Community Health Fair
- Blood Pressure
- Cholesterol
- Dental
- Glucose
- Mammograms*
- Vision
- Asthma
- Blood Donation
- Prenatal Care
- Dental Care
- Diabetes
- Pet Care
- Massages
- Stress Relief
Children's Corner
- Dental Screenings
- Health Information
- Face Painting
- Zumba Classes
- HIV/STD Testing
- Farm Share
- Zumba Classes
- Dog Vaccinations
There will be a limited number of mammograms and dental screenings.
* For more information and to schedule a mammography appointment please visit or call 877-318-1349.
Parents/guardians must be present for any medical or dental-related exams.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
(9 am to 1 pm)
MDC Medical Campus
950 NW 20th St., Miami, Fl, 33127
Contact Us
Support the Health Fair
Your donation and support will help provide many services to people in our South Florida community and bring attention to your company in recognition of your efforts and participation. Most of the services that you can help make available will be those that our community would otherwise go without or patients may never seek out on their own. In past Health Fairs, approximately 2000 people are served and thousands more are made aware of the event through promotional activities prior to and during the event.