School of Health Sciences Discipline Selection

Congratulations on your provisional approval to progress to discipline courses with the School of Health Sciences. Please follow the steps below to complete the progression process. You must complete all the steps at least 2 days prior to your scheduled Orientation.

MANDATORY Orientation is scheduled on: Thursday, July 18, 2024, at 5:00 PM. The orientation session will be held in person at the Miami Dade College Medical Campus Room 3101. You will receive more information.

Complete All Steps Below:

  1. Response
    • To submit your Response please visit the link in Progression email you received.
  2. Level Two Background Screening
    • Complete and clear the Interstate Background Research (IBR) Level Two criminal background screening (i.e., Medical Campus Students (Health Sciences and Continuing Nursing Students) FDLE Level 2 Only. The cost for the background screening is $62.25.  You will need to schedule an appointment for the background screening.
    • You will be notified via your MDC email that your background check is completed. Please be sure to also check your email junk folder.
  3. Student Health Record
    • The **Student Health Record must be taken to a health care provider (Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician Assistant) to be completed.
      **All necessary guidelines regarding the completion of the student health record can be found on the front page of the student health record.
  4. Titers/Tests/Vaccines
    1. Varicella (Chicken Pox), Mumps, Rubeola (Measles), and Rubella (German Measles) blood titer lab results
    2. Two current (within the past 3 months) consecutive TB skin tests (at least 7 days apart) or the QuantiFERON test
    3. A minimum of a 10-panel drug screening results
    4. Hepatitis B vaccine series
    5. Tdap vaccination within ten (10) years
    • Provide supporting documentation for the following:
  5. CPR/BLS Card
    • Provide and maintain a current copy of a CPR/BLS card issued only by the American Heart Association that is valid throughout the program. If you need to complete this 6-hour CPR/BLS course call (305) 237-4177 for the schedule of classes offered at Miami Dade College.
  6. American Data Bank (Complio)
    • American Data Bank's "Complio" is an online system used by MDC's Medical Campus for tracking immunizations and other requirements. The cost is $24 for one year, further instructions will be provided by the program. 
    • You must create an account IMMEDIATELY with American Data Bank. Please choose "School of Health Sciences - CT/MRI"
    • You must submit the requested documents mentioned in Steps 2, 3, 4, and 5, to American Data Bank using the Complio system
    • You must also order a 10-panel drug screening from American Data Bank in the amount of $35.
    • You are also required to fulfill the additional requirements contained within the Complio system.
    • You will receive your first semester class schedule at your Orientation following determination that you are "fully compliant" within Complio.\
  7. Must attend the following mandatory orientation. Carefully plan your calendar accordingly.
    • MANDATORY Orientation is scheduled on: Thursday, July 18, 2024, at 5:00 PM. The orientation session will be held in person at the Miami Dade College Medical Campus Room 3101.
  8. Helpful Information
    • Students are encouraged to apply as early as possible for Financial Aid and to apply for Scholarships. Please visit the financial Aid and scholarships websites for additional information.

Note: Failure to complete the entire above requirements by the stated deadline may forfeit your seat in this program.

*The services above are not provided by MDC, therefore all costs are subject to change by the company providing the service.

Should you have any questions please contact Student Services Assistant:

Amy Charlton