The following are comments sent in through our electronic Comment Card and/or on-campus suggestion boxes.

Patient confidentiality and records 10/11/01
1.The ethical issue/conflict/dilemma that was submitted is as follows:
  "Lawyers are able to access medical records that are not pertinent to lawsuits. These records potentially could become public record."

(Note from Institute Director: An attorney cannot just get a client record. The client/patient has to
give permission for the attorney to request i.e. there needs to be a law suit. Then, of course, this record is seen by both legal sides and any expert witness (or professional who reviews the case for the firm)
involved in the case. True, this can become what seems like public property, but ethical practice should maintain confidentially.

2. Submitted questions to be answered:
   "How do we protect patient confidentiality when medical records are so easily accessible?"

(Note from Institute Director: There are certain legal guidelines which must be followed in order to access medical records. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) addresses privacy and security regulations or

Biographical Information Submitted: Medical Paralegal & Paramedic

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HIV and STD 11/07/01
1.The ethical issue/conflict/dilemma that was submitted is as follows:
     What are the legal implications concerning notifying the patient's partners of a positive HIV/STD report? What is the physician's responsibility?


2. Submitted questions to be answered:
   Who is responsible for notifying the previous partners of the patient of a positive HIV/STD report? What are the laws governing this issue?


    Biographical Information Submitted: Physician Assistant Student at Miami-Dade Community College.
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Organ Donation 11/07/01
1.The ethical issue/conflict/dilemma that was submitted is as follows:
     Should a patient's family be able to change a decision of a deceased family member regarding organ donation?


2. Submitted questions to be answered:
   None submitted


    Biographical Information Submitted: Physician Assistant Student at Miami-Dade Community College.
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Stem Cell Research 11/07/01
1.The ethical issue/conflict/dilemma that was submitted by three authors and combined as follows:
     Can it be accurately determined if the baby is alive?
    At what point in cell division are the cells given the rights of a human being?
     Is it ethical to use aborted fetuses for Stem Cell research?
2. Submitted questions to be answered:
   Why shouldn't the aborted fetus that is going to be destroyed be used for some good?
    What data is available that explains how future medical personnel feel about Stem Cell research in the beginning of life?
     What are the religious concerns regarding Stem Cell research?
     How do scientists approach concerns regarding Stem Cell research?


3. Explanation regarding the resolution of the situation :
       This situation is not resolved as of yet, "more research is needed!" The author further states," I am not sure where this issue lies...[ in the] priority of governments, scientists, and/or doctors."
    Biographical Information Submitted: Physician Assistant Student at Miami-Dade Community College.
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