Cybersecurity Opportunities and Methods that Promote Access and Student Success (COMPASS)
The overall goal of COMPASS is to increase the number of underrepresented minorities entering the cybersecurity workforce by providing them with opportunities to obtain cybersecurity credentials and degrees.
As a result of this National Science Foundation (NSF) grant, the School of EnTec has accomplished the following results:
Partnership Programs
- Development of Associate in Science in Cybersecurity
- Development of College Credit Certificate in Network Security
- Free vouchers and preparation for industry certifications for students in cybersecurity courses
- Free cybersecurity Summer Camps for High School students
- Dual enrollment courses for High School students
- Cybersecurity training for MDC faculty and M-DCPS teachers
- International trip to Israel for cybersecurity faculty and students
- Development of Cybersecurity Clubs for students
- Field trips
- Presentation at High Impact Technology Exchange (HI-TEC) Conference, July 2019
- Presentation at Community College Cyber (3CS) Summit, August 2019
- Presentation at NSF Advance Technology Education (ATE) Conference, October 2019
Leadership Team
- Dr. Diego Tibaquirá (P.I.), Computer Science Professor
- Antonio Delgado (Co-P.I.), Dean of Engineering, Technology and Design
Contact Information
Kamilah Wilson, Grant Coordinator
Office: Wolfson Campus, Room 3704
Email: kwilson@mdc.edu
EC-Council 2019 Academic Best Newcomer Award in Cybersecurity
Full support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program under Award No. 1800958 . Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.