Use Descriptive labels

H Tags are required within Section tags

Note the use of Section Tags throughout the document. This helps the screenreads in identifying landmarks within the page.

When using Section tags, be sure to include aria-label="" to properly name then

Semantics with Photos

Use Figure tag when displaying photos and enclose the captions with the figcaption tag.

Keep it clean!

When displaying images with captions. Instead of wrapping the images in <div> tags, use Figure tags. Using different tags will both aide the screen reader in identifing landmarks and aide the developers in reading through huge amounts of code.

Wrap the image caption in the figcaption tag. Note: You can add <p> tags, head tags, <h1>, <h2>, <h3> ... , inside the figure container as well. For more informaiton on the different use cases for <Figure> tags click the "Learn more" button below.

Learn More

Accessiblity Tip:

By default, a link outside of a paragraph tag will not be associated with any surrounding information. To create an association, either place the button inside of the paragraph or add the attribute aria-describedby="examplElementId" or aria-labeledby="examplElementId". Replace the "examplElementId" with the Id of the paragraph you would like the link (link button) to be associated with.