The Success Center has 12 networked desktop computers with Internet access as well as 14 Laptops that can be used within the lab. Trained staff is available for technical assistance throughout the hours of operation. Access to mathematic, physiology, anatomy, laboratory science, and cardio-respiratory tutorials are available from each computer's menu. Faculty class notes and PowerPoint presentations are easily accessible from the Campus intranet. The Microsoft Office Suite is available on all the computers for word processing and classroom presentation preparation.
 Adobe Reader must be installed on your computer in order to open and view the documents below.
Click Here to connect to the Adobe website and download the free pdf reader, if needed.
Nursing Computer Software, Level 1 - Semester 1
Nursing Computer Software, Level 1 - Semester 2
Nursing Computer Software, Level 2 - Semester 3
Nursing Computer Software, Level 2 - Semester 4
Miscellaneous Nursing Software
Other SSC Tutoring Programs
Scanners are also available. There is a small charge for laser printing and copying at the Success Center.