We Build MDC

March 5th, 2020 | Gymnasium | Kendall Campus

Time 7:00am - 8:30am Agenda Sign-in, Cafeteria

Breakfast, Kendall Campus Gymnasium
Time 8:30am - 9:15am Agenda Welcome, Kendall Campus Gymnasium
Dr. Rolando Montoya, Interim President MDC
Time 9:15am - 10:00am Agenda Keynote Speaker, Jeffrey Selingo, Consultant and Author
Building the Future of Higher Education and the Role of Community Colleges
Time 10:15am - 11:30am Agenda Session A Concurrent Workshops - Knowledge & Skill Building
Time 11:30am - 12:30pm Agenda Lunch
Time 12:30pm - 1:45pm Agenda Session B Concurrent Workshops - Knowledge & Skill Building
Time 2:00pm - 4:30pm Agenda Session C - Discipline and Department Meetings

Breakfast graciously co-sponsored by the United Faculty of Miami Dade College (UFMDC).


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