Wellness Center

Miami Dade College Padrón Campus

Lower Back and Flexibility

List of Exercises

ExerciseStart of Exercise in VideoEnd of Exercise in Video
Quadruped Exercise 00:30 03:41
Double Leg Bridge Exercise 03:45 07:31
Standing Shoulder Abduction/Adduction Stretch 08:37 09:02
Standing Scapular Upward Rotation Stretch 08:53 09:00
Standing Scapular Protraction Stretch 09:02 09:18
Standing Scapular Protraction Horizontal Rotational Stretch 09:18 09:38
Shoulder Extension Stretch 09:42 09:58
Shoulder Protraction Stretch 10:00 10:19
Tricep Stretch 10:20 11:07
Standing Quadriceps Stretch 11:08 12:00
Standing Hamstring Stretch 12:02 13:01
Standing Gastrocnemius Stretch 13:02 13:41
Seated Hamstring Stretch 14:17 15:34
Piriformis Stretch 15:36 16:59
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 17:00 17:07
Ardha Kurmasana Pose 17:10 17:48
Runners Stretch 17:55 18:45
Seated Groin Stretch 18:52 19:17
Partner Assisted Straight Leg Stretch 19:35 20:14
Partner Assisted Pronated Double Leg Quadriceps Stretch 20:24 21:10
Assisted Dip Exercise 21:25 23:24
Lower Back Extension Machine 23:25 25:22
Lower Back Extension on Romanian Chair 25:40 29:52