Congratulations on your provisional approval to progress to discipline courses with the School of Health Sciences. Please follow the steps below in order to complete the progression process. You must complete all of the steps at least 2 days prior to your scheduled Orientation.
MANDATORY orientation is on Friday, June 28th, 2024 from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM; Room 3102 You must be in attendance for the entire duration of the orientation.
Complete All Steps Below:
- Response officially accepting seat in Respiratory Care Program
- Submit your response via the link in the progression email you received.
- You must submit your response within 7 days to secure your seat.
- You have likely already completed this step!
- American Data Bank (Complio)
- You must create an account immediately with American Data Bank.
- You must submit the requested documents mentioned in Steps 3, 4, and 5 American Data Bank using the Complio system. You are also required to fulfill the additional requirements contained within the Complio system. This includes ordering a 10-panel drug screening from American Data Bank in the amount of $35.
- American Data Bank's "Complio" is an online system used by MDC's Medical Campus for tracking immunizations and other requirements. The cost is $24 for one year or $45 for two years.
- It is strongly recommended you review the videos in the MDC Complio Instruction Sheet.
- If additional information is needed, please review the Complio Help Guide.
- Level Two & AHCA Background Screenings
- Complete and clear the Interstate Background Research (IBR) Level Two criminal
background screening and the Agency for Health Care Administration AHCA background
screening. The cost for both background screenings is $136. You will need to schedule an
appointment for the background screenings. Select Medical Campus Nursing AHCA and
FDLE Level II Background.- This process may take 3 – 5 business days, please schedule it now.
- You will be notified via your MDC email that your background check is completed. Please be sure to also check your junk folder.
- Once the background screening is complete, you will receive an email to pick up the form. Bring student ID to the Student Dean’s office (Medical Campus, 3rd Floor, Room 1355). You will need to upload the results.
** Program admittance is subject to a clear background check.
- Complete and clear the Interstate Background Research (IBR) Level Two criminal
- 10-Panel Drug Screen
- It is available through American Data Bank for $35. Otherwise, a local laboratory can offer this service for a fee. No prescription or code is required.
** Program admittance is subject to a clear drug screen. - Student Health Record
- The **Student Health Recordmust be taken to a health care provider (Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician Assistant) to be completed.
- Make sure to provide accompanying documentation with all sections.
- **All necessary guidelines regarding the completion of the student health record can be
found on the front page of the student health record. - By the first day of class for the Respiratory Care Program begins on Monday, August 26, 2024:
- Pay all outstanding tuition
- Purchase required books and uniform
- Have a mobile device (Laptop or Tablet). View the laptop minimum requirements.
- Helpful Information
- Students are encouraged to apply as early as possible for Financial Aid and to apply for Scholarships. Please visit the financial Aid and scholarships websites for additional information.
Note: Failure to complete the entire above requirements by the stated deadlines forfeits your seat in this program.
*The services above are not provided by MDC, therefore all costs are subject to change by the company providing the service.
Should you have any questions please contact Student Services Assistant:
Roxanne Alexis