Watch the 2021-2022 Academic Awards Ceremony, recognizing the winners who have excelled despite unprecedented challenges.
Dr. Jorge Michael Cuellar
Dean of Faculty, Academic Affairs
Dr. Anthony Cruz
Campus President
Keynote Address
Joshua Elias
MDC Honors Alumnus
Recognition of Outstanding Students
Rita Fernandez-Sterling
Faculty, English & Communications
Nominating Faculty & Presenters
Special Presentations
Dr. Jorge Michael Cuellar
Dean of Faculty, Academic Affairs
Closing Remarks
Diane Documet
PTK President
Dr. Jorge Michael Cuellar
Dean of Faculty, Academic Affairs
Art - Cameron Luz Velez
Digital Production - Krystal Munoz
Philosophy - Raissa Bianco
Speech - Maria Corredor
Allied Health - Diana Carolina Ferreiro
Biology - Karen Pedre
Chemistry - Diane Documet
BS Data Analytics Technology - Eduardo Carvajal Figueroa
Music Business - Ruben Espinosa
Music Production - Billy Londos
Music - Gabriela Melon
Theatre - Alex Perez
Social Sciences - Daniela Luna
Psychology - Melanie Mesa
Criminal Justice - Yusuf Imam
Accounting - Giorgio A Zapata
Business Administration - Mark Anthony Pasquis
Economics - Edgar Rodriguez
Upper Division
Supervision & Management - Jessica Niskin
Supply Chain Management - Daylen Nodarse
Upper Division
Early Childhood Education - Alicia Callejas Pedrianes
The United Faculty of Miami Dade College
The Wick Whalen Award
Charlene Thomas
The United Faculty of Miami Dade College
The Manuel Mendoza Award
Diana Carolina Ferreiro
Coca-Cola 2022 Academic Team
Gold Scholar Award
Vivyanna M. Fernandez
Earth Ethics Institute
Joyce DiBenedetto-Colton
Earth Literacy Scholarship Award
Yaelle Esther Reeve
Maria Mari Scholarship Award
Lazaro Daniel Ortiz Ravelo
Service-Learning Call to Action Award
Danielle Nicole Ladron de Guevara