Since 2001 the Medical Campus of Miami Dade College has hosted the Randy Boaz Memorial Advanced Life Support Competition. Randy Boaz was a well-respected leader in the Emergency Medical Services field. He was also a revered faculty member at the Medical Campus.
The Randy Boaz ALS Competition is internationally famous for a day of competition, learning and fun. It is held in Randy Boaz’s honor for the impact he had on many of the paramedics which staff South Florida Fire Rescue Departments.
The Randy Boaz ALS Competition will begin at 9:00 A.M. and will end at approximately 4:00 P.M. depending on how many teams register to compete. Registered paramedic teams are required to check-in at 7 A.M.
The competition will take place at the Medical Campus of Miami Dade College, located at 950 N.W. 20th Street in Miami, Florida. The multi-scenario competition will take place in various locations within the Medical Campus.
Based on previous competitions, approximately 80-100 competitors. Each team of paramedics is comprised of 3 members and an alternate. In addition, many team members bring family and friends. Regional fire department chiefs also attend to observe their teams during the competition.
This competition is the only one of its kind in Miami-Dade County.
The competition reinforces best practices and techniques and pushes team members to their limits, which helps enhance their daily service to the community. It also provides an opportunity for participating agencies to collaborate and share information about advanced treatment procedures. Lifelong relationships are also created and reinforced, which benefit the paramedic community and educational institutions such as Miami Dade College.
First, second and third place teams will receive a certificate and trophy.
Teams are awarded points for correct responses in each of the scenarios. Scorers are trained to look for proper medical assessment and treatment of a patient in a pre-hospital setting.