The registration fee is $50.00 for the first team of four students or $85.00 for two teams of four students each. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, March 30, 2011. Please note that seating is limited to the first 30 teams whose payments are received by the payment deadline of April 1, 2011.
The competition is scheduled for Thursday, April 07, 2011 from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm and will be held in the Chapman Conference Center (building 3 - Building 3 (Robert H. McCabe Hall)room 3210) at MDC’s Wolfson Campus. The competition will begin with an individual written test for all team members. A short break will occur after the individual written test where students and sponsors will be provided with lunch. Lunch will be included with the registration fee. Following lunch, teams will return to compete in the team competition and attend the awards ceremony. Calculators will not be allowed. All participants are expected to have completed pre-calculus algebra and trigonometry.
Trophies and certificates will be given for the top three team scores and the top three individual scores. Awards ceremony will start right after the team competition ends.
Students and sponsors will be provided with lunch. Lunch will be included with the registration fee.
Directions to MDC Wolfson Campus
From the North:
Take I-95 South and exit right onto NW 8th Street. Go straight to 5th Street. Go seven blocks to NE 2nd Ave.
From the South:
Take US 1 to I-95 North and exit right onto NW 2nd Avenue. Go north two blocks to NW 5th Street and turn right. Go east six blocks to NE 2nd Avenue and turn right.
From the East:
Take MacArthur Causeway West and exit onto Biscayne Boulevard. Go south eight blocks and turn right on NE 3rd Street.
From the West:
Take SR 836 East and exit onto I-395. Exit right onto NE 2nd Avenue. Go south eight blocks.
Once the payment is received, we will send via email a parking pass. The MDC Parking Garage (building 7) is located at 500 N.E. 2nd Avenue.
If your school has not received an invitation, please contact us.
March 30 - Registration closes
April 1 - Payment deadline
April 7 - Competition & Awards