Placement and Admissions
- ACCUPLACER Next-Generation
- ACT - American College Testing
- CASAS - Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems
- FCAT - Florida's Comprehensive Assessment Test
- GED-CBT - General Education Development-Computer Based Test
- GRE - Graduate Record Examinations
- LSAT - Law School Admission Test
- PERT - Postsecondary Education Readiness Test
- Proctoring Services
- SAT - Scholastic Assessment Test
- TEAS - Test of Essential Academic Skills
- TABE - Tests of Adult Basic Education
Competency and Proficiency
- ACTFL - American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
- CART - Chemistry Acceleration Readiness Test
- CCE - Child Care Examination, Florida Department of Children and Families
- CPE - Certified Paralegal Exam
- CSLOA - College Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
- CSP - Computer Skills Placement
- Duolingo
- FBAT - Florida Basic Abilities Test
- FCLE - Florida Civic Literacy Exam
- FTCE - Florida Teacher Certification Examinations
- GKT - General Knowledge Test
- IELTS - International English Language Testing System
- PEd - Professional Education Test
- Real Estate, College-wide End-of-the-Course Exam
- SAE - Subject Area Examinations
- TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language
Industry Certifications and Licensures
- AMCA - American Medical Certification Association
- ASE - Automotive Service Excellence
- Certiport
- FCB - Florida Certification Board
- Insurance
- IT - Information Technology (IT) Exams
- MPRE - Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination
- MSSC - Manufacturing Skill Standards Council
- NAHP - National Association for Health Professionals
- NCCT - National Center for Competency Testing
- NEBOSH - National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health
- NHA - National Healthcareer Association
- PRAXIS - Professional Assessment for Beginning Teachers
- Prov
- PTE Academic - Pearson Test of English
- SOCE - State Officer Certification Examination
- AICE - Advanced International Certificate of Education
- AP - Advanced Placement
- CLEP - College-Level Examination Program
- CAPE - Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination Program
- DLPT - Defense Language Proficiency Test
- iCBE - Institutional Credit-by-Exam
- IB - International Baccalaureate
- UExcel