis.pdf
BAN2501 Money Banking and Financial Markets.pdf
BAN2511 Marketing for Financial Services.pdf
BCH3023 Introductory Biochemistry.pdf
BCH3023L Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory.pdf
BCN1272 Building Construction Plans Interpretation 1.pdf
BCN1275 Building Construction Plans Interpretation 2.pdf
BCT1743 Building Construction Law.pdf
BCT1750 Building Construction Financing.pdf
BCT1770 Building Construction Estimating Fundamentals.pdf
BCT1771 Building Construction Advanced Estimating.pdf
BCT2760 Building Code Regulations.pdf
BOT1010 Botany.pdf
BOT1010L Botany Laboratory.pdf
BOT2150C Native Plant Identification and Usage in South Florida.pdf
BOT3015 Survey of Plant Diversity.pdf
BOT3015L Survey of Plant Diversity Laboratory.pdf
BSC1005 General Education Biology.pdf
BSC1005L General Education Biology Laboratory.pdf
BSC1030 Social Issues in Biology.pdf
BSC1050 Biology & Environment.pdf
BSC1084 Functional Human Anatomy.pdf
BSC2010 Principles of Biology.pdf
BSC2010L Principles of Biology 1 Laboratory.pdf
BSC2011 Principles of Biology 2.pdf
BSC2011L Principles of Biology Lab 2.pdf
BSC2020 Human Biology Fundamentals of Anatomy Physiology.pdf
BSC2085 Human Anatomy and Physiology I.pdf
BSC2085L Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Laboratory.pdf
BSC2086 Human Anatomy & Physiology 2.pdf
BSC2086L Human Anatomy & Physiology 2 Laboratory.pdf
BSC2250 Natural History of South Florida.pdf
BSC2423C Methods & Applications of Cell Culture & Protein Biotechnology.pdf
BSC2426 Biotechnology Methods & Applications 1.pdf
BSC2426L Biotechnology Methods & Applications 1 Laboratory.pdf
BSC2427 Bio Methods & Applications 2.pdf
BSC2427L Biotechnology Methods & Applications 2 Laboratory.pdf
BSC2943L Bioscience Internship.pdf
BSC3930 Biological Sciences Seminar.pdf
BSC4422 Biotechnology Methods and Applications-III.pdf
BSC4422L Biotechnology Methods and Applications III Lab.pdf
BSC4434 Bioinformatics for Biologists.pdf
BSC4940 Senior Specialty Internship.pdf
BSC4950 Senior Capstone Research Project.pdf
BUL2131 Legal Environment.pdf
BUL2241 Business Law 1.pdf
BUL2242 Business Law 2.pdf
BUL4320 Business Law.pdf
BUL4461 Law of International Trade.pdf
^ Top
CAI1001C Artificial Intelligence (AI) Thinking.pdf
CAI2100C Machine Learning Foundations.pdf
CAI2300C Introduction to Natural Language Processing.pdf
CAI2820C Artificial Intelligence Applications Solutions.pdf
CAI2840C Introduction to Computer Vision.pdf
CAI3303C Natural Language Processing.pdf
CAI3821C Computational Methods and Applications for Artificial Intelligence 1.pdf
CAI3822C Computational Methods and Applications for Artificial Intelligence 2.pdf
CAI4420C Applied Decision and Optimization Theory.pdf
CAI4505C Artificial Intelligence.pdf
CAI4510C Machine Intelligence.pdf
CAI4525C Artificial Intelligence Systems Automation.pdf
CAI4830C Simulation for Applied Artificial Intelligence.pdf
CAI4950C Artificial Intelligence Capstone.pdf
CAP1760 Introduction to Analytics.pdf
CAP1788 Introduction to Data Analytics.pdf
CAP2047 User Interface Design.pdf
CAP2048 Game Development Project.pdf
CAP2743C Power BI - Data Visualization and Analysis.pdf
CAP2761C Intermediate Analytics.pdf
CAP2791C Power BI - Data Preparation and Modeling.pdf
CAP2920C Game Development Project II.pdf
CAP3321C Data Wrangling.pdf
CAP3330 Programming R for Statistics.pdf
CAP3770 Predictive Analytics Algorithms.pdf
CAP4631C Machine Learning for Data Analytics I.pdf
CAP4633C Machine Learning for Data Analytics II.pdf
CAP4744 Data Vixualization.pdf
CAP4767 Data Mining.pdf
CAP4784 Big Data.pdf
CAP4910 Data Analytics Capstone.pdf
CAP4936 Special Topics in Data Analytics.pdf
CCJ1010 Introduction to Criminology.pdf
CCJ1020 Introduction Criminal Justice.pdf
CCJ1191 Human Behavior in Criminal Justice.pdf
CCJ2053 Criminal Justice Ethics and Professionalism.pdf
CCJ2358 Criminal Justice Reporting.pdf
CCJ2650 Narcotics and Drug Education.pdf
CCJ2760 Cannabis Policy and Regulation.pdf
CCJ2949 Co-op Work Experience 2 - CCJ.pdf
CCJ3032 Crime & The Media.pdf
CCJ3663 Female Crime and Delin.pdf
CCJ3666 Victimology.pdf
CCJ3700 Methods Research CJ.pdf
CCJ4054 Ethics in the Criminal Justice System.pdf
CCJ4450 Criminal Justice Admin.pdf
CCJ4641 Organized Crime.pdf
CCJ4651 Drugs and Crime.pdf
CCJ4660 Crime Violence Sch.pdf
CCJ4678 Race Gender Ethnicity.pdf
CEN2211 Programming for Embedded Devices.pdf
CEN2212C Introduction to Programming the Internet of Things (IoT).pdf
CEN4025C Software Engineering II.pdf
CEN4090C Software Engineering Capstone.pdf
CET1110C Digital Circuits.pdf
CET1171 Introduction to Computer Service and Maintenance.pdf
CET1178C APLUS Computer Hardware Service.pdf
CET1487C NetworkPLUS.pdf
CET2113C Advanced Digital Circuits.pdf
CET2123C Microprocessors.pdf
CET2186C Design and Prototyping of Connected Devices.pdf
CET2369C Embedded Programming.pdf
CET2588C Server PLUS Service and Maintenance.pdf
CET2664C Electronic Security.pdf
CET2880C Digital Forensics .pdf
CET3126C Computer Architecture.pdf
CET3383C Software Engineering I.pdf
CET4190C Applied Digital Signal Processing.pdf
CET4663C Electronic Security.pdf
CGS1005C Computing Fundamentals for Entrepreneurship.pdf
CGS1021 Scientific Computing.pdf
CGS1060C Introduction to Computer Technology & Applications.pdf
CGS1145 Introduction to Bioinformatics.pdf
CGS1540C Database Concepts Design.pdf
CGS1541 Database Applications.pdf
CGS1560 APLUS Computer Operating Systems.pdf
CGS1580 Desktop Publishing.pdf
CGS1700 Introduction to Operating Systems.pdf
CGS2091 Professional Ethics & Social Inssues in Computer Science.pdf
CGS2108 Advanced Desktop Applications.pdf
CGS2172 Implementing a Commerce-Enabled Web Site.pdf
CGS3763 Operating System Principles.pdf
CHI1120 Elementary Mandarin Chinese 1.pdf
CHI1121 Elementary Mandarin Chinese 2.pdf
CHI2220 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese 1.pdf
CHI2221 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese 2.pdf
CHM1020 General Education Chemistry.pdf
CHM1020L General Education Chemistry Laboratory.pdf
CHM1025 Introductory Chemistry.pdf
CHM1025L Introductory Chemistry Lab.pdf
CHM1033 Chemistry for Health Sciences.pdf
CHM1033L Chemistry for Health Sciences Lab.pdf
CHM1045 General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis.pdf
CHM1045L General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis Lab.pdf
CHM1046 General Chemistry and Quality Analysis.pdf
CHM1046L General Chemistry & Qualitative Analysis Lab.pdf
CHM1990C Introductory Chemistry with Recitation.pdf
CHM2124C Survey of Quantitative Analysis.pdf
CHM2200 Survey of Organic Chemistry.pdf
CHM2200L Survey of Organic Chemistry Laboratory.pdf
CHM2210 Organic Chemistry 1.pdf
CHM2210L Organic Chemistry 1 Lab.pdf
CHM2211 Organic Chemistry 2.pdf
CHM2211L Organic Chemistry 2 Lab.pdf
CHM3120 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry.pdf
CHM3120L Introduction to Analytical Chemistry Lab.pdf
CHS1522C Forensic Science 1.pdf
CHS2311C Analytical Chemical Instrumentation.pdf
CHS2523 Forensic Science 2.pdf
CIS1321 Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design.pdf
CIS1531 Introduction to Secure Scripting.pdf
CIS1949 Co-op Work Experience 1 CIS.pdf
CIS2322 Systems Analysis and Design Implementation.pdf
CIS2350 Cybersecurity Analysis.pdf
CIS2430C Remote IT and Security Management.pdf
CIS2619 Secure Software Development.pdf
CIS2900 Directed Study in IT.pdf
CIS2949 Co-op Work Experience 2 CIS.pdf
CIS2991C Cloud Developer.pdf
CIS2992C Cloud DevOps.pdf
CIS3215 Ethics in CyberSecurity.pdf
CIS3360 Principles of Information Security.pdf
CIS3361 Information Security Management.pdf
CIS3368 Data Security & Governance.pdf
CIS3510 Information Technology Project Management.pdf
CIS4204 Ethical Hacking I.pdf
CIS4347 Information Storage Management.pdf
CIS4364 Intrusion Detection and Incident Response.pdf
CIS4366 Computer Forensics.pdf
CIS4378 Ethical Hacking II.pdf
CIS4388 Advanced Computer Forensics.pdf
CIS4617 Knowledge Management.pdf
CIS4891 Cyber Security Capstone Project.pdf
CJC1000 Introduction to Corrections.pdf
CJC1162 Parrole Probation.pdf
CJC4163 Advanced Probation & Parole.pdf
CJC4310 Correctional Theory.pdf
CJC4311 Contemporary Issues and Trends in Corrections.pdf
CJC4351 Correctional Operations.pdf
CJE1640 Crime Scene Technology 1.pdf
CJE1642 Crime Scene Technology 2.pdf
CJE1673 Crime Scene Photography 1.pdf
CJE1680 Introduction to Computer Crimes.pdf
CJE1772 Crime Scene Photography 2.pdf
CJE2401 Race and the Criminal Justice System.pdf
CJE2600 Criminal Investigation.pdf
CJE2644 Crime Scene Safety.pdf
CJE2671 Basic Fingerprinting.pdf
CJE2672 Fingerprint Development.pdf
CJE3110 Law Enforcement Systems.pdf
CJE3115 Police and Society.pdf
CJE3444 Crime Prevention.pdf
CJE3574 Interpersonal Communications for Law Enforcement.pdf
CJE4310 Police Administration.pdf
CJE4615 Advanced Criminal Investigations.pdf
CJE4647 Advanced Crime Scene Technology.pdf
CJE4648 Crime Scene Safety.pdf
CJE4650 Advanced Crime Scene Investigations.pdf
CJE4668 Computer Crime.pdf
CJE4675 Modern Fingerprint Technology.pdf
CJJ2002 Juvenile Delinquency.pdf
CJK0002 Introduction to Law Enforcement.pdf
CJK0016 Communications.pdf
CJK0018 Legal.pdf
CJK0019 Interviewing and Report Writing.pdf
CJK0020 CMS Law Enforcement Vehicle Operations.pdf
CJK0021 Serving Your Community.pdf
CJK0031 CMS First Aid For Criminal Justice.pdf
CJK0040 CMS Criminal Justice Firearm.pdf
CJK0051 CMS Criminal Justice Defensive Tactics.pdf
CJK0063 Fundamentals of Patrol.pdf
CJK0072 Crimes Against Persons.pdf
CJK0073 Crimes Involving Property and Society.pdf
CJK0079 Crime Scene Follow-up Investigations.pdf
CJK0093 Critical Incidents.pdf
CJK0096 Criminal Justice Officer Physical Fitness Training.pdf
CJK0132 Basic Security Guard Training.pdf
CJK0300 Introduction to Corrections.pdf
CJK0305 CJSTC Communications.pdf
CJK0310 Officer Safety.pdf
CJK0315 Facility & Equipment.pdf
CJK0320 Intake & Release.pdf
CJK0325 Supervising in a Correctional Facility.pdf
CJK0330 Supervising Special Populations.pdf
CJK0335 Responding to Incidents & Emergencies.pdf
CJK0340 Officer Wellness & Physical Abilities.pdf
CJK0400 Traffic Incidents.pdf
CJK0401 Traffic Stops.pdf
CJK0402 Traffic Crash Investigations.pdf
CJK0403 DUI Traffic Stops.pdf
CJK0421 Dart-Firing Stun Gun.pdf
CJL1000 Street Law.pdf
CJL1100 Criminal Law.pdf
CJL2062 Constitutional Law and Legal Procedure or Evidence.pdf
CJL2102 Criminal Procedure & Evidence.pdf
CJL2610 Courtroom Presentation.pdf
CJL2760 Cannabis Policy and Regulation.pdf
CJL3044 Civil Law.pdf
CJL3564 Judicial Policy Making.pdf
CJL4064 Corrections Administration & Law.pdf
CJL4133 Criminal Evidence.pdf
CJL4170 Corrections Legal System.pdf
CJL4514 Criminal Sentencing.pdf
CLP1006 Psychology of Personal Effectiveness.pdf
CLP2000 Dynamics of Behavior.pdf
CLP2140 Abnormal Psychology.pdf
CLP2431 Field Experience in Behavioral Analysis.pdf
CLP2470 Introduction to Childhood Psychopathology.pdf
CNT1512 Introduction to Wireless Networking.pdf
CNT3409C Network Security.pdf
CNT3526C Wireless and Mobile Networking.pdf
CNT4603 System Administration and Maintenance.pdf
CNT4702 Network Design and Planning.pdf
COP1047C Pythn Programming.pdf
COP1120 Introduction to COBOL Programming.pdf
COP1332 Introduction to Visual Basic Programming.pdf
COP1334 Introduction to C PLUSPLUS Programming.pdf
COP1670 Introduction to Computing Through Mobile Application Development.pdf
COP2041C Python Programming 2.pdf
COP2129 Advanced COBOL Programming.pdf
COP2270 C For Engineers.pdf
COP2333 Advanced Programming Concepts Using Visual Basic.pdf
COP2335 Object Oriented Programming Using CPLUSPLUS.pdf
COP2654 iPhone Application Development 1.pdf
COP2658 iPhone Application Development.pdf
COP2660 Android Application Development 1.pdf
COP2662 Android Application Development 2.pdf
COP2700 Database Application Programming.pdf
COP2800 Java Programming.pdf
COP2805C Java Programming 2.pdf
COP2822 Web Page Design and Programming.pdf
COP2823 ASP Script Language Programming.pdf
COP2825 Implementing an Internet Server.pdf
COP2842 Developing Websites Using PHP-MYSQL.pdf
COP2843 Implementing Open Source Databases.PDF
COP3530 Data Structures.pdf
COP4656 Mobile Applications Development.pdf
COP4723 Database Administration.pdf
COP4807 Web Programming with Java.pdf
COP4834 Data Driven Web Applications (Web Administration).pdf
COT4400 Design and Analysis of Algorithms.pdf
CPO2100 Comparative European Government.pdf
CPO2408 Comparative Middle Eastern and North African Governments.pdf
CPO2441 Islam in the Modern World.pdf
CRW2001 Creative Writing 1.pdf
CRW2002 Creative Writing 2.pdf
CTE1050 Introduction to FashionDesign and Related Industries.pdf
CTE1401 Textiles.pdf
CTE1401L Introductory Textile Science Lab.pdf
CTE1721C Fashion Design 1.pdf
CTE1743C Patternmaking Level 1.pdf
CTE1801 Introduction to Fashion Merchandising and Marketing.pdf
CTE1841C Apparel Evaluation & Production.pdf
CTE1930 Fashion Seminar.pdf
CTE1942 Fashion Industry Internship.pdf
CTE2111C Digital Fashion Portfolio.pdf
CTE2120 Portfolio Collection Development.pdf
CTE2301 Product Development.pdf
CTE2310C Clothing Construction Methods Level 1.pdf
CTE2330C Clothing Construction Methods Level II.pdf
CTE2342C Clothing Construction Methods Level 3.pdf
CTE2388 Principles of Contemporary Retailing.pdf
CTE2610 Fashion Forecasting and Research.pdf
CTE2722C Fashion Design 2.pdf
CTE2732 Fashion Illustration Technology.pdf
CTE2745C Pattern Making Level 2.pdf
CTE2749C Pattern Making Level 3.pdf
CTE2760C Creative Design.pdf
CTE2800 Textile Apparel & Retail Analysis.pdf
CTE2802 Fashion Merchandising Strategies.pdf
CTE2836 Global Merchandising.pdf
CTS0035 Introduction to the C Program.pdf
CTS1111 Linux modifications.pdf
CTS1120 Cybersecurity Fundamentals.pdf
CTS1131 APLUS Computer Essentials and Support.pdf
CTS1134 Networking Technologies.pdf
CTS1145 Cloud Essentials.pdf
CTS1328 Supporting Microsoft Clients.pdf
CTS1437 Microsoft SQL Administration.pdf
CTS1650 CCNA 1 - Cisco Fundamentals.pdf
CTS1651 CCNA 2 - Routing and Switching.pdf
CTS1800 Introduction to Web Page Design.pdf
CTS1801 Multimedia & Animation.pdf
CTS2102 Operating System Principles.pdf
CTS2143C Server Administration.pdf
CTS2148C IT Project Management.pdf
CTS2153 Supporting Windows Users & Applications.pdf
CTS2154 IT Help Desk Support.pdf
CTS2192C Microsoft Azure Administration.pdf
CTS2215 PowerPoint Outlook.pdf
CTS2300 Designing a Networking Infrastructure.pdf
CTS2302 Designing Network and Directory Services.pdf
CTS2303 Configuring Windows Servers.pdf
CTS2306 Windows Networking Services.pdf
CTS2310 Design Implement Manage Network Security.pdf
CTS2314 Network Defense and Countermeasures.pdf
CTS2317 Advanced Network Security.pdf
CTS2334 Windows Identity Services .pdf
CTS2361 SharePoint Administration.pdf
CTS2375C Cloud Infrastructure and Services.pdf
CTS2404 Distributed Applications with Visual Basic.pdf
CTS2433 Microsoft SQL Implementation.pdf
CTS2440 Introduction to Oracle - SQL and PL-SQL.pdf
CTS2441 Introduction to Oracle Database Administration.pdf
CTS2442 Intermediate Oracle Database Administration.pdf
CTS2444 Oracle Database Performance Tuning.pdf
CTS2450 Business Intelligence Analysis Services and Data Mining.pdf
CTS2451 Business Intelligence Integration Services & Reporting Services.pdf
CTS2463 C# Web Application Development.pdf
CTS2466C Internet of Things (IoT) Development with C sharp.pdf
CTS2652 CCNA 3 - Advanced Routing and Switching.pdf
CTS2653 CCNA 4 - Connecting Networks.pdf
CTS2664 CISCO Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Security.pdf
CTS2670 Check Point Security Administration.pdf
CTS2671 Check Point Security Engineering.pdf
CTS2823 Developing Internet Applications Using Apache.pdf
CTS2960 Cloud Computing Capstone.pdf
CTS3452 Business Intelligence.pdf
CTS4935C Networking Capstone.pdf
CTS4955 Networking Capstone.pdf
^ Top
DAA1100 Modern Dance 1.pdf
DAA1101 Intermediate Modern Dance.pdf
DAA1104 Modern I.pdf
DAA1105 Intermediate Modern.pdf
DAA1200 Ballet Dance 1.pdf
DAA1201 Intermediate Ballet Dance.pdf
DAA1204 Ballet I.pdf
DAA1205 Intermediate Ballet.pdf
DAA1290 Ballet for the Theater 1.pdf
DAA1291 Ballet for the Theater 2.pdf
DAA1330 Afro-Caribbean Dance.pdf
DAA1500 Jazz Dance Technical 1.pdf
DAA1504 Jazz Dance 1.pdf
DAA1505 Jazz Dance 2.pdf
DAA1520 Tap Dance.pdf
DAA1680 Repertory 1.pdf
DAA2103 Advanced Modern Dance 2.pdf
DAA2106 Modern 2.pdf
DAA2107 Advanced Modern.pdf
DAA2202 Ballet Dance 2.pdf
DAA2203 Advanced Ballet Dance.pdf
DAA2206 Ballet 2.pdf
DAA2207 Advanced Ballet.pdf
DAA2293 Ballet for the Theater 2.pdf
DAA2570 Modern Dance for Theater 1.pdf
DAA2571 Modern Dance - Jazz for the Theater 2.pdf
DAA2610 Dance Composition and Improvisation 1.pdf
DAA2611 Dance Composition & Improvisation II.pdf
DAA2680 Repertory I.pdf
DAA2681 Repertory 2.pdf
DAN1500 Practicum in Dance Production 1.pdf
DAN2100 Dance Appreciation.pdf
DAN2130 Dance History 1.pdf
DAN2131 Dance History 2.pdf
DAN2430 Laban Movement Analysis 1.pdf
DAN2431 Laban Movement Analysis 2.pdf
DAN2630 Literature & Materials of Music for Dance 1.pdf
DAN2631 Literature & Materials of Music for Dance 2.pdf
DEA0020 Pre-Clinical Procedures Theory.pdf
DEA0020L Pre-Clinical Practice Lab.pdf
DEA0031 Oral Pathology.pdf
DEA0132 Dental Nutrition.pdf
DEA0800L Clinical Practice 1.pdf
DEA0804L Clinical Practice 2.pdf
DEA0930 Dental Assisting Seminar.pdf
DEH1002 PreClinical Dental Hygiene.pdf
DEH1002L Preclinical Dental Hygiene Laboratory.pdf
DEH1133 Dental Anatomy, Histology and Physiology.pdf
DEH1400 General And Oral Pathology.pdf
DEH1710 Oral Health Literacy.pdf
DEH1720 Preventative Dentistry.pdf
DEH1800 Dental Hygiene.pdf
DEH1800L Dental Hygiene 1 Clinic.pdf
DEH1802L Dental Hygiene Clinic 2.pdf
DEH1804L Dental Hygiene 3 Clinic.pdf
DEH1811 Professional Issues.pdf
DEH1840L Advanced Radiographic & Clinical Assessment Techniques.pdf
DEH1940L Dental Hygiene 1 Optional Learning Support.pdf
DEH2202 Nutrition and Dental Health.pdf
DEH2300 Pharmacology and Pain Control.pdf
DEH2300L Pharmacology and Pain Control Laboratory.pdf
DEH2602 Periodontology I.pdf
DEH2603 Periodontology 2.pdf
DEH2603L Periodontology 2 Laboratory.pdf
DEH2701 Community Dental Health 1.pdf
DEH2702L Community Dental Health II.pdf
DEH2806 Dental Hygiene 4.pdf
DEH2806L Dental Hygiene Clinic 4.pdf
DEH2808 Dental Hygiene Practice Management and Leadership.pdf
DEH2808L Dental Hygiene 5 Clinic.pdf
DEH2810L Interprofessional Practice and Education Lab.pdf
DEP2000 Human Growth and Development.pdf
DEP2100 Child Growth & Development.pdf
DEP2402 Psychology of Adulthood and Aging.pdf
DEP2481 Death Attitudes and Life Affirmation.pdf
DES0021 Dental Anatomy.pdf
DES0103 Dental Materials.pdf
DES0103L Dental Materials Lab.pdf
DES0205 Dental Radiology.pdf
DES0205L Dental Radiology Lab.pdf
DES0206 Dental Radiology II.pdf
DES0206L Dental Radiology II Lab.pdf
DES0501 Dental Practice Management.pdf
DES0602 Pharmacology Dental Office Emergencies.pdf
DES0830 Expanded Functions Theory.pdf
DES0830L Expanded Functions Lab.pdf
DES1200 Dental Radiology.pdf
DES1200L Dental Radiology Laboratory.pdf
DES1600 Dental Office Emergencies.pdf
DES2100 Dental Materials and Sprecialities.pdf
DES2100L Dental Materials and Specialities Lab.pdf
DIG1111 Digital Character Design.pdf
DIG1132 Digital Art and Design.pdf
DIG1302 3D Modeling.pdf
DIG1430 Storyboarding.pdf
DIG1437 Narrative Storytelling.pdf
DIG1710 Introduction to Game Development.pdf
DIG1729C Game Engines.pdf
DIG1772C Introduction to Virtual & Augmented Reality Technologies.pdf
DIG2113 Post Production & Editing.pdf
DIG2304 Character Animation 3.pdf
DIG2318 Animation Studio 1.pdf
DIG2319 Animation Studio 2.pdf
DIG2370 Character Modeling & Rigging.pdf
DIG2391C Animation Studio 3.pdf
DIG2396C Motion Capture.pdf
DIG2625 Network Programming for Game Development.pdf
DIG2626 Artificial Intelligence for Game Dev.pdf
DIG2712 Level Building & Design.pdf
DIG2717C Game Systems Design.pdf
DIG2771 3D Programming 2 Virtual Reality.pdf
DIG2776C Virtual Reality Platform Development.pdf
DIG2777C Augmented Reality Platform Development.pdf
DIG2790 Texturing & Environment Design.pdf
DIG3255C Advanced Sound Design.pdf
DIG3347C Advanced Cinematography.pdf
DIG3940 Upper Division Internship.pdf
DIG4345C Digital FX & Composition.pdf
DSC1002 Terrorism.pdf
DSC1006 Introduction to Homeland Security.pdf
DSC1590 Introduction to Intelligence Studies.pdf
DSC1700 Introduction to Emergency Management.pdf
DSC2242 Transportation and Border Security.pdf
DSC2501 Effective Communication Skills for Security Professionals.pdf
DSC2590 Intelligence Analysis and Security Management.pdf
DSC4012 Terrorism.pdf
DSC4014 Domestic and International Terrorism.pdf
DSC4214 Catastrophic Event Response Planning.pdf
DSC4215 Emergency Planning and Security Measures.pdf
^ Top
EAB1001 Foundation in Registered Behavior Technician.pdf
EAP0100 Speech Listening 1.pdf
EAP0100L Speech Listening 1 Lab.pdf
EAP0120 Reading Level 1.pdf
EAP0140 Writing Level 1.pdf
EAP0140L Writing Level 1 Lab.pdf
EAP0160 Grammar Level 1.pdf
EAP0200 Speech-Listening Level 2.pdf
EAP0200L Speech-Listening Level 2 Lab.pdf
EAP0220 Reading Level 2.pdf
EAP0240 Writing Level 2.pdf
EAP0240L Writing Level 2 Lab.pdf
EAP0260 Grammar Level 2.pdf
EAP0300 Speech Listening Level 3.pdf
EAP0300L Speech Listening Level 3 Lab.pdf
EAP0320 Reading Level 3.pdf
EAP0340 Writing Level 3.pdf
EAP0340L Writing Level 3 Lab.pdf
EAP0360 Grammar Level 3.pdf
EAP0385 Intermedia 1- Integrated Writing & Grammar.pdf
EAP0386 Intermediate 1 - Integrated Reading, Speech & Listening.pdf
EAP0400 Speech-Listening Level 4.pdf
EAP0400L Speech-Listening Level 4 Lab.pdf
EAP0420 Reading Level 4.pdf
EAP0440 Writing Level 4.pdf
EAP0440L Writing Level 4 Lab.pdf
EAP0460 Grammar Level 4.pdf
EAP0485 Intermediate 2 - Integrated Writing & Grammar.pdf
EAP0486 Intermediate 2 - Integrated Reading, Speech & Listening.pdf
EAP0493 Accelerated Intermediate Speech and Grammar.pdf
EAP0494 Accelerated Intermediate Reading and Writing.pdf
EAP1500 Speech-Listening Level 5.pdf
EAP1500L Speech-Listening Level 5 Lab.pdf
EAP1501 Accent Reduction 1.pdf
EAP1501L Accent Reduction 1 Lab.pdf
EAP1502 Accent Reduction 2.pdf
EAP1502L Accent Reduction 2 Lab.pdf
EAP1520 Reading Level 5.pdf
EAP1540 Writing Level 5.pdf
EAP1540L Writing Level 5 Lab.pdf
EAP1560 Grammar Level 5.pdf
EAP1581 Advanced 1 Combines Skills - Content-Based English.pdf
EAP1585 Advanced 1- Integrated Writing & Grammar.pdf
EAP1586 Advanced 1 - Integrated Reading, Speech & Listening.pdf
EAP1600 Speech-Listening Level 6.pdf
EAP1600L Speech-Listening Level 6 Lab.pdf
EAP1620 Reading Level 6.pdf
EAP1640 Writing Level 6.pdf
EAP1640L Writing Level 6 Lab.pdf
EAP1660 Grammar Level 6.pdf
EAP1683 Combined Accelerated Advanced Reading-Writing Level 6.pdf
EAP1685 Advanced 2 - Integrated Writing & Grammar.pdf
EAP1686 Advanced 2 - Integrated Reading, Speech & Listening.pdf
EAP1689 Combined Accelerated Advanced Speech, Listening and Grammar Level 6.pdf
ECC2224 Emergent Literacy through the Use of Children's literature.pdf
ECO2013 Principles of Economics (Macro).pdf
ECO2023 Principles of Economics (Micro).pdf
ECO2301 History of Economics Ideas and Their Consequences.pdf
EDE1040 Preparation for English Language Skills Test.pdf
EDE1044 GKT Preparation for Reading Test.pdf
EDE1045 GKT Preparation for Mathematics Test.pdf
EDE1046 GKT Preparation for Essay Test.pdf
EDF1005 Introduction to the Teaching Profession.pdf
EDF2085 Intro to Diversity.pdf
EDF2130 Human Development and Learning for Educators.pdf
EDF2144 Maximizing Student Potential in the School Context.pdf
EDF3115 Child Development for Inclusive Settings.pdf
EDF3410 Classroom Mgt & Com K-12.pdf
EDF4430 Measurement and Assessment in Education.pdf
EDF4433 Data-Driven Instructional Change.pdf
EDF4991 Brain-Based Teaching Reading and the Brain.pdf
EDF4993 Brain-Based Teaching The Bilingual Brain.pdf
EDF4994 Brain-Based Teaching Mathematics-and-the-Brain.pdf
EDG2311 Substitute Training.pdf
EDG2313 General Teaching Skills for Temporary Instructors.pdf
EDG2319 Introduction to Mindfulness in Education.pdf
EDG2413 Effective Classroom Management for Temporaty Instructors.pdf
EDG2700 Introduction to Multicultural Education.pdf
EDG2704 Teaching the Holocaust.pdf
EDG2943 Educational Service Field Work.pdf
EDG3321 General Teaching Skills.pdf
EDG3410 Classroom Management and Communication for P-12 Teachers.pdf
EDG3443 Classroom and Behavior Management.pdf
EDG4045 Civic Engagement through Service Learning.pdf
EDG4343 Instructional Strategies for P-12 Teachers.pdf
EDG4376 Integrating Language Arts and Social Sciences.pdf
EDS4940 Clinical Supervision for Educators.pdf
EEC1000 Introduction to Early Childhood Education.pdf
EEC1200 Early Childhood Curriculum 1.pdf
EEC1308 Classrooms for All Young Children.pdf
EEC1311 Early Childhood Curriculum 2.pdf
EEC1522 Infant and Toddler Environments .pdf
EEC1540 Legal Issues for Childcare Center Owners.pdf
EEC1541 Financial Management for Childcare Center Owners.pdf
EEC1542 Marketing for Childcare Center Owners.pdf
EEC1713 Helping All Young Children Become Independent Learners.pdf
EEC1752 Knowing and Understanding All Young Children.pdf
EEC1753 Observing and Assessing All Young Children.pdf
EEC2002 Operation of an Early Childhood Facility.pdf
EEC2201 Developing Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers.pdf
EEC2202 Early Childhood Curricula.pdf
EEC2221 Curriculum High-Scope Approach.pdf
EEC2224 Emergent Literacy through the Use of Children's literature.pdf
EEC2225 Creative Arts for Preschool Education.pdf
EEC2230 Science for Young Children.pdf
EEC2271 Working with Young Children with Special Needs and their families.pdf
EEC2302 Early Childhood Comprehension.pdf
EEC2324 Mathematics for Young Children.pdf
EEC2401 Family Interaction and Cultural Continuity through Literacy.pdf
EEC2407 Facilitating Social Development.pdf
EEC2520 Early Childhood Organizational Leadership and Management.pdf
EEC2523 Programing and Management for Early Childhood Administrators.pdf
EEC2527 Legal & Financial Issues in Child Care.pdf
EEC2601 Observation and Assessment In Early Childhood.pdf
EEC3211 Science, Technology, and Mathematics (STEM) Methods for ECE I.pdf
EEC3212 Language, Literature, and Emergent Literacy.pdf
EEC3213 Language, Literature, and Emergent Literacy.pdf
EEC3301 General Teaching Methods for Early Childhood Education.pdf
EEC3412 Family and Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Education.pdf
EEC3613 Observation and Assessment of Young Children.pdf
EEC4219C Science Technology and Mathematics STEM Methods for ECE II.pdf
EEC4268 Practicum in Early Childhood Education.pdf
EEC4936 Student Teaching Seminar I- ECE.pdf
EEC4936C Student Teaching Seminar II-ECE.pdf
EEC4940 Internship in Early Childhood Education I.pdf
EEC4940C Internship in Early Childhood Education II.pdf
EET1015C Direct Current Circuits.pdf
EET1025C Alternating Current Circuits.pdf
EET1033C Electrical Fundamentals.pdf
EET1037C Electronic Computer Simulations.pdf
EET1082 Introduction to Electronics.pdf
EET1141C Electronics 1.pdf
EET2101C Electronics 2.pdf
EET2323C Analog Communications.pdf
EET2351C Digital & Data Communications.pdf
EET2515C Motors and Generators.pdf
EET2527C Motor Starters, Controllers, and Breakers.pdf
EET2547C Transformers and Power Distribution.pdf
EET3716C Advanced Systems Analysis.pdf
EET4158C Linear Integrated Circuits and Devices.pdf
EET4165C Senior Design 1.pdf
EET4166C Senior Design 2.pdf
EET4730C Feedback Control Systems.pdf
EET4732C Signals and Systems.pdf
EEV0162 Low Voltage Technician 1.pdf
EEV0163 Low Voltage Technician 2.pdf
EEV0164 Low Voltage Technician 3.pdf
EEV0165 Low Voltage Technician 4.pdf
EEV0166 Low Voltage Technician 5.pdf
EEV0554 Networking Essentials.pdf
EEX2000 Introduction to Special Education.pdf
EEX2010 Teaching Exceptional Children for Temporary Instructors.pdf
EEX2776 The Challenged Citizen in the Workplace.pdf
EEX3071 Teaching Exceptional and Diverse Populations in Inclusive Settings.pdf
EEX3120 Language Development and Communication Disorders.pdf
EEX3201 Young Children with Special Needs.pdf
EEX3226 Assessment of All Young Children.pdf
EEX3603 Positive Behavior Supports in Inclusive Settings.pdf
EEX4012 Introduction to Brain-Based Teaching Strategies.pdf
EEX4024 Legal Issues for Working with Students with Exceptionalities.pdf
EEX4034 Introduction to Special Education.pdf
EEX4094 Nature and Needs of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.pdf
EEX4200C Medical Needs of Students with Exceptionalities.pdf
EEX4221 Assessment in Special Education.pdf
EEX4232 Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders.pdf
EEX4264 Curriculum and Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities K-5.pdf
EEX4265 Curriculum and Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities 6-12.pdf
EEX4294 Differentiated Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms.pdf
EEX4601 Effective Behavioral Practices & Interventions in Exceptional Student Education.pdf
EEX4613 Behavior Supports and Management for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.pdf
EEX4614 Conflict Resolution.pdf
EEX4761 Assistive Technology and Communication Systems for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.pdf
EEX4833 Practicum in Exceptional Student Education.pdf
EEX4930 Seminar in Special Education.pdf
EEX4931 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders.pdf
EEX4932 Advanced Topics in Exceptional Student.pdf
EEX4940 Internship in Special Education.pdf
EEX4992 Brain-Based Teaching-The Exceptional Brain.pdf
EGI4010 Introduction to Gifted and Talented Education.pdf
EGI4050 Nature and Needs of Gifted Students.pdf
EGI4230 Curriculum Education Strategy for Gifted Students.pdf
EGI4244 Educating Special Populations of Gifted Students.pdf
EGI4301 Theory and Development of Creativity.pdf
EGI4410 Guidance and Counseling of Gifted Students.pdf
EGN1008C Introduction to Engineering.pdf
EGN1949 Co-Operative Work Experience.pdf
EGN2200 Computer Applications in Engineering.pdf
EGN2312 Engineering Mechanics - Statics with Vectors.pdf
EGN2322 Engineering Mechanics Dynamics.pdf
EGN2949 Co-Op Work Experience 2.pdf
EGN2990 Co-Operative Work Experience 3.pdf
EGS1010 Applied Research Methods.pdf
EME2040 Creativity Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Learner.pdf
EME2071 Educating Young Children for Digital Literacy in the 21st Century.pdf
EME2XXX Educating Young Children for Digital Literacy in the 21st Century.pdf
EME4610 Introduction to Instructional Design.pdf
EME4611 Instructional Design Development 1.pdf
EME4612 Instructional Design Development II.pdf
EME4671 Instructional Design Analysis.pdf
EME4683 Instructional Design Application.pdf
EMS0110 Emergency Medical Technician.pdf
EMS1059 Emergency Medical Responder.pdf
EMS1059L Emergency Medical Responder Laboratory.pdf
EMS1119 Emergency Medical Technician.pdf
EMS1119L Emergency Medical Technician Lab and Clinic.pdf
EMS1431 EMT Hospital-Field Experience.pdf
EMS2311 Emergency Medical Operations.pdf
EMS2601 Paramedic Lecture 1.pdf
EMS2601L Paramedic Laboratory 1.pdf
EMS2602 Paramedic Lecture 2.pdf
EMS2602L Paramedic Laboratory 2.pdf
EMS2659 EMS-Field Internship and Conference.pdf
EMS2664 Paramedic Clinic 1.pdf
EMS2665 Paramedic Clinic 2.pdf
ENC0015 Developmental Writing I.pdf
ENC0025 Writing II.pdf
ENC0027 Introduction to College Writing Through Reading.pdf
ENC0056 Developmental Writing Module.pdf
ENC1101 English Composition 1.pdf
ENC1102 English Composition 2.pdf
ENC1112 Essential Elements of English Grammar.pdf
ENC1113 Writing Skills Review.pdf
ENC2300 Advanced Composition and Communication.pdf
ENG2012 Literary Theory.pdf
ENL2012 English Literature 1.pdf
ENL2022 English Literature 2.pdf
ENT1501 Fundamentals of Changemaking and Social.pdf
ENT2201 Introduction to Lean Start-Up.pdf
ENT2212 Entrepreneurial Leadership.pdf
ENT2270 Family Business Management.pdf
ENT2421 Funding Your Venture.pdf
ENT2502 Starting and Growing a Social Venture.pdf
ENT2511 Evaluating Social Impact.pdf
ENT2612 Creativity, Innovation and Human Centered Design.pdf
EPI0001 Classroom Management.pdf
EPI0002 Instructional Strategies.pdf
EPI0003 Technology.pdf
EPI0004 The Teaching & Learning Process.pdf
EPI0010 Foundations of Research Based Practices in Reading.pdf
EPI0020 Professional Foundations.pdf
EPI0030 Diversity.pdf
EPI0940 Field Experience II.pdf
EPI0945 Field Experience I.pdf
ESC1000 General Education Earth Science.pdf
ETC2450 Concrete Construction.pdf
ETD1110 Technical Drawing 1.pdf
ETD1340 Computer Aided Drawing & Design.pdf
ETD1542 Structural Drafting.pdf
ETI1000 Industrial Plant Tools and Equipment.pdf
ETI1040 Introduction to Bioscience Manufacturing.pdf
ETI1040L Introduction to Bioscience Manufacturing Lab.pdf
ETI1152C Mechanical Measurement and Instrumentation.pdf
ETI1172 Introduction to Quality Assurance.pdf
ETI1622 Concepts of Lean and Six Sigma.pdf
ETI1644 Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain.pdf
ETI1701 Industrial Safety.pdf
ETI1805C Introduction to Rigging and Lifting.pdf
ETI2315C Fluid-Pneumatic Instrumentation.pdf
ETI2404 Advanced Manufactoring Technology.pdf
ETI2408C Welding Processes.pdf
ETI2425C Metallurgical Properties and Dynamics.pdf
ETI2451C Mechanical Maintenance for Power Plants.pdf
ETI2670 Engineering Economic Analysis.pdf
ETI3671 Technical Economic Analysis.pdf
ETI4480C Applied Robotics.pdf
ETM1315C Applied Pneumatics and Hydraulics.pdf
ETM2310 Fluid Mechanics.pdf
ETP1200 Power Plant Science.pdf
ETP1220 Power Plant Fundamentals.pdf
ETP1230 Power Plant Systems.pdf
ETP2040C Electric Power Distribution.pdf
ETP2201 Reactor Theory for Nuclear Operations.pdf
ETP2202 Fundamentals of Reactor Energy Principles.pdf
ETP2231C Power Plant Machines & Components 1.pdf
ETP2232C Power Plant Machines and Components 2.pdf
ETP2233 Power Plant Components for Operations 1.pdf
ETP2234 Power Plant Components for Operations 2.pdf
ETP2410C Design, Installation and Operation of Solar PV Systems.pdf
ETP2501C Introduction to Alternative and Renewable Energy.pdf
ETP3240 Power Systems.pdf
ETP3320 Introduction to Renewable Energy Technology.pdf
ETS1603C Introduction to Robotics.pdf
ETS2520C Process Measurement Fundamentals.pdf
ETS2530C Process Control Technology.pdf
ETS2542C Programmable Logic Controllers 1.pdf
ETS2544C Programmable Logic Controllers 2.pdf
ETS2632C Computer Integrated Manufacturing.pdf
ETS2673C Programmable Logic Controls.pdf
ETS3543C Programmable Logic Controllers.pdf
EUH2032 History of the Holocaust.pdf
EUH2068 History of Russia from 1917.pdf
EVR1001 Introduction to Environmental Science.pdf
EVR1001L Introduction to Environmental Science Lab.pdf
^ Top
FES4003 Public Policy in Emergency Management.pdf
FES4823 Integrated Emergency Management Planning Systems.pdf
FFP0021 Fire Fighter Minimum Standards.pdf
FFP0077 First Responder.pdf
FFP1000 Introduction to Fire Science.pdf
FFP1301 Fire Service Hydraulics.pdf
FFP1302 Apparatus Operations.pdf
FFP1505 Fire Prevention Practices.pdf
FFP1510 Codes and Standards.pdf
FFP1540 Private Fire Protection Systems 1.pdf
FFP1740 Fire Service Course Delivery.pdf
FFP1810 Firefighting Tactics & Strategy 1.pdf
FFP2120 Building Construction for the Fire Service.pdf
FFP2521 Construction Documents and Plans Review.pdf
FFP2720 Company Officer.pdf
FFP2741 Fire Service Course Design.pdf
FFP2811 Firefighting Tactics & Strategies 2.pdf
FIL1030 History of Film.pdf
FIL1055 American Idependent Film.pdf
FIL1060 Survey of Documentary Film.pdf
FIL1100 Screenwriting 1- Understanding Dramatic Structure.pdf
FIL1420C Film Production 1- Introduction to the Filmmaking Process.pdf
FIL1431C Film Production 2- Basic Cinematography and Sound.pdf
FIL2131 Screenwriting 2-Character Development and Advanced Story Structure.pdf
FIL2413 Screenwriting 3.pdf
FIL2480C Film Production 3 Directing.pdf
FIL2515C Film Production 4 Producing the Short Film.pdf
FIL2552C Editing Level 1 Introduction to Editing.pdf
FIL2553C Editing Level 2 Intermediate Editing and Visual Effects.pdf
FIL2560C Editing Level 3 Advanced Editing Color Correction and Finishing.pdf
FIL2572C Advanced Video Post Production.pdf
FIL2611 Film Business Marketing Distribution & Exhibition.pdf
FIL2945 Film Internship.pdf
FIL2949 Co-op Work Experience 2 - FIL.pdf
FIL2951 Film Festival Experience.pdf
FIL3602 Production Management.pdf
FIL3651 Business Proposals for Film & Television.pdf
FIL4164 Advanced Writing for Film and Television.pdf
FIL4585C Production Workshop 1.pdf
FIL4586C Production Workshop 2.pdf
FIN1930 Special Topic Seminar.pdf
FIN2000 Principles of Finance.pdf
FIN2010 Investments in Stocks and Bonds.pdf
FIN2031 Risk Management and Compliance.pdf
FIN2032 Fundamentals of Wealth Management Institutions Markets and Products.pdf
FIN2051 International Financial Management.pdf
FIN2100 Personal Finance.pdf
FIN2642 Financial Analysis and Valuation.pdf
FIN3400 Financial for Non-Financial Managers.pdf
FIN3403 Financial Management.pdf
FIN4303 Financial Markets and Institutions.pdf
FOS2203 Safety and Sanitation.pdf
FOT2220 Localization and Project Management.pdf
FOT2701 Simultaneous Conference Interpretation.pdf
FOT2802 Introduction to Translation.pdf
FOT2821 Introduction to Interpretation.pdf
FOT2822 Court Interpreting Skills.pdf
FOT2823 Consecutive Interpretation.pdf
FOT2824 Simultaneous Interpretation Strategies.pdf
FOT2825 Computer Assisted Translation 1.pdf
FOT2826 Legal Translation.pdf
FOT2827 Medical Translation.pdf
FOT2828 Medical Interpretation.pdf
FOT2829 Financial and Business Translation.pdf
FOT2835 Court Interpretation Skills II.pdf
FOT2991 Introduction to Interpretation Theory.pdf
FOT2992 Introduction to Medical Interpreting Skills.pdf
FOT2993 Cross Cultural Communication for Interpreters.pdf
FOT2994 Ethics for Medical Interpretation.pdf
FRE1120 Elementary French 1.pdf
FRE1121 Elementary French 2.pdf
FRE2220 Intermediate French 1.pdf
FRE2221 Intermediate French 2.pdf
FRW2011 Selected Readings in French Literature 2.pdf
FSE1000 Introduction into Funeral Service.pdf
FSE1080 Funeral Law.pdf
FSE1105 Funeral Service Chemistry.pdf
FSE2060 Funeral Directing.pdf
FSE2061 Funeral Services Counseling & Ethics.pdf
FSE2100 Embalming 1.pdf
FSE2100L Embalming 1 Laboratory.pdf
FSE2106 Funeral Service Microbiology.pdf
FSE2120C Restorative Art.pdf
FSE2140 Embalming 2.pdf
FSE2140L Embalming 2 Laboratory.pdf
FSE2160 Funeral Service Pathology.pdf
FSE2200 Funeral Service Accounting.pdf
FSE2201 Funeral Home Operations.pdf
FSE2202 Funeral Home Management.pdf
FSE2203C Funeral Home Applications.pdf
FSE2930L Funeral Service Professional Review.pdf
FSE2932 Funeral Science Professional Review 2.pdf
FSS1100 Foodservice Purchasing.pdf
FSS1200 Culinary Terminology and Procedures.pdf
FSS1202C Food Production 1.pdf
FSS1202L Food Production 1.pdf
FSS1204C Food Production 2.pdf
FSS1204L Food Production 2.pdf
FSS1246C Basic Baking.pdf
FSS1801 Culinary Sustainability and Practices.pdf
FSS2205C Food Production 3.pdf
FSS2205L Food Production 3.pdf
FSS2242C International Cuisines.pdf
FSS2248C Garde Manger.pdf
FSS2381 Culinary Management Practicum.pdf
FSS2381L Culinary Management Practicum.pdf
FSS2940 Culinary Management Externship.pdf
FSS2950L Culinary Competition.pdf
^ Top
GEB1000 Business Career Strategies.pdf
GEB1011 Principles of Business.pdf
GEB1432 Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Business.pdf
GEB1949 General Business Internship 1.pdf
GEB2100 Introduction to Business Analytics.pdf
GEB2112 Introduction to Entrepreneurship.pdf
GEB2350 Introduction to International Business.pdf
GEB2949 General Business Internship 2.pdf
GEB3213 Advanced Communications in Business.pdf
GEB3358 International Negotiations and Transactions.pdf
GEB3522 Applied Business Analytics.pdf
GEB4363 Import Export Management.pdf
GEO2420 Introduction to Cultural Geography.pdf
GER1120 Elementary German 1.pdf
GER1121 Elementary German 2.pdf
GER2220 Intermediate German 1.pdf
GER2221 Intermediate German 2.pdf
GIS1040 Introduction to GIS Technology.pdf
GIS2045 Intermediate GIS Technology.pdf
GIS2046 Advanced GIS Technology.pdf
GIS2047 Applications of GIS Technology.pdf
GLY1010 Physical Geology.pdf
GLY1010L Physical Geology Laboratory.pdf
GLY1100 Historical Geology.pdf
GLY1100L Historical Geology Laboratory.pdf
GLY4701C Geomorphology.pdf
GRA0430 Desktop Publishing.pdf
GRA0446 Principles of Typography.pdf
GRA0452 Halftone Processes for Graphic Arts.pdf
GRA0457 Color Electronic Scanning.pdf
GRA0465 Digital Graphic Painter.pdf
GRA0472 Offset Stripping 2.pdf
GRA0481 Paper in Graphics.pdf
GRA0840 Web Page Design One.pdf
GRA1111C Graphic Design Fundamentals.pdf
GRA1113C Visual Identity & Branding Design.pdf
GRA1206C Typography Fundamentals.pdf
GRA1280C Digital Imaging Fundamentals.pdf
GRA1750 Web Design Fundamentals.pdf
GRA1751 Fixed-Layout Web Design.pdf
GRA1752 Motion Graphics for Web Design.pdf
GRA1753 Motion Design I.pdf
GRA1754 Responsive Web Design.pdf
GRA1949 Co-Op Work Experience 1 GRA.pdf
GRA2117C Digital Illustration Fundamentals.pdf
GRA2121C Publication Design.pdf
GRA2151C Advanced Digital Illustration and Imaging.pdf
GRA2156C User Interface and Experience Design.pdf
GRA2162C Motion Design 2.pdf
GRA2168C Visual Effects & Compositing.pdf
GRA2190C Communication Design 1.pdf
GRA2191C Communication Design 2.pdf
GRA2203C Portfolio and Business Practices for Designers.pdf
GRA2207C Capstone Project.pdf
GRA2305C Special Topics in Graphic Design.pdf
GRA2545C Package Design.pdf
GRA2546C Advertising Design.pdf
GRA2727 Dynamic Web Design.pdf
GRA2755 Emerging Technologies for Multimedia Web Design.pdf
GRA2765C Digital Motion Graphics for Broadcast Design.pdf
GRA2949 Co-Op Work Experience 2 GRA.pdf
^ Top
HCW2020 Selected Reading in Haitian-Creole Literature 3.pdf
HFT1000 Introduction to Hospitality.pdf
HFT1210 Human Resources.pdf
HFT1212 Safety and Sanitation Management.pdf
HFT1220 Supervisory Development.pdf
HFT1300 Executive Housekeeping.pdf
HFT1454 Food and Beverage Cost Controls.pdf
HFT1841 Dining Room Service.pdf
HFT1852 Menu and Faculties Planning.pdf
HFT1949 Co-op Work-study Internships I.pdf
HFT2223 Training Skills and Development.pdf
HFT2241 Leadership and Quality Assurance Management.pdf
HFT2261 Restaurant Management.pdf
HFT2410 Front Office Procedures and Lodging Operations.pdf
HFT2421 Managerial Accounting for Hospitality.pdf
HFT2449 E-Business for the Hospitality Industry.pdf
HFT2500 Marketing of Hospitality Services.pdf
HFT2501 Hospitality Sales.pdf
HFT2750 Event and Meeting Management.pdf
HFT2772 Introduction to Cruise Line Industry.pdf
HFT2773 Cruise Line Sales and Marketing.pdf
HFT2774 Shipboard Operations.pdf
HFT2775 Shoreside Operations.pdf
HFT2800 Food and Beverage Management.pdf
HFT2949 Co-Op Work-Study Internships 2.pdf
HFT3263 Restaurant Management.pdf
HFT3603 Hospitality Law.pdf
HFT4064 Bar and Beverage Management.pdf
HFT4253 Hotel Management.pdf
HFT4468 Revenue Management.pdf
HFT4809 Food Service Management.pdf
HIM0009 Introduction to Health Information Technology.pdf
HIM1000 Introduction to Health Information Technology.pdf
HIM1110 Health Information Technology and Data Collection.pdf
HIM1110L Health Information Management Data Collection 1.pdf
HIM1300 Health Care Facility and Delivery Systems.pdf
HIM1800 Professional Practice Experience 1.pdf
HIM2012 Legal Aspects of Health Care.pdf
HIM2211C Health Information Technologies.pdf
HIM2214C Health Statistics.pdf
HIM2222 ICD Coding Systems.pdf
HIM2222L ICD Coding Systems Laboratory.pdf
HIM2234 Advanced Coding & Reimbursement Systems.pdf
HIM2234L Advanced Coding and Reimbursement Systems Laboratory.pdf
HIM2253C Current Procedural Terminology-CPT-4.pdf
HIM2400C Diversified Non-Hospital Health Records.pdf
HIM2433 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology.pdf
HIM2472 Medical Terminology.pdf
HIM2500 Data Management & Quality Assessment.pdf
HIM2500L Data Management and Quality Assessment Laboratory.pdf
HIM2512C Supervision and Organization for Health Information Management.pdf
HIM2652C Electronic Health Record.pdf
HIM2813 Professional Practice Experience.pdf
HIM2820 Seminar and Professional Practice Experience 3.pdf
HLP1080 Wellness.pdf
HLP1081 Fitness & Wellness for Life.pdf
HLP1083 Weight Management.pdf
HOS1010 Horticulture 1.pdf
HOS1011 Horticulture 2.pdf
HOS2005 Hydroponic Systems.pdf
HSA1102 Current Issues in Health.pdf
HSA1380 Health Care Quality Management.pdf
HSA2001 Interprofessional Team Based Health Care.pdf
HSA2181 Health Services Management Concepts.pdf
HSA2532 Medical Documentation in Health Car.pdf
HSA3533 Medical Documentation in Health Care II.pdf
HSC0003 Introduction to Health Care.pdf
HSC0003L Introduction to Healthcare Lab.pdf
HSC1149 General Pharmacology for Health Care Professions.pdf
HSC2060 Artificial Intelligence Applications in Healthcare.pdf
HSC2400 Basic Emergency Care.pdf
HSC2401 Instructor's Training First Aid & CPR.pdf
HSC2810 Professional Practice Experience.pdf
HSC3057 Introduction to Research Methods in Health Care.pdf
HSC3202 Introduction to Public Health.pdf
HSC3243 Introduction to Research Methods in Health Care.pdf
HSC3655 Theoretical Foundations of Health Care Ethics.pdf
HSC3701 Leadership and Management in Healthcare.pdf
HSC4942 Communication Service Learning Practicum.pdf
HUM1020 Humanities.pdf
HUM2513 Arts and Humanities.pdf
HUN1012 Nutritional Counseling.pdf
HUN1201 Essentials of Human Nutrition.pdf
HUS1001 Introduction to Human Services.pdf
HUS1302 Basic Counseling Skills.pdf
HUS1318 Domestic Abuse and Family Violence.pdf
HUS1421 Assessment and Treatment Planning in Addiction.pdf
HUS1423 Group Counseling Skills in Substances Abuse.pdf
HUS1428 Addiction Treatment Delivery Systems.pdf
HUS1440 Family Issues in Chemical Dependency.pdf
HUS1475 Addiction Counseling and the Law.pdf
HUS1480 HIV-AIDS and the Substance Abuser.pdf
HUS2303 Counseling Techniques.pdf
HUS2493 Addiction Counseling.pdf
HUS2500 Issues & Ethics in Human Services.pdf
HUS2820 Field Experience in Human Service.pdf
HUS2902 Directed Independent Study In Addiction Treatment.pdf
HUS2941 Human Services Addiction Counseling Practicum.pdf
^ Top
IDH1001 Honors Leadership Seminar 1.pdf
IDH1002 Honors Leadership Seminar 2.pdf
IDH2003 Honors Leadership Seminar 3.pdf
IDH2004 Honors Leadership Seminar 4.pdf
IDS1044 Leadership Seminar.pdf
IDS1107 Tools for Success.pdf
IDS1153 Earth Literacy and Sustainability 1.pdf
IDS2123 Leadership in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.pdf
IDS2124 Skills for Transfer Success.pdf
IND1020 Interior Design 1.pdf
IND1100 History of Interiors 1.pdf
IND1130 Hist of Interiors 2.pdf
IND1200 Interior Design 2.pdf
IND1300 Interior Design Presentations 1.pdf
IND2201 Design Principles for Kitchen and Bath.pdf
IND2210 Interior Design 3.pdf
IND2220 Interior Design 4.pdf
IND2330 Interior Design Presentations 2.pdf
IND2421 Introduction to Furniture Design.pdf
IND2430 Lighting Design.pdf
IND2500 Professional Practices.pdf
IND2608 Sustainable Design.pdf
INP2390 Psychology of Work.pdf
INR1949 Co-Op Work Experience 1.pdf
INR2002 International Relations.pdf
INR2440 International Law and Organization.pdf
INR2949 Co-Op Work Experience 2.pdf
INS2200 Introduction to Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies.pdf
INS2300 Global Environmental Politics.pdf
INS2310 Religion and Global Politics.pdf
INT1000 Interpreting Ethics and Professionalism.pdf
INT1202 Sign to Voice Interpreting.pdf
INT1240 Voice to Sign Interpreting.pdf
INT1400 Educational Interpreting.pdf
INT1480 Interpreting Special Settings & Populations.pdf
INT1941 Interpreting Internship.pdf
IPM2112 Principles of Entomology.pdf
IPM2301 Pesticide Applications.pdf
IPM2635 Introduction to Plant Pathology.pdf
ISC4534C Research in the Sciences 3.pdf
ISM4011 Management Information Systems.pdf
ISS1120 The Social Environment.pdf
ISS1161 The Individual in Society.pdf
ISS1301 Intro. to Social Research.pdf
ISS2270 Multicultural Communication and Relations.pdf
ITA1120 Elementary Italian 1.pdf
ITA1121 Elementary Italian 2.pdf
ITA2220 Intermediate Italian 1.pdf
ITA2221 Intermediate Italian 2.pdf
^ Top
JOU1100 Basic Reporting.pdf
JOU1946 Journalism Internship.pdf
JOU1949 Cooperative Work Experience 1.pdf
JOU2200 Editing and Makeup.pdf
JPN1120 Elementary Japanese 1.pdf
JPN1121 Elementary Japanese 2.pdf
JPN2220 Intermediate Japanese 1.pdf
JPN2221 Intermediate Japanese 2.pdf
^ Top
LAE4211 Methods and Resources for Literacy Development in the Young Children.pdf
LAH2021 Latin American History I.pdf
LAH2023 History of The Caribean.pdf
LAH2025 History of Cuba.pdf
LDE2000 Planting Design 1.pdf
LDE2310 Irrigation Design & Maintenance.pdf
LIN2011 Introduction to Linguistics.pdf
LIS1001 Information and Research.pdf
LIS2004 Strategies for Online Research.pdf
LIT2000 Introduction to Literature.pdf
LIT2090 Contemporary Literature.pdf
LIT2120 A Survey of World Literature.pdf
LIT2174 Literature of the Holocaust and Genocide.pdf
LIT2480 Issues in Literature & Culture.pdf
^ Top
MAC1105 College Algebra.pdf
MAC1105L College Algebra CO-Requisite Lab.pdf
MAC1106 Integrated College and Precalculus Algebra.pdf
MAC1114 Trigonometry.pdf
MAC1140 Pre-Calculus Algebra.pdf
MAC1147 Pre Calculus Algebra & Trigonometry .pdf
MAC2233 Business Calculus .pdf
MAC2311 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 1.pdf
MAC2312 Calculus & Analytical Geometry 2.pdf
MAC2313 Calculus & Analytical Geometry 3.pdf
MAD1100 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science.pdf
MAD2104 Discrete Mathematics.pdf
MAD3107 Discrete Structures.pdf
MAE3951 Project Based Learning in Mathematics Education.pdf
MAE4360 Methods of Teaching Mathematics.pdf
MAE4940 Advanced Topics in Mathematics Education Practicum.pdf
MAE4942 Seminar in Mathematics Education.pdf
MAE4945 Internship in Secondary Mathematics Education.pdf
MAN1949 Management Internship 1.pdf
MAN2021 Principles of Management.pdf
MAN2300 Human Resources Management.pdf
MAN2604 Managing in a Multi-Cultural Environment.pdf
MAN2920 Management Internship 2.pdf
MAN3025 Organization Management.pdf
MAN3065 Business Ethics.pdf
MAN3240 Organizational Behavior.pdf
MAN3301 Human Resource Management.pdf
MAN3322 Human Resources Information Systems .pdf
MAN3504 Production Operations and Logistics Management.pdf
MAN3506 Operations Management.pdf
MAN3554 Safety and Risk Management.pdf
MAN3562 Purchasing, Inventory and Warehouse Management.pdf
MAN3577 Procurement for Major Projects.pdf
MAN3578 Global Procurement Management.pdf
MAN3583 Project Management.pdf
MAN3731 Assessing and Managing Project Risk.pdf
MAN3786 Sustainable Enterprise Planning.pdf
MAN3888 Project Leadership.pdf
MAN4113 Managing in a Multifaceted Environment.pdf
MAN4120 Leadership Challenges and Supervision.pdf
MAN4162 Customer Relations for Managers.pdf
MAN4330 Compensation Management.pdf
MAN4335 Employee Benefit Planning.pdf
MAN4350 Professional Development.pdf
MAN4352 Effective Employee Training.pdf
MAN4361 Organizational Staffing.pdf
MAN4402 Employment Law and Regulation.pdf
MAN4520 Quality Management.pdf
MAN4523 Production Information Systems.pdf
MAN4552 Supply Chain Analytics & Decision Making.pdf
MAN4570 Purchasing for Industry.pdf
MAN4593 Supply Chain Management Theory & Methodology.pdf
MAN4597 Global Supply Chain Management.pdf
MAN4719 Challenges in the Digital Supply Chain.pdf
MAN4720 Strategic Management Decision Making.pdf
MAN4732 Business Intelligence for Supply Chain.pdf
MAN4741 Change and Innovation Management.pdf
MAN4887 Project Planning and Control Systems for Supply Chain Management.pdf
MAN4894 Applied Case Studies in Management.pdf
MAN4900 Capstone Project in Supervision and Management.pdf
MAN4940 Field Study and Research.pdf
MAN4941 Management Internship.pdf
MAP2302 Introduction Differential Equations.pdf
MAR1011 Principles of Marketing.pdf
MAR1440 Fundamentals of Negotiations.pdf
MAR1502 Sales and Consumer Behavior.pdf
MAR1720 Marketing in a Digital World.pdf
MAR1930 Introduction to Salesforce Marketing Cloud.pdf
MAR1931 Fundamentals to Social Media and Search Engine Marketing.pdf
MAR1932 Email Marketing Fundamentals.pdf
MAR1933 Fundamentals of Marketing Analytics.pdf
MAR2101 Social Media Marketing.pdf
MAR2150 International Marketing.pdf
MAR2419 Technology in Sales.pdf
MAR2520 Hispanic Marketing Communications.pdf
MAR2703 Marketing Content Branding and Strategy.pdf
MAR2704 Marketing Web Analytics.pdf
MAR2935 Fundamentals of Google Analytics.pdf
MAR2952 Digital Marketing Capstone.pdf
MAR3325 Digital Advertising.pdf
MAR3803 Marketing for Managers.pdf
MAR4203 Supply Chain Marketing.pdf
MAR4233 Social Media Marketing Application.pdf
MAR4327 Search Engine Optimization SEO and Search Engine Marketing SEM.pdf
MAR4674 Marketing Analytics.pdf
MAR4721 Digital Marketing Strategy.pdf
MAR4860 Customer Relationship Management.pdf
MAS2103 Elementary Linear Algebra.pdf
MAS3105 Linear Algebra.pdf
MAS3301 Algebraic Structures.pdf
MAS4203 Number Theory.pdf
MAT0018 Developmental Math 1.pdf
MAT0022 Developmental Math.pdf
MAT0022C Developmental Math C.pdf
MAT0028 Developmental Math 2.pdf
MAT0029 Developmental Mathematics for Statistics.pdf
MAT0057 Developmental Mathematics.pdf
MAT1033 Intermediate Algebra.pdf
MAT1033L Intermediate Algebra Recitation Hall.pdf
MCB2010 Microbiology.pdf
MCB2010L Microbiology Laboratory.pdf
MCB3023 Principles of Microbiology.pdf
MCB3023L Principles of Microbiology Lab.pdf
MCB4503 Virology.pdf
MEA0204 Theoretical Aspects of Clinical Skills.pdf
MEA0204L Application of Clinical Skills.pdf
MEA0231 Anatomy and Physiology and Medical Terminology.pdf
MEA0234 Pathophysiology & Disease for Medical Assistants.pdf
MEA0242 Pharmacology for the Medical Assistant.pdf
MEA0254 Physician Office Laboratory Procedures.pdf
MEA0254L Physician Office Laboratory Procedure Applications.pdf
MEA0258 Radiology for the Medical Assistant.pdf
MEA0322 Office Management and Professional Issues.pdf
MEA0334C Medical Coding Insurance Billing with Collections.pdf
MEA0343 Computers in the Medical Office.pdf
MEA0540 Electrocardiography-Emergency Procedures.pdf
MEA0802 Clinical Externship for the Medical Assistant.pdf
MEA0810 Administrative Externship for the Medical Assistant.pdf
MEA0832 Diagnostic Externship in Medical Assistant.pdf
MET1010 Introduction to Weather.pdf
MET1010L Introduction to Weather Laboratory.pdf
MGF1130 Mathematical Thinking.pdf
MGF1131 Mathematics in Context.pdf
MHF4404 History of Mathematics.pdf
MKA1021 Fundamentals of Selling.pdf
MKA1022 Relationship Selling and Sales Strategies.pdf
MKA1160 Customer Relationship Management.pdf
MKA1161 Introduction to Customer Service.pdf
MKA1511 Principles of Advertising and Copywriting.pdf
MKA2024 Organizational Sales Management.pdf
MLS3150 Special Topics in Medical Laboratory Sciences.pdf
MLS4181C Immunohisochemistry.pdf
MLS4193 Clinical Molecular Diagnostics.pdf
MLS4195C Enzyme Histochemistry.pdf
MLS4196C Insitu Hybridization or FISH.pdf
MLS4198 Immunohistochemistry Clinical Concentration.pdf
MLS4221 Clinical Urinalysis.pdf
MLS4306 Clinical Hematology.pdf
MLS4335 Clinical Hemostasis.pdf
MLS4461 Clinical Diagnostic Microbiology.pdf
MLS4461C Clinical Diagnostic Microbiology.pdf
MLS4506 Clinical Immunology.pdf
MLS4552 Clinical Immunohematology.pdf
MLS4621 Clinical Biochemistry.pdf
MLS4630 Clinical Chemistry.pdf
MLS4705 Laboratory Operations and Management.pdf
MLS4910 Advances in Histotechnology Capstone.pdf
MLT0041 Phlebotomy Theory.pdf
MLT0048 Phlebotomy Practicum.pdf
MLT0061 Practical Aspects of Phlebotomy.pdf
MLT1040L Introduction To Medical Laboratory Technology.pdf
MLT1191 Histotechnology 1.pdf
MLT1191L Histotechnology 1 Lab.pdf
MLT1195C Tissue Identification 1.pdf
MLT1196 Laboratory Safety and Regulations.pdf
MLT1210C Clinical Urinalysis With Lab.pdf
MLT1300 Clinical Hematology.pdf
MLT1300L Clinical Hematology Laboratory.pdf
MLT1330 Clinical Coagulation.pdf
MLT1330L Clinical Coagulation Lab.pdf
MLT1500 Clinical Immunology - Serology.pdf
MLT1500L Clinical Immunology - Serology Laboratory.pdf
MLT1610 Clinical Chemistry 1.pdf
MLT1610L Clinical Chemistry 1 Laboratory.pdf
MLT1752 Quality Control Laboratory Mathematics.pdf
MLT1840L Histotechnology Practicum 1.pdf
MLT2180C Infectious Diseases and Control Practices.pdf
MLT2192 Histotechnology 2.pdf
MLT2192L Histotechnology 2 Lab.pdf
MLT2197C Tissue Identification 2.pdf
MLT2198 Histochemistry.pdf
MLT2198L Histochemistry Lab.pdf
MLT2403 Clinical Microbiology 2.pdf
MLT2403L Clinical Microbiology Lab 2.pdf
MLT2440 Clinical Microbiology 1.pdf
MLT2440L Clinical Microbiology Lab 1.pdf
MLT2525 Immunohematology.pdf
MLT2525L Immunohematology Laboratory.pdf
MLT2620 Clinical Chemistry 2.pdf
MLT2620L Clinical Chemistry 2 Laboratory.pdf
MLT2624L Special Techniques in Clinical Chemistry.pdf
MLT2807L Hospital Practicum - Immunohematology.pdf
MLT2809L Hospital Practicum - Hematology.pdf
MLT2810L Hospital Practicum - Chemistry.pdf
MLT2811L Hospital Practicum - Microbiology.pdf
MLT2841L Histotechnology Practicum 2.pdf
MLT2930 Medical Laboratory Technology Seminar.pdf
MLT2931 Hitotechnology Seminar.pdf
MMC2000 Introduction to Mass Communications.pdf
MNA1130 Business for Financial Services.pdf
MNA1345 Efective Supervision.pdf
MNA2120 Human Relations in Business.pdf
MSL001 First Year Basic Army ROTC.pdf
MSL1002 First Year Basic Army ROTC.pdf
MSL2101 Second Year Basic Army ROTC.pdf
MSL2102 Second Year Basic Army ROTC.pdf
MSL3201 Leadership and Problem Solving.pdf
MSL3202 Leadership and Ethics.pdf
MSS0156 Anatomy & Physiology for Massage Therapy Lecture.pdf
MSS0156L Anatomy & Physiology for Massage Therapy Lab.pdf
MSS0215 History and Standards.pdf
MSS0250 Introduction to Massage Therapy Lecture.pdf
MSS0250L Introduction to Massage Therapy Lab.pdf
MSS0281 Allied Modalities.pdf
MSS0300 Hydrotherapy.pdf
MSS0300L Hydrotherapy Lab.pdf
MSS0803C Clinic Practicum.pdf
MTB1103 Business Mathematics.pdf
MTG3214 Euclidean Geometry.pdf
MUC1201 Composition 1.pdf
MUC1202 Composition 2.pdf
MUC2101 Composition Skills 3.pdf
MUC2102 Composition Skills 4.pdf
MUC2601 Introduction to Songwriting.pdf
MUC2617 Songwriting 2.pdf
MUE1430 Voice Techniques.pdf
MUE1440 String Techniques.pdf
MUH2111 Survey of Music History 1.pdf
MUH2112 Survey of Music History 2.pdf
MUL1010 Music Appreciation.pdf
MUL2380 Jazz and Popular Music in America.pdf
MUM1930 Introduction to DJ.pdf
MUM1949 Co-Op Work Experience 1.pdf
MUM2030 Commercial Music Performance.pdf
MUM2600 Sound Recording I.pdf
MUM2600L Sound Recording I Lab.pdf
MUM2601 Sound Recording II.pdf
MUM2601L Sound Recording II Lab.pdf
MUM2604 Multi-Track Mixdown Techniques.pdf
MUM2605 Multi-track Production Techniques.pdf
MUM2606 Multi-track Production Techniques.pdf
MUM2623C Midi Electronic Music Instruction.pdf
MUM2624C MIDI-Electronic Music 2.pdf
MUM2640L Multi-Track Mix Down Techniques.pdf
MUM2700 Music Business 1.pdf
MUM2702 Music Business 2 Career.pdf
MUM2703 Music Business 3-Computer.pdf
MUM2704 Music Business 4-Computer Applications.pdf
MUM2949 Co-Op Work Experience 2.pdf
MUN1120 Concert Band.pdf
MUN1210 Symphony Orchestra.pdf
MUN1310 College Choir.pdf
MUN1340 Chamber Singers.pdf
MUN1391 Gospel Ensemble.pdf
MUN1420 Chamber Music Woodwind Ensemble.pdf
MUN1430 Chamber Music Brass Ensemble.pdf
MUN1440 Percussion Ensemble.pdf
MUN1460 Chamber Music Strings and Mixed.pdf
MUN1480 Guitar Ensemble.pdf
MUN1710 Jazz Workshop.pdf
MUN1720 Vocal Jazz-Pop Ensemble.pdf
MUN2030 Performance Lab.pdf
MUN2341 Vocal Ensemble.pdf
MUN2410 String Ensemble.pdf
MUN2711 Jazz Ensemble.pdf
MUN2712 Studio Jazz.pdf
MUO1501 Opera Workshop.pdf
MUS1211 Diction in Singing 1.pdf
MUS1241 Diction in Singing 2.pdf
MUS1935 Piano Seminar.pdf
MUT1001 Fundamentals of Music Theory.pdf
MUT1003 Fundamentals of Music Theory Lab.pdf
MUT1111 Theory 1.pdf
MUT1112 Theory 2.pdf
MUT1241 Sight Singing and Ear Training 1 Year.pdf
MUT1242 Sight Singing and Ear Training 2 Year.pdf
MUT2116 Theory 3.pdf
MUT2117 Theory 4.pdf
MUT2238 Introduction to Jazz Keyboard Harmony.pdf
MUT2239 Jazz Keyboard Harmony 2.pdf
MUT2246 Sight Singing and Ear Training 2 Year.pdf
MUT2247 Sigth Singing and Ear Training 2.pdf
MUT2351 Introduction to Popular Music Arranging.pdf
MUT2352 Popular Music Arranging 2.pdf
MUT2641 Introduction to Jazz Improvisation 1.pdf
MUT2642 Jazz Improvisation 2.pdf
MVB, MVJ, MVK, MVO, MVP, MVS, MVV, MVW Secondary Instruments.pdf
MVB, MVJ, MVK, MVP, MVS, MVV, MVW Principal Instrument Music Pre-Applied Instruments.pdf
MVB, MVJ, MVK, MVP, MVS, MVV, MVW Principal Instrument.pdf
^ Top
NMT1002L Introduction to Nuclear Medicine Laboratory.pdf
NMT1312C Radiation Protection and Radiobiology.pdf
NMT1705C Nuclear Medicine Pre Clinical.pdf
NMT1713C Nuclear Medicine Methodology 1.pdf
NMT2102 Nuclear Medicine Administration.pdf
NMT2130C Nuclear Medicine Radiopharmacy.pdf
NMT2534C Instrumentation Quality Assurance and Control.pdf
NMT2613 Nuclear Medicine Physics and Mathematical Applications.pdf
NMT2723C Nuclear Medicine Methodology 2.pdf
NMT2733C Nuclear Medicine Methodology 3.pdf
NMT2779C Multi-Modalities and Cross Sectional Anatomy.pdf
NMT2804C Nuclear Medicine Clinic Practice & Conference 1.pdf
NMT2814C Nuclear Medicine Clinic Practice & Conference 2.pdf
NMT2824C Nuclear Medicine Clinic 3.pdf
NMT2834C Nuclear Medicine Clinical Education 4.pdf
NMT2932C Nuclear Medicine Seminar.pdf
NSG0080 Nursing Transitions.pdf
NSG0081 Concepts of Geriatrics and Pharmacology in Nursing.pdf
NSG0082 Psychiatric Nursing.pdf
NSG0083 Medical Nursing.pdf
NSG0084 Surgical Nursing.pdf
NSG0085 Pediatric Nursing.pdf
NSG0086 Obstetric Nursing.pdf
NSG0087 Professional Nursing.pdf
NSG0089 Senior Practicum Intensive.pdf
NSP3685 End-of-Life Nursing Care.pdf
NUR1002 Transition to Registered Nursing.pdf
NUR1002L Transition to Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical Lab.pdf
NUR1006 Health Care Professions to RN Transition.pdf
NUR1008 Transition to Medical Surgical.pdf
NUR1025 Fundamentals of Nursing.pdf
NUR1025C Fundamentals of Nursing Skills Lab.pdf
NUR1025L Fundamentals of Nursing Clinical Lab.pdf
NUR1060C Adult Health Assessment.pdf
NUR1141 Nursing Math & Pharmacology.pdf
NUR1211 Medical-Surgical Nursing.pdf
NUR1211L Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical Lab.pdf
NUR1214C Medical-Surgical Nursing Skills Lab.pdf
NUR2212 Advanced Medical-Surgical III.pdf
NUR2212L Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical III.pdf
NUR2220 Medical Surgical Nursing II.pdf
NUR2220L Medical Surgical Nursing II Clinical.pdf
NUR2310 Pediatric Nursing.pdf
NUR2310L Pediatric Nursing Clinical Lab.pdf
NUR2420 Obstetrical Nursing.pdf
NUR2420L Obstetrical Nursing Clinical Lab.pdf
NUR2520 Psychiatric Nursing.pdf
NUR2520L Psychiatric Nursing Clinical Lab.pdf
NUR2680L Community Health Nursing Lab.pdf
NUR2811C Professional Nursing Leadership.pdf
NUR2960 Senior Seminar.pdf
NUR3069 Advanced Health Assessment.pdf
NUR3125 Pathophysiology in Nursing Practice.pdf
NUR3165 Nursing Research.pdf
NUR3178 Complementary and Alternative Health Care.pdf
NUR3289 Fundamentals of Gerontology.pdf
NUR3674 Faith Based Community Nursing.pdf
NUR3805 Transition to Professional Nursing.pdf
NUR3826 Ethical Issues in Health Care and the Environment.pdf
NUR4146 Pharmacology for Nursing.pdf
NUR4636 Community Health Nursing .pdf
NUR4636L Community Health Nursing Practicum.pdf
NUR4667 Globalization of Nursing Practice.pdf
NUR4827 Leadership and Management Theory.pdf
NUR4945C Advanced Concepts Practicum.pdf
^ Top
OCB1010 Introduction to Marine Biology.pdf
OCB1010L Introduction to Marine Biology Laboratory.pdf
OCE1001 Introduction to Oceanography.pdf
OCP3002 Survey of Oceanography.pdf
OCP3002L Survey of Oceanography Laboratory.pdf
OPT1110 Physical & Geometrical Optics.pdf
OPT1150 Ophthalmic Lenses.pdf
OPT1205 Ocular Anatomy Physiology and Pathophysiology.pdf
OPT1330 Clinical Data Collection 1.pdf
OPT1331 Clinical Data Collection 2.pdf
OPT1331L Clinical Data Collection 2 Laboratory.pdf
OPT1450 Ophthalmic Dispensing Procedures 1.pdf
OPT1450L Ophthalmic Dispensing Procedures 1 Laboratory.pdf
OPT2060 Opthalmic Management Policy and Procedures.pdf
OPT2070L Computers For Vision Care.pdf
OPT2375 Refractometry Lecture.pdf
OPT2375L Refractometry I Lab.pdf
OPT2376L Retractometry II Lab.pdf
OPT2377L Retractometry III Lab.pdf
OPT2420 Eyewear Fabrication 1.pdf
OPT2420L Eyewear Fabrication I Laboratory.pdf
OPT2421C Eyewear Fabrication II Laboratory.pdf
OPT2422C Eyewear Fabrication III Laboratory.pdf
OPT2451 Ophthalmic Dispensing Procedrues 2.pdf
OPT2451L Ophthalmic Dispensing II Laboratory.pdf
OPT2505 Contact Lenses I.pdf
OPT2506 Contact Lenses II.pdf
OPT2506L Contact Lens Laboratory.pdf
OPT2800L Vision Care Clinic I.pdf
OPT2801L Vision Care Clinic 2.pdf
OPT2802L Vision Care Clinic III.pdf
OPT2830C Contact Lenses Clinic I.pdf
OPT2831L Contact Lens Clinic II.pdf
OPT2875L Dispensing Practicum 1.pdf
OPT2876L Dispensing Practicum 2.pdf
ORH1251 Nursery Practices 1.pdf
ORH1510 Landscape Plant Identification 1.pdf
ORH1511 Landscape Plant Identification 2.pdf
ORH1840C Landscape Construction.pdf
ORH2230 Exterior Plant Usage and Maintenance.pdf
ORH2277 Foliage Plant Production.pdf
ORH2835C Computer-Aided Landscape Design 1.pdf
ORH2837C Computer-Aided Landscape Design 2.pdf
ORH2932 Special Topics in Landscaping.pdf
ORH2949 Landscape Technology Internship.pdf
OST2335 Business Writing.pdf
^ Top
PAS1800C Physical Diagnosis I.pdf
PAS1803 Clinical Anatomy and Physiology.pdf
PAS1811C Introduction to Medicine I for PAS.pdf
PAS1812 Behavioral and Community Medicine.pdf
PAS1813 Pathophysiological Basis of Disease I.pdf
PAS1820C Clinical Medicine 2 for PAs.pdf
PAS1822L Electrocardiography.pdf
PAS1823 Pharmacology 1.pdf
PAS1824 Pathophysiological Basis of Disease 2.pdf
PAS1831 Clinical Diagnostic Imaging.pdf
PAS2936 Contemporary Issues for the PA.pdf
PAS3019 Pathophysiological Basis of Disease III.pdf
PAS3038C Physical Diagnosis III.pdf
PAS3042C Clinical Medicine III for Physician Assistants.pdf
PAS3070 Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics.pdf
PAS3075 Pharmacotherapeutics.pdf
PAS3140 Genetics.pdf
PAS3203C Surgical Problems & Procedures.pdf
PAS4191L Internal Medicine Clerkship.pdf
PAS4290 Surgery Clerkship.pdf
PAS4391 Pediatrics Clerkship.pdf
PAS4493 Family Medicine Clerkship.pdf
PAS4590 Obstetrics & Gynecology Clerkship.pdf
PAS4690 Emergency Medicine Clerkship.pdf
PAS4940 Psychiatry Clerkship.pdf
PAS4943 Selective Clerkship.pdf
PCB2033 Introduction to Ecology.pdf
PCB2061 Genetics.pdf
PCB3043 Fundamentals of Ecology.pdf
PCB3060 Principles of Genetics.pdf
PCB3060L Principles of Genetics Laboratory.pdf
PCB4023 Molecular and Cell Biology.pdf
PCB4097 Human Physiology.pdf
PCB4233C Fundamentals of Immunology.pdf
PCB4674 Evolution.pdf
PCO2731 Human Relations.pdf
PET1170 Fundamentals of Athletic Coaching and Management.pdf
PET1173 Strategies of Coaching and Competition.pdf
PGY2110C Color Photo 1.pdf
PGY2111C Color Photography 2.pdf
PGY2112C Color Photography 3.pdf
PGY2211 Portrait and Still Photography.pdf
PGY2222 Fashion Photography.pdf
PGY2238 Illustrative Photography 1.pdf
PGY2239 Illustrative Photography 2.pdf
PGY2401C Introduction to Photography.pdf
PGY2404C Intermediate Photography.pdf
PGY2470C Photography Portfolio.pdf
PGY2475 Advanced Photography.pdf
PGY2800C Digital Photography.pdf
PHI1100 Introduction to Logic.pdf
PHI2010 Introduction to Philosophy.pdf
PHI2070 Introduction to Eastern Philosophy.pdf
PHI2600 Introduction to Ethics.pdf
PHI2604 Critical Thinking and Ethics.pdf
PHI2680 Artificial Intelligence and Ethics.pdf
PHI2801 Aesthetics.pdf
PHI3633 Biomedical Ethics.pdf
PHM2300 Political Philosophy.pdf
PHT1102C Anatomy for the Physical Therapist Assistants.pdf
PHT1201 Introduction to Physical Therapy.pdf
PHT1201L Introduction to Physical Therapy Lab.pdf
PHT1211 Disabilities & Therapeutic Procedures I.pdf
PHT1211L Disab Ther Proc 1 Lab.pdf
PHT2120 Applied Kinesiology.pdf
PHT2120L Applied Kinesiology Lab.pdf
PHT2162 Survey of Neurological Deficits.pdf
PHT2224 Disabilities and Therapeutic Procedures II.pdf
PHT2224L Disabilities and Therapeutic Procedures II Lab.pdf
PHT2701 Rehabilitation Procedures.pdf
PHT2701L Rehabilitation Procedures Lab.pdf
PHT2801C Clinical Practice and Conference I.pdf
PHT2810 Clinical Practice I.pdf
PHT2820 Clinical Practice and Conference III.pdf
PHT2931 Seminar for Physical Therapist Assistants.pdf
PHY1004 Physics with Applications 1.pdf
PHY1004L Physics with Applications 1 Lab.pdf
PHY1005 Physics with Applications 2.pdf
PHY1005L Physics with Applications 2 Lab.pdf
PHY1020 General Education Physics.pdf
PHY1025 Basic Physics.pdf
PHY2048 Physics with Calculus 1.pdf
PHY2048L Physics with Calculus 1 Lab.pdf
PHY2049 Physics With Calculus 2.pdf
PHY2049L Physics with Calculus 2 Lab.pdf
PHY2053 Physics (without Calculus) 1.pdf
PHY2053L Physics (without Calculus) 1 Lab.pdf
PHY2054 Physics (without Calculus) 2.pdf
PHY2054L Physics (without Calculus) 2 lab.pdf
PHY3101L Modern Physics Laboratory.pdf
PHY3504C Thermodynamics & Waves.pdf
PHY3802L Intermediate Physics Laboratory.pdf
PHY4320 Intermediate Electromagnetism.pdf
PLA1949 Paralegal Studies Practicum.pdf
PLA2003 Fundamentals of Law.pdf
PLA2114 Legal Writing.pdf
PLA2120C Legal Research and Analysis.pdf
PLA2227 Civil Law and Litigation.pdf
PLA2273 Torts.pdf
PLA2303 Criminal Law & Litigation.pdf
PLA2600 Wills, Trust, Estate.pdf
PLA2610 Introduction to Real Property.pdf
PLA2631C Real Estate Transactions and Settlement.pdf
PLA2704 Professionalism and Civility in the Law.pdf
PLA2736 Electronic Discovery, Investigations, and Evidence.pdf
PLA2763 Law Office Management.pdf
PLA2800 Family Law.pdf
PLA2890 Human Rights Law & Procedure.pdf
PLA2930 Special Topics in Law.pdf
PLA2931 Legal Speciality Sem.pdf
PLA2933 Legal Specialty Seminar.pdf
PLA2934 Legal Seminar Immigration Law.pdf
PLA2935 Legal Seminar Intellectual Property Law.pdf
PLA2940 Paralegal Studies Internship.pdf
PLS1005 Biology of Cannabis.pdf
POR1120 Elementary Portuguese 1.pdf
POR1121 Elementary Portuguese 2.pdf
POR2220 Intermediate Portuguese 1.pdf
POR2221 Intermediate Portuguese 2.pdf
POS2041 American Federal Government.pdf
POS2112 State and Local Government in America.pdf
POS2293 Islam and America.pdf
POT2014 European Political Theory 1.pdf
PRN0005C Fundamentals of Nursing.pdf
PRN0006C Professional Role Transition.pdf
PRN0021C Anatomy and Physiology and Medical Terminology 1.pdf
PRN0035C Pharmacology.pdf
PRN0082C Anatomy and Physiology and Medical Terminology II.pdf
PRN0130C Special Populations.pdf
PRN0210C Adult Health I.pdf
PRN0211C Adult Health II.pdf
PSB2041 Behavioral Neuroscience.pdf
PSB2442 The Psychology of Addiction.pdf
PSC1121 General Education Physical Science.pdf
PSC1191 Physical Science Lab Fundamentals.pdf
PSC1515 Energy in the Natural Environment.pdf
PSY2012 Introduction to Psychology.pdf
PSY2050 Introduction to Forensic Psychology.pdf
PSY2800 Psychology of Genocide.pdf
PSY2940C Mental Health - Aging Practicum.pdf
PTN0003 Introduction to Pharmacy Practice and Medical Terminology.pdf
PTN0004 Pharmacy Practitioner Applications.pdf
PTN0006 Pharmacy Calculation.pdf
PTN0021 Drug Classifications.pdf
PTN0041 Pharmacy Technician Hospital Field Experience.pdf
PTN0049 Pharmacy Technician Retail Store Field Experience.pdf
PUR2003 Public Relations.pdf
^ Top
QMB2100 Basic Business Statistics.pdf
^ Top
RAT1001 Introduction to Radiation Oncology.pdf
RAT1021 Principles and Practices of Radiation Therapy I.pdf
RAT1614 Radiation Therapy Physics I.pdf
RAT1615 Radiation Therapy Medical Imaging.pdf
RAT1619 Elements of Treatment Planning.pdf
RAT1657 Radiation Protection Quality Assurance.pdf
RAT1804L Radiation Therapy Clinic 1.pdf
RAT1814L Radiation Therapy Clinic 2.pdf
RAT1824L Radiation Therapy Clinic 3.pdf
RAT2022 Principles and Practices of Radiation Therapy 2.pdf
RAT2061 Radiation Therapy Seminar.pdf
RAT2123 Patient Care in Radiation Therapy.pdf
RAT2241 Radiobiology.pdf
RAT2243 Radiation Oncology Sectional Anatomy.pdf
RAT2618 Radiation Therapy Physics 2.pdf
RAT2834L Radiation Therapy Clinic 4.pdf
REA0007 College Preparatory Reading.pdf
REA0017 Developmental Reading 2.pdf
REA0056 College Preparatory Reading Module.pdf
REA1125 Reading Skills Review.pdf
RED3009 Emergent and Early Literacy.pdf
RED3013 Foundations of Reading Instruction.pdf
RED3393 Differentiated Instruction in Content Reading.pdf
RED4033 Teaching Foundations of Reading Instruction.pdf
RED4342 Application of Research Based Practices in Reading Education.pdf
RED4519 Diagnosis and Instructional Intervention in Reading.pdf
RED4541 Foundations of Assessment.pdf
RED4654 Foundations and Applications of Differentiated Instruction.pdf
RED4854 Reading Practicum.pdf
REE2040 Real Estate Principles and Practices (P&P 1).pdf
REE2304 Commercial Real Estate.pdf
REL1210 Religion of the Old Testament.pdf
REL1240 Religion of the New Testament.pdf
REL2300 Survey of World Religions.pdf
RET1024 Introduction to Respiratory Care.pdf
RET1484 Respiratory Care Pathophysiology 1.pdf
RET2264 Advanced Modalities and Monitoring.pdf
RET2274 Respiratory Care Theory 1.pdf
RET2275 Respiratory Care Theory 2.pdf
RET2284 Principles of Mechanical Ventilation.pdf
RET2284L Principles of Mechanical Ventilation Laboratory.pdf
RET2350 Respiratory Care Pharmacology.pdf
RET2414 Pulmonary Studies.pdf
RET2414L Pulmonary Studies Laboratory.pdf
RET2503 Respiratory Care Pathophysiology 2.pdf
RET2601 Respiratory Care Seminar.pdf
RET2714 Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care.pdf
RET2714L Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care Laboratory.pdf
RET2832 Respiratory Care Clinic 1.pdf
RET2833 Respiratory Care Clinic 2.pdf
RET2834 Respiratory Care Clinic 3.pdf
RET2835 Respiratory Care Clinic 4.pdf
RTE1000 Orientation to the Imaging Sciences.pdf
RTE1418 Radiographic Technique I.pdf
RTE1503 Radiographic Positioning 1.pdf
RTE1503L Radiographic Positioning Lab 1.pdf
RTE1513 Radiographic Positioning 2.pdf
RTE1513L Radiographic Positioning Lab 2.pdf
RTE1613 Radiation Physics.pdf
RTE1804 Radiographic Clinic 1.pdf
RTE1814 Radiographic Clinic 2.pdf
RTE1824 Radiographic Clinic 3.pdf
RTE2010 New Imaging Modalities in Radiology.pdf
RTE2385 Radiation Biology.pdf
RTE2457 Radiographic Technique II.pdf
RTE2563 Radiographic Positioning 3.pdf
RTE2571 Principles of Computed Tomography.pdf
RTE2575 MRI Principles and MR Safety.pdf
RTE2576 MRI Procedures & Patient Care.pdf
RTE2577C Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Practicum.pdf
RTE2762 Cross Sectional Anatomy.pdf
RTE2834 Radiographic Clinic 4.pdf
RTE2844 Radiographic Clinic 5.pdf
RTE2854 Radiographic Clinic 6.pdf
RTE2940C Computed Tomography Clinical Education.pdf
RTV1000 Fundamentals of Broadcasting.pdf
RTV1240C Sound Design.pdf
RTV1241C Television Production 1.pdf
RTV1242C Television Production 2.pdf
RTV2205C TV Workshop.pdf
RTV2230C Radio & Television Announcing.pdf
RTV2243C Directing.pdf
RTV2245C Electronic Field Production 1.pdf
RTV2246C Electronic Field Production 2.pdf
RTV2300 Broadcast Writing.pdf
RTV2940 Television Internship.pdf
RTV2941 Fall Television Practicum.pdf
RTV2942 Spring Television Practicum.pdf
RTV2943 Summer Television Practicum.pdf
RTV3203 The Telemundo Academy.pdf
RTV3256C Advanced Post Production.pdf
RTV3277C Television Studio Production Workshop.pdf
RTV3408 Ethics & Research for Non-Fiction Scripts.pdf
RTV3810C Broadcast Design & On Air Promotions.pdf
RUS1120 Elementary Russian 1.pdf
RUS1121 Elementary Russian 2.pdf
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SCC1000 Introduction to Security.pdf
SCC2020 Problem Solving in Security.pdf
SCC4111 Special Security Problems.pdf
SCC4210 Private Investigations.pdf
SCC4311 Security Administration.pdf
SCC4410 Risk Management.pdf
SCC4612 Hospital Security Management.pdf
SCE4362 Methods of Teaching Science.pdf
SCE4363 Advance Topics in Science Education Practicum.pdf
SCE4943 Seminar in Science Education.pdf
SCE4945 Internship in Science Education.pdf
SCY0051 Private Investigator Intern Course A.pdf
SCY0052 Private Investigator Intern Course B.pdf
SLS1106 First Year Experience Seminar.pdf
SLS1125 Student Support Seminar.pdf
SLS1401 Psychology of Career Adjustment.pdf
SLS1502 College Study Skills.pdf
SLS1505 College Survival Skills.pdf
SLS1510 Preparing for Student Success.pdf
SLS1930 Student Life Skills.pdf
SON1000L Introduction to Sonography.pdf
SON1001L Introduction to Sonography II.pdf
SON1005L Basic Sonography.pdf
SON1006L Professional Aspects of Sonography.pdf
SON1100L Principles and Protocols of Imaging.pdf
SON1111C Abdominal Sonography 1.pdf
SON1112C Abdominal Sonography II.pdf
SON1113L Sonographic Cross-Sectional Anatomy.pdf
SON1115L Duplex Abdominal Sonography.pdf
SON1121C OG GYN Sonography I.pdf
SON1122C OGGYN Sonography II.pdf
SON1141C Small Parts Sonography.pdf
SON1145L Pediatric Sonography.pdf
SON1804 Sonography Clinic 1.pdf
SON1814 Clinic 2.pdf
SON1824 Clinic 3.pdf
SON2139L Cardiovascular Principles.pdf
SON2151C Neurosonography.pdf
SON2171C Vascular Sonography.pdf
SON2400C Echocardiography 1.pdf
SON2401C Echocardiography 2.pdf
SON2614C Acoustical Physics and Instrumentation 1.pdf
SON2618C Acoustical Physics and Instrumentation 2.pdf
SON2619C Doppler Principles and Instrumentation.pdf
SON2834 Sonography Clinic 4.pdf
SON2844 Clinic 5.pdf
SON2854 Clinic 6.pdf
SON2930L Seminar in Sonography.pdf
SON2935L Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging-Advanced Techniques and Case Analysis.pdf
SOP2002 Social Psychology.pdf
SOP2772 Human Sexuality.pdf
SPC1017 Introduction to Communication.pdf
SPC2511 Argumentation and Debate.pdf
SPC2601 Advanced Public Speaking.pdf
SPC2608 Introduction to Public Speaking.pdf
SPC2940 Peer Teaching in Speech Communication.pdf
SPM1000 Introduction to Sports Management.pdf
SPM1160 Introduction to Esports.pdf
SPM2105 Sports Events and Facility Management.pdf
SPM2151 The Business of Sport.pdf
SPM2164 The Business of Esports.pdf
SPM2167 Esports Event Management.pdf
SPM2201 Sports Ethics and Leadership.pdf
SPM2950 Esports Management Capstone.pdf
SPN1120 Elementary Spanish 1.pdf
SPN1121 Elementary Spanish 2.pdf
SPN2220 Intermediate Spanish 1.pdf
SPN2221 Intermediate Spanish 2.pdf
SPN2340 Spanish for Native Speakers 1.pdf
SPN2341 Spanish for Native Speakers 2.pdf
SPT2842 Contrastive Analysis SpanishEnglish.pdf
SPW2010 Selected Readings In Spanish Literature.pdf
SPW2020 Selected Readings In Latin American Literature.pdf
STA2023 Statistical Methods.pdf
STA3164 Statistical Methods II.pdf
STA4210 Regression Analysis.pdf
STS0013 Central Sterile Processing Technician.pdf
STS0019 Central Sterile Service Material Management.pdf
STS1302 Introduction to Surgical Technology.pdf
STS1303 Fundamentals of Surgical Technology.pdf
STS1304L Operating Room Techniques Laboratory.pdf
STS1307 Surgical Equipment and Instrumentation.pdf
STS1308 Perioperative Patient Care Concepts.pdf
STS1323 Surgical Procedures I.pdf
STS1327L Principles and Practices of Surgical Technology Laboratory.pdf
STS1925C Endoscopy Technician Theory 1 and Lab.pdf
STS1926C Endoscopy Technician Theory 2 and Lab.pdf
STS1931 Surgical Technology Special Topics Seminar.pdf
STS2179 Surgical Biomedical Fundamentals.pdf
STS2324 Surgical Procedures II.pdf
STS2340 Surgical Pharmacology.pdf
STS2360 Professional Skills for the Surgical Technologist.pdf
STS2944 Surgical Clinical I.pdf
STS2945 Surgical Clinical II.pdf
STS2946 Surgical Clinical III.pdf
SUR1001C Construction Survey.pdf
SUR1101C surveying 1.pdf
SUR1202C Surveying 2.pdf
SYG2000 Introduction to Sociology.pdf
SYG2010 Social Problems.pdf
SYG2230 Multi-Ethnic America.pdf
SYG2430 Marriage and the Family.pdf
^ Top
TAX2000 Income Tax.pdf
TAX2002 Taxation Practices and Procedures.pdf
TAX2010 Business Taxes & Returns.pdf
TAX2021 Taxation of Business Organizations.pdf
TAX2401 Tax of Estates, Gifts, and Trusts.pdf
TAX4001 Federal Income Tax I.pdf
TAX4011 Federal Income Tax II.pdf
THE1925 Studio Theatre Production.pdf
THE2000 Theatre Appreciation.pdf
THE2051 Children's Theatre Production.pdf
THE2083 Theatre Problems.pdf
TPA1200 Stagecraft.pdf
TPA1220 Lighting.pdf
TPA1232 Theatre Costuming.pdf
TPA1248 Makeup for the Stage.pdf
TPA2233 Main stage Production-Costumes & Makeup.pdf
TPA2291 Main stage Production-Technical & Lighting.pdf
TPA2292 Production Lab.pdf
TPA2600 Introduction to Stage Management.pdf
TPP1100 Acting 1.pdf
TPP1110 Acting 1.pdf
TPP1120 Improvisation Ensemble.pdf
TPP1150 Scene Study 1.pdf
TPP1160 Voice & Movement 1.pdf
TPP1161 Voice & Movement 1.pdf
TPP1170 Beginning Characterization.pdf
TPP1190 Studio Theatre-Cast.pdf
TPP1250 Musical Theatre 1.pdf
TPP1260 Acting for Camera 1.pdf
TPP1606 Playwriting 1-2.pdf
TPP1700 Voice for the Stage.pdf
TPP2111 Acting 2.pdf
TPP2112 Acting 2.pdf
TPP2151 Advanced Scene Study.pdf
TPP2152 Scene Study 3.pdf
TPP2162 Voice & Movement 2.pdf
TPP2163 Voice & Movement 2.pdf
TPP2191 Main stage Production - Cast.pdf
TPP2256 Musical Theatre 2.pdf
TPP2260 Acting for the Camera 1.pdf
TPP2300 Introduction to Play Directing.pdf
TPP2303L Main stage Production-Assistant Designer-Director.pdf
TRA0080 Tractor Trailer Truck Driver.pdf
TRA0084 Truck Driver Heavy Florida Class B.pdf
TRA1154 Introduction to Supply Chain Management.pdf
TRA1410 Introduction to Rail Freight Operations.pdf
TRA1420 Introduction to Trucking Operations.pdf
TRA1430 Introduction to Port Freight Operations.pdf
TRA2010 Introduction to Transportation and Logistics.pdf
TRA2156 Operations Management for Transportation.pdf
TRA2321 Transportation Public Policy, Law, and Regulations.pdf
TRA2402 Intermodal Transportation Operations and Project Management.pdf
TRA2702 International Logistics and Transportation.pdf
TRA2945 Transportation & Logistics Capstone I.pdf
TRA2946 Transportation & Logistics Capstone II.pdf
TRA3034 Transportation and Traffic Management.pdf
TRA3132 Purchasing and Inventory Management.pdf
TRA4234 Warehouse Management.pdf
TSL1084 Introduction to ESOL Principles and Practices.pdf
TSL2082 Introduction to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).pdf
TSL3080 ESOL in ECE I.pdf
TSL3240 Applied Linguistics.pdf
TSL3243 ESOL I Second Language Acquisition Communication and Culture.pdf
TSL3520C Cultural Dimensions of ESOL.pdf
TSL3521 ESOL II Communication and Culture.pdf
TSL4140C TESOL Curriculum & Materials.pdf
TSL4310 ESOL in ECE II.pdf
TSL4311 ESOL II Teaching and Assessing ESOL Students.pdf
TSL4324C ESOL Strategies for Content Area Teachers.pdf
TSL4340C TESOL Methods.pdf
TSL4441C ESOL Testing & Evaluation.pdf
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VIC1000 Visual Communication.pdf
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WOH2003 History of Genocide.pdf
WOH2012 History of World Civilization to 1789.pdf
WOH2022 History of World Civilization from 1789.pdf
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ZOO1010 Zoology.pdf
ZOO1010L Zoology Laboratory.pdf
ZOO3021 Survey of Animal Diversity.pdf
ZOO3021L Survey of Animal Diversity Laboratory.pdf
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