School of Health Sciences Discipline Selection

Congratulations on your provisional approval to progress to discipline courses with the School of Health Sciences. Please follow the steps below in order to complete the progression process. Program Orientation will be held on Thursday, November 7th from 9:30 am until 1:00 pm in Room 3102 (Medical Campus). We will see you there!

Please begin completing All Steps Below (these steps do not have to be completed before Orientation):

Complete All Steps Below:

  1. Response
    • To submit your Response please visit the link in Progression email you received.
  2. Level Two Background Screening
    • Complete and clear the Interstate Background Research (IBR) Level Two criminal background screening. The cost for the background screening is $63. You will need to schedule an appointment for the background screening.
  3. Student Health Record
  4. Other Required Forms. Download and review the forms listed below.  Sign and upload the signature page into the Complio website.
    • School of Health Sciences Student Manual Form
    • Student Confidentiality statement
    • School of Health Sciences Student Handbook
    • Medical Coder Biller Program Student Handbook
  5. American Data Bank (Complio)
    • You must create an account IMMEDIATELY with American Data Bank. Please choose "School of Health Sciences - and select your program.
    • You must submit the requested documents mentioned in Steps 2, 3, 4, and 5, to American Data Bank using the Complio system
    • This includes ordering a 10-panel drug screening from American Data Bank in the amount of $35.
    • You are also required to fulfill the additional requirements contained within the Complio system.
      • American Data Bank's "Complio" is an online system used by MDC's Medical Campus for tracking immunizations and other requirements. The cost is $24 for one year or $45 for two years. We suggest you only purchase the subscription for one year for now, further instructions will be provided by the program.
  6. Carefully plan your calendar to attend the following Orientation.
    • Program Orientation will be held on Thursday, November 7th from 9:30 am until 1:00 pm in Room 3102 (Medical Campus). 

Should you have any questions please contact:

Letsha Arnett