Wellness Center

Miami Dade College Padrón Campus

Deltoid Muscle Group

List of Exercises

ExerciseStart of Exercise in VideoEnd of Exercise in Video
Anterior Shoulder Raise 00:24 01:42
Seated Dumbell Shoulder Press 01:48 02:29
Single Arm Seated Shoulder Press 02:31 03:14
Barbell Front Raise 03:15 04:11
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 04:12 05:08
Frontal Raise, Reverse Fly Combo 05:16 06:35
Bent over Lateral Raise 06:46 08:00
Dumbbell Frontal Raise 08:06 09:18
High Up Row 09:33 10:28

List of Exercises

ExerciseStart of Exercise in VideoEnd of Exercise in Video
Seated Machine Posterior Fly 00:04 01:30
Low Pulley Lateral Raise 01:31 02:31