Click on any of the following links to access the corresponding form. Please note that a majority of these forms require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. |

Agreement for Services Checklist (PDF)
This form must be attached to all AFS Packets. This verson of this form is for use by North Campus only.
Agreement for Services (PDF)
Agreement to contract services with vendors or individuals.
Important: Make sure to print out the form to complete your request.
Modification of Chart of Accounts (PDF)
Request for adding, changing, or removing accounts. This form can be filled online, but must be signed and submitted to the Dean of Administration's Office for processing.
Important: Make sure to print out the form to complete your request.
Finance and Payroll Security Access Request Form (PDF)
This form is for requesting access to the Finance and Payroll systems of MDConnect.
Important: Make sure to print out the form to complete your request.

Facilities Rental Request Procedure for External Groups (PDF)
Relevant information on how to request the temporary use of Miami Dade College facilities.
Sample Agreement for Temporary use of MDC Facilities
Internal Reservation Request Form (PDF)
Facilities Rental Fee Schedule (PDF) This is the rental rates for the use of the College campus for special events.

Furniture Work Order Needed for any new furniture requests or for relocation of Steelcase furniture. It requires a funding source and authorizing signature(s). It must come through the campus planner’s office.
Online Telecommunications Work Order Used to request new telephone or computer service, changes to existing service or actual phone or computer connectivity move.
Maintenance Work Request Online work request for services provided by District Facilities Maintenance Department. |

North Campus Quick Copy Center Job Request Form used to request quick and professional copies of documents, flyers and exams. This form is also used to verify authorization to reproduce copyrighted materials. |

Custodial/Public Safety/Plant Maintenance Work Order Request
Work orders should be detailed, including dates, starting and ending times, room numbers, identification of event being supported and the individual in charge. Campus Services must receive work orders at least two days prior to the need for the service.
Work Request Plant Maintenance --For Key Request Only (Sample) Original form must be signed by department head before submitting request to the Public Safety Department.

Authorization Form for Mailings (meter/bulk) in Excess of 200 Pieces and Processed In-house Form must be signed by the Dean of Administration or designee before Mail Services processes your mailing.
Authorization Form for Mailings to be Processed Through a Mailing House Form must be signed by the Dean of Administration or designee before Mail Services processes your mailing.