Center for Institutional and Organizational Learning

Where to Start

Teaching In-Person

New to Teaching in Canvas?

Teaching in-person AND using the CANVAS LMS provides your students with enhanced access to the course content, syllabus, attendance, grades, emails, and announcements.

Basic LMS Training: Core Sessions = 5 courses
  1. CAN1001 - Canvas Course Design: Getting Started & Communication Tools
  2. CAN1002 - Canvas Course Design: Build Your ADA Content
  3. CAN1003 - Canvas Course Design: Assignments, Discussions, and Groups
    Pre-requisites: CAN1001 & CAN1002
  4. CAN1004 - Canvas Course Design: Quizzes and Banks 
    Pre-requisites: CAN1001 & CAN1002
  5. CAN1005 - Canvas Course Design: Grading, Process Monitoring/EAI, and Feedback 
    Pre-requisites: CAN1001 & CAN1002

Visit the Tech Training Opportunities site to begin your sessions. Take your time to review the details provided on the page, and once you're ready, scroll down to commence CAN1001 if you're new to Canvas.

By completing these five workshops you will earn the certification in the CANVAS LMS.

Experienced in Canvas?

If you already have experience designing and teaching courses in Canvas, please fill out this form to enroll in the Competency-based Canvas Core Training (5 FPD). Please note this is a by-invitation-only session.

Teaching Blended

Strategies for Developing Blended Courses

This workshop provides videos, articles and discussions on models and best practices for blended course design and delivery. Successful completion of this workshop is required to teach a Blended (reduced seat-time) class. There are Canvas pre-requisite training sessions to become blended certified. 

Full-time Faculty who are already certified to teach at MDC Online do not need to take BLD3000 to be able to teach blended (although many choose to take it).

MDC Blended Pre-requisites: Blended Strategies workshop pre-requisites: Canvas Core Sessions (5 courses - see the Teaching MDC In-Person Courses heading above, or fill out this form if you already have experience designing and teaching courses in Canvas. We will then enroll you in the by-invitation-only CAN1010 Competency-based Canvas Core Training (5 FPD).

Important: As stated above, there are pre-requisites for this training. Please submit the Blended Strategies Workshop Self Pre-requisites Verification Form, where you will also find registration information. Be sure to complete the pre-requisites listed under the Teaching MDC In-person Courses heading before submitting the form.

Teaching MDC LIVE

Teaching MDC LIVE and using the CANVAS LMS provides your students with enhanced access to the course content, syllabus, attendance, grades, emails and announcements and Zoom. Here are helpful training sessions for you to prepare MDC LIVE courses.

Basic LMS Training Core Sessions - listed under the Teaching MDC In-Person Courses heading


TECH112 Zoom Essentials for Faculty OR TEC2000 MDC Live 2.0

Visit the Tech Training Opportunities site to begin your sessions. Take your time to review the details provided on the page, and once you're ready, scroll down to commence the training you need. 

Teaching Fully Online Courses

If you are interested in teaching at MDC Online (fully virtual courses), please be sure to first complete the Canvas training sessions listed under Teaching MDC In-Person Courses, then contact Dr. Donna Jennings at for the next steps.

Please note that an additional Certification course - offered and facilitated by MDC Online - must be taken once you are assigned to teach a virtual course. 

Canvas Certification

After completing Canvas training, please follow the two steps below to retrieve your Canvas Certificate.

Step 1: Register for the Canvas Certificationlearn how. 

Step 2: After completing Step 1: Retrieve your certificate - learn how.