Policies and Procedures
- Computer Courtyard resources are limited to MDC students and individuals who are affiliated with the College. The Courtyard reserves the right to grant or deny guest access. Children are not allowed in the Courtyard due to insurance limitations as per College Policy.
- Computer use is for academic study and research. Games, pornography,
chat sites, and non-academic videos are not permitted.
- No eating or drinking is allowed in the Computer Courtyard. Neither empty nor unopened beverage containers are allowed inside the Computer Courtyard
- Cellular phones and audible beepers must be in the silence/off mode.
Please Make or take calls outside the lab.
- All personal property brought into the Computer Courtyard is the responsibility of the owner.
- The Helpdesk telephone usage is limited to College personnel. Please use the courtesy phone in the Library.
- Students are responsible for clearing their work area before leaving the Computer Courtyard.
- The Computer Courtyard has been designed to provide a quiet, productive work atmosphere. Any disruptive individual will be asked to leave and may be prohibited from further use of the facility.
- Computer seating space and certain course resources are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The staff reserves the right to limit student time when others are waiting.
- Students must make every effort to care for, and appropriately use, the equipment as stated in Use of Computing Resources at Miami Dade College Policy VII-I.
- Students may not install any software on computers at any time. All student work should be saved to “My Documents” or a personal storage device (disk or flash drive).
- Unauthorized duplication of copyrighted material is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action by the College.
- Personal equipment (headphones.) can only be used with permission of the Computer Courtyard staff. Courtyard equipment is for academic purposes only.
- Book bags and all personal belongings should be placed either to the side of the chair or underneath the desk, not blocking the walkway.
- Do not use computers for visually impaired students, unless, you get special permission.
Revised 5/06