Wellness Center

Miami Dade College Padrón Campus

Bicep Muscle Group

List of Exercises

ExerciseStart of Exercise in VideoEnd of Exercise in Video
Dumbbell Alternating Curls 00:23 01:23
Standing Alternating Hammer Curls 01:24 02:52
Standing Barbell Curl 02:53 04:50
Seated Dumbbell Bicep Curls 04:51 05:55
Seated Hammer Curls 05:56 07:02
Unilateral Dumbbell Concentration Curl 07:03 08:38

Biceps Machines

List of Exercises

ExerciseStart of Exercise in VideoEnd of Exercise in Video
Machine Bicep Curls 00:04 02:06
Low Pulley Cable Curl 02:07 03:49
Low Pulley Cable Curl with E-Z Bar Attachment 03:50 05:30
Low Pulley Curl with Rope Attachment 05:31 06:42