Marketing Communications

Quick copy duplicating

Quick Copy (Duplicating) and Small Printing Jobs (under $1,000)

  1. Submit request form four weeks before you need your job completed.
  2. Provide all materials such as copy and photos at this time.
  3. Review and return proofs as soon as you receive them.

For Quick Copy Jobs:

  1. When you have approved the final proof, take the artwork to your campus duplicating department or quick copy center. (You will need to fill out their request form.)


For Small Printing Jobs:

  1. When you have approved the final proof, have the appropriate parties sign our Printing Approval Form and return it to our department. Please keep a copy.
  2. We will then call the printer for pick-up of the artwork from our office.
  3. In a few days, please contact the printer with your VISA number and expiration date. The printer’s phone number will be on the approval form.
college forum

Large Printing Jobs (more than $1,000)

  1. Submit request form six weeks before you need your job completed.
  2. Provide all materials such as copy and photos at this time.
  3. Review and return proofs as soon as you receive them.
  4. Request a purchase requisition through MDConnect and upload the printer's estimate to receive a PO#
  5. When you get a PO#, have the appropriate parties sign our Printing Approval Form, write in the PO# and return the completed form to our department.
  6. We will then call the printer for pick-up of the artwork from our office.
I am MDC logo

Advertising Jobs

  1. Submit request form four weeks before the ad needs to go to the media.

  2. Provide all materials such as copy and photos at this time.

  3. Review and return proofs or broadcast scripts as soon as you receive them.

  4. We will prepare an Advertising Approval Form for you and assign an A#.

  5. When you have approved the final proof, have the appropriate parties sign our Advertising Approval Form and return the completed form to our department.

  6. We can then contact the media or you can make arrangements regarding pick-up of the artwork or commercial.

Web marketing

Web Marketing

  1. Submit request form four weeks before your e-promotion (e-vite, Web ad, etc.) needs to be blasted or go to the media.
  2. Provide all materials such as copy and photos at this time. For Web ads, make sure you provide size and weight if you know it.
  3. Review and return proofs as soon as you receive them.
  4. When you have approved the final proof, have the appropriate parties sign our Approval Form and return the completed form to our department.
  5. Depending on media type, we will either submit a link for you to blast or we will send the art to the media.