
Chapter 1 - General Administration & Management

Chapter 2 - Personnel

Chapter 3 - Financial Management

Chapter 4 - Student Personnel and Services

Chapter 5 - Buildings, Grounds, and Utilities

Chapter 6 - Contracts and Purchasing

Chapter 7 - Instructional Resources/Media

Chapter 8 - Instructional and Curriculum

Chapter 9 - Campus Libraries and Services

Chapter 1 - General Administration and Management

Chapter 1 - Administration and Management
  Procedures Effective Date Last Revision Date Last Review Date
1010 Administrative Organization 2/29/1972 04/24/2019 11/01/2023
1011 Procedures for Submitting Recommendations to the District Board of Trustees 5/10/1971 11/8/2005 11/01/2023
1011A Substantive Change 07/16/2013    
1012 Contact with College Attorney 1/4/1980 04/24/2019 04/24/2019
1014 College Risk Asessment Process 05/17/2011 05/17/2011 11/01/2023
1015 District Board of Trustees Voting Procedures 4/14/2004 11/8/2005 11/01/2023
1019 Guidelines for Electronic Coverage of Regularly Scheduled District Board of Trustees Meetings Open to the Public 9/23/2003   11/01/2023
1035 College Archives 10/11/2005   11/01/2023
1035 FORM N/A N/A N/A
1045 Miami Dade College Museum of Art and Design, By-Laws, Museum Board of Advisors 10/28/2015 N/A 02/12/2024
1046 Miami Dade College Museum of Art + Design, Code of Ethics 10/28/2015 N/A 02/12/2024
1047 Miami Dade College Acquisitions & Collections Management - Museum of Art and Design Permanent Art Collection and College Campus Art Collections 10/28/2015 N/A 02/12/2024
1048 Miami Dade College Museum of Art + Design, Collections Deaccession Policy and Procedure N/A N/A 02/12/2024
1070 Implementation and Codification of Policies and Procedures 5/18/1971 6/26/2020 11/01/2023
1071 Guidelines for the Acceptance of Gifts to Miami Dade College 10/30/1986 11/08/2005 06/03/2024
1075 Academic Calendar 2013-2018 6/13/2006 1/30/2014  
1075 Academic Calendar 2018-2023 6/17/2016 6/17/2016 11/01/2023
1075 Academic Calendar 2023-2028 6/17/2016 8/18/2023 8/18/2023
1121 Residency for Tuition Purposes 6/25/1979 3/11/2024 4/12/2024
1144 Special Admissions Decisions 8/1/1977 6/24/2005 6/24/2005
1154 Processing Student Change of Address, Phone Numbers, and Email Address 9/15/1969 3/11/2024 4/12/2024
1164 Course User Fees 3/2/1979 1/18/2005 1/18/2005
1167 Textbook Affordability 10/12/2010 9/11/2023 9/11/2023
1170 Employee/Dependent & Retiree Tuition Fee Waivers 6/30/1987 6/9/2016 6/9/2016
1170A Student Fee Waiver and Fee Exemptions 4/19/2005 10/14/2024 10/14/2024
1203 Enrollment of Veterans 9/15/1969 2/11/2014 4/26/2024
1285 Honorary Degrees 8/5/2004 10/8/2004 11/01/2023
1320 Institutional Research 9/15/1969 7/12/2005 7/12/2005
1321 Authorization to Conduct Research 9/15/1969 7/23/2009 7/23/2009
1400 Department of Public Safety 2/29/1972 6/30/2023 3/15/2024
1405 Sexual Predator and Sexual Offender Notification 3/31/2004 12/14/2023 12/14/2023
1409 Campus Free Expression 6/30/1978 11/05/2019 11/05/2019
1410 Security of Buildings 9/15/1969 6/30/2023 3/15/2024
1411 Keys and Access Control (Standard and Electronic) 9/15/1969 6/30/2023 3/15/2024
1415 Security Video Surveillance 11/28/2017 6/30/2023 3/15/2024
1433 Parking Decals for Employees and Students 1/9/1980 3/7/2011 12/15/2023
1454 Vehicle Parking 9/15/1969 3/7/2011 12/15/2023
1470 Use and Rental of Vehicles 6/13/2006 12/14/2023 02/12/2024
1514 College Mail Room Services 11/13/1972 9/13/2005 12/15/2023
1541 Supplementary Custodial Services and Relocation of Furniture and Equipment 9/15/1969   12/13/2023
1590 College Crisis Management 12/20/1971 6/30/2023 3/15/2024
1595 Medical Emergency Response for Communicable Diseases 3/22/2004 8/06/2024 8/06/2024
1660 Safety 2/8/1974 1/29/2024 3/15/2024
1665 Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Process 5/18/2004 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
1701 Communications 01/31/1974 7/29/2024 7/29/2024

Chapter 2 - Personnel

Chapter 2 - Personnel
  Procedures Effective Date Last Revision Date Last Review Date
2000 Personnel Actions Fiscal Year Calendar 8/1/1994 8/6/2024 8/6/2024
2010 A Glossary of Terms and Definitions 6/2/1980 8/6/2024 8/6/2024
2050 Solicitation of Employees 3/24/1972 8/6/2024 8/6/2024
2052 United Way 9/15/1969 8/6/2024 8/6/2024
2100 Recruitment, Internal/External Recruitment, Selection and Hiring Process 5/25/1976 8/6/2024 8/6/2024
2101 Personnel Records 2/29/1972 8/6/2024 8/6/2024
2102 New Employee Orientation Process for Instructional Personnel and
New Employee Onboarding Process for Non-instructional Personnel
2/8/1974 8/6/2024 8/6/2024
2106 Personnel Records/Limited Access 3/2/1979 8/6/2024 8/6/2024
2107 Fee(s) for Photocopying or Duplicating Public Records 1/24/1975 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
2121 Nepotism 3/30/1978 8/6/2024 8/6/2024
2124 Probationary Period for Professional Exempt Non-Contractual and
Support Non-Exempt Personnel
3/28/1978 8/6/2024 8/6/2024
2125 Employment, Volunteer and Intern Background Screenings 11/8/2005 8/6/2024 8/6/2024
2127 Information Technology Division Personnel: Remote Work 10/02/2019 8/6/2024 8/6/2024
2128 Emergency Remote Work 3/16/2020 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
2129 Driver Record Search 4/26/1979 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
2130 Lay-Off/Reduction-in-Force for Professional Exempt Contractual, Professional Exempt Non-Contractual and Support Non-Exempt Personnel 2/25/1991 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
2132 Separation of Employment (Resignation/Termination) 12/11/1978 11/12/2024 11/12/2024
2134 Withholding Salary Checks 10/15/1970 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
2135 All Full-Time Personnel: Employee Retirement 6/14/2011 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
2136 All Full-Time Employees: Benefit Insurance Plans 8/1/2006 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
2137 Retiree Benefit Program 11/8/2005 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
2138 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 - Compliance 11/8/2005 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
2153 Part-Time Instructional Personnel 9/28/1976 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
2160 Part-Time Employee Performance Standards 7/1/2013 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
2220 Determining Professional Development Credit for Internal Training Programs 11/6/1980 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
2230 Classification and Reclassification of Positions 11/10/1972 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2303 Employee Enrollment in Credit Courses; Approval Process of a Workday Exception 8/20/1975 9/6/2024 9/6/2024
2304 Full Time Non-Instructional Personnel Educational Assistance 1/5/1988 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2352 Performance Review of Full-Time Non-Instructional Employees 4/15/1977 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2360 Adjunct Instructor Review 8/22/2013 5/13/2024 5/13/2024
2370 Service/Retirement Awards Program 5/25/1976 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2400 All Personnel: Drug/Alcohol Free Workplace 11/8/2005 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2408 All Personnel: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Guidelines 11/8/2005 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2410 Performance and Disciplinary Standards, Disciplinary Appeal Process, and Complaint Process for Full- Time Employees. 1/10/1978 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2500 Leaves for Professional Development 8/1/1977 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2501 Vacation Leave for Professional Exempt Contractual, Professional Exempt Non-Contractual and Support Non-Exempt Employees 1/3/1980 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2501A All Personnel: Leaves and Absences 11/8/2005 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2502 Sick Leave Non-Instructional Personnel 8/1/1977 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2502A All Personnel: Retirement Sick Leave Payment Program 11/8/2005 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2503 Personal Leave Without Pay for Professional Exempt Contractual, Professional Exempt Non-Contractual and Support Non-Exempt Employees 3/1/1974 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2503A All Personnel: Personal Leaves of Absence 11/8/2005 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2504 Leave for Illness or Injury in Line-of-Duty 3/24/1972 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2505 Sick Leave Pool 1/11/1980 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2506 Military Leave 3/11/1974 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2508 Administrative Paid Leave for Court/Hearing Appearances 12/11/1978 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2510 Absence Without Approved Leave 10/8/1975 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2515 Voluntary Leave Donations 7/1/2005 10/14/2024 10/14/2024
2520 Personnel Designation & Disaster Pay Leave 3/8/2005 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2650 Unemployment Compensation Claims 2/22/1978 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2651 Pay for Non-Exempt Employees 4/19/2005 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2652 Pay for Exempt Employees 4/19/2005 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2653 Income Protection Insurance 9/15/1969 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2656 Tax Sheltered Annuities 9/15/1969 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2657 All Personnel: Terminal Leave Payment Program 5/21/2003 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
2660 Worker's Compensation 1/28/1972 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2670 Direct Deposit 9/15/1969 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2738 Transfer of All Personnel 7/5/1983 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2750 All Full-Time Personnel: Calendar 2024-2025 7/1/2020 2/19/2025 2/19/2025
2826 Safe Harbor Provisions 10/4/1978 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2828 Workday-Workweek Shift/Alternate Work Schedule for Non-Instructional Personnel 11/6/1979 10/4/2024 10/4/2024
2831 Compensation Practices for Non-Instructional Personnel 7/1/2005 10/14/2024 10/14/2024
2832 Compensation Practices for Full-Time and Part-Time Adjunct Instructional Personnel 8/22/2005 10/14/2024 10/14/2024

Chapter 3 - Financial Management

Chapter 3 - Financial Management
  Procedures Effective Date Last Revision Date Last Review Date
3052 Utilization of Funds Derived from Auxiliary Enterprises and Undesignated Gifts 4/14/1972 10/11/2005 10/11/2005
3080 Financial Reports 8/18/1972 10/11/2005 10/11/2005
3092 Administration of Approved Federal and Other Externally Funded Grants 5/13/1974 10/11/2005 10/11/2005
3093 Processing and Reporting of Federal and Other Externally Funded Grant Expenditures 1/22/1971 10/11/2005 10/11/2005
3106 Student Returned Checks 6/3/1981 1/30/2024 1/30/2024
3107 Maintaining the Registration Fee Table 7/3/1986 10/11/2005 10/11/2005
3108 Allied Health and Nursing Program; Malpractice Insurance Premiums 7/3/1986 10/11/2005 10/11/2005
3109 Cash Receipts 3/25/1981 10/11/2005 10/11/2005
3110 Cash Collections Other Than at Bursar's Office 11/8/2005   11/8/2005
3115 Miscellaneous Scholarships 4/30/1982 10/11/2005 10/11/2005
3128 Third-Party Sponsorship 3/25/1981 9/6/2024 9/6/2024
3129 Flat Fee Contracts for External Parties 7/25/1980 1/23/2024 1/23/2024
3140 Student Accounts Receivable 9/15/1969 7/29/2024 7/29/2024
3141 Expenditure of Student Activity and Service Fees 3/26/1976 11/8/2005 11/8/2005

Recording and Collecting Student Financial Obligations

12/15/1969 9/6/2024 9/6/2024
3199 Negotiating Checks that Exceed the Amount of Fees and/or Obligations 5/18/1971 10/11/2005 10/11/2005
3243 Outstanding Student Financial Obligations to the College 9/15/1969 04/10/2018 04/210/2018
3251 Refunds of Student Fees 5/18/1971 10/11/2005 10/11/2005
3253 Refunds for Vocational Credit and Continuing Education Courses 2/20/1976 10/11/2005 10/11/2005
3280 Reimbursement to College Employees for College-Related Purchases Not Exceeding $500 5/4/1971 10/11/2005 10/11/2005

Travel Reimbursement for the District Board of Trustees, the President, College Employees and Other Authorized Persons

2/20/1976 1/12/10 1/12/10

Travel Advances for Estimated Expenses Pertaining to Student Activity and Athletic Funds

11/6/1980 10/11/2005 10/11/2005
3571 Time and Absence Management for Payrolls 9/15/1969 9/6/2024 9/6/2024
3580 Collection of Salary Overpayments 12/24/1988 11/8/2005 11/8/2005
3600 Budget Preparation and Enrollment Projections 1/24/1975 10/14/2024 10/14/2024
3601 Continuing Education Variable Funding Procedure 7/15/1976 11/8/2005 11/8/2005
3820 Investment of Surplus Funds 3/16/1995 01/30/2019 01/30/2019
3821 Investment of Endowment Funds 10/11/2005 01/30/2019 01/30/2019
3900 Property Management 11/8/2005 1/12/2010 1/12/2010
3908 Use of College Facilities by External Organizations 7/30/1970 12/10/2018 12/13/2023
3990 Insurance on Construction Projects 10/15/1970 05/06/2024 05/15/2024

Chapter 4 - Student Personnel and Services

Chapter 4 - Student Personnel and Services
  Policy Effective Day Last Revision Date Last Review Date
4000 Admissions Criteria and Recruitment Guidelines 6/25/1979 12/17/2024 12/17/2024
4005 Technical Manual of Procedures (Admissions and Records, Registration and Graduation) 2/2/1977 10/14/2024 10/14/2024
4009 Student Rights and Responsibilities 6/10/2002 3/11/2024 4/16/2024
4010 Standards of Academic Progress (SOAP) 8/10/1978 11/20/2023 02/12/2024
4015 Guidelines for Exception to Course Load Reduction Under the Standards of Academic Progress (SOAP) 7/2/1979 11/20/2023 02/12/2024
4016 Retaking a Course with a Grade of C or Better: Exceptions Defined 1/13/2004 3/11/2024 4/12/2024
4017 Fees for Repeated Enrollment in Developmental Education and College Credit Courses 1/13/2004 3/11/2024 4/16/2024
4018 Student Petitions Process 6/10/2002 3/11/2024 3/11/2024
4025 Student Code of Conduct 8/1/1977 1/19/24 3/8/24
4028 Hazing 9/13/2005 3/11/2024 4/26/2024
4030 Student Disciplinary Procedures 8/1/1977 10/27/2023 02/12/2024
4032 Student Complaints 2/11/2014 10/27/2023 02/12/2024
4035 Addressing Academic Dishonesty 1/21/1983 3/11/2024 4/12/2024

Financial Aid Policies and Procedures

4/30/1980 9/6/2024 9/6/2024
4042 Administration of Student Book Advances 6/26/2019 9/6/2024 9/6/2024
4052 Application of Deferments for Students Using Tuition Assistance (TA) or Veterans Affairs (VA) Educational Benefits 10/15/1982 9/6/2024 9/6/2024
4055 Services provided For Students With Disabilities 2/7/1992 10/27/2023 2/12/2024
4060 Psychological Assessment 5/22/1978 5/12/2010 5/12/2010
4064 Attendance Records/Reporting of Last Date of Attendance 5/8/2007 3/11/2024 4/26/2024
4064 Attendance Records/Reporting of Last Date of Attendance 5/8/2007 3/11/2024 4/26/2024
4067 Religious Observances by Students 6/10/2002 1/13/2004 1/13/2004
4070 Student Goverment Association Election 1/13/2004 3/11/2024 4/26/2024
4072 Formation of Student Organizations 9/15/1999 3/11/2024 4/12/2024
4073 Suspension of Student Organizations 9/29/1999 1/13/2004 1/13/2004
4075 Communication Between Students, Faculty And
9/29/1998 1/13/2004 4/26/2024
4080 Handling of Personal Emergency for Students 9/15/1969 3/11/2024 4/26/2024
4085 Release of Student Information 1/20/1978 8/27/2009 8/27/2009
4088 Destruction of Student Records 8/01/1977 3/11/2024 4/12/2024
4089 Allocation of Student Activity and Service Fees 1/13/2004 3/11/2024 4/26/2024
4094 Exhibit Table 5/8/2007   12/15/2023
4094 Exhibit table 5/8/2007   12/15/2023
4095 Distribution of Literature 3/28/1978 11/05/2019 12/15/2023
4096 Student Travel 1/13/2004 3/11/2024 4/26/2024
4097 Student Life Guest Speakers 9/15/1969 3/11/2024 4/12/2024
4098 Solicitation of Students 4/7/2008 11/05/2019 11/05/2019
4099 Visits of Campus Recruiters 9/15/1969 10/14/2024 10/14/2024

Chapter 5 - Buildings, Grounds and Utilities

Chapter 5 - Buildings, Grounds and Utilities
  Procedures Effective Day Last Revision Date Last Review Date

Criteria and Process for Selection of Professional Services 9/15/1969 04/30/2019 04/30/2019
5007 Process for Acquisition of Art for Display in Public Spaces 10/2/2006 11/01/2023 11/01/2023
5010 Authorization of Architectural or Engineering Services 10/11/2005 6/30/2023 3/15/2024
5020 Progress and Final Payment for Architectural/Engineering Services 10/11/2005 2/12/2024 2/12/2024
5030 Specific Authorization to Contractor with Continuing Service Agreement 10/11/2005   10/11/2005
5052 Prequalification of Contractors 10/11/2005   10/11/2005
5055 Bid Openings for Construction 9/15/1969 10/11/2005 10/11/2005
5060 Payment of Contractors 12/6/2005   12/6/2005
5070 Permit and Inspection of Construction 9/15/1969 6/30/2023 3/15/2024
5080 Capital Planning 10/11/2005 6/30/2023 3/15/2024
5100 Environmental Safety Task Force 2/18/1997 6/30/2023 3/15/2024
5101 Notification of Safety, Health, Casualty, Sanitation and Environmental Concerns 2/18/1997 1/22/2024 3/15/2024

Chapter 6 - Contracts and Purchasing

Chapter 6 - Contracts and Purchasing
  Procedures Effective Day Last Revision Date Last Review Date
6000 Procurement of Goods and Services 08/2/1978 1/18/2023 1/18/2023
6001 Allowable Expenditures of the College 1/12/10 1/30/2024 1/30/2024
6008 Merchandise to be Received on a Trial Basis 7/3/1986 9/6/2024 9/6/2024
6010 Bid Protest Procedures for Procurement 11/8/2005 9/6/2024 9/6/2024
6013 Conflict of Interest Related to Purchasing Activity 8/2/1978 12/1/2023 12/1/2023
6108 No Substitutes/Sole Source/College Standards 8/2/1978 1/30/2024 1/30/2024
6110 Emergency Purchases 8/2/1978 01/18/2023 01/18/2023
6236 Tie Bids for Purchases 8/2/1978 02/12/2024 02/12/2024
6280 Placement of Advertising with News Media 8/2/1978 02/12/2024 02/12/2024
6300 Contracts, Agreements, and Leases - Signature Requirements and Procedures 4/4/1984 6/28/2023 6/28/2023
6309 Correspondence with Vendors 8/2/1978 12/1/2023 12/1/2023
6350 Procurement of Dining/Food Services and Vending Machine 8/2/1978 01/18/2023 01/18/2023
6520 Miami Dade College Purchasing Card Program 11/8/2005 1/30/2024 1/30/2024
6550 Small Local Business Enterprises Initiative Incentives 2/17/2010 9/6/2024 9/6/2024
6560 Local Business Preference 11/20/2018 8/14/2024 8/14/2024
6600 Cone of Silence for Procurements 4/30/2019 8/14/2024 8/14/2024

Chapter 8 - Instructional and Curriculum

Chapter 8 - Instructional and Curriculum
  Procedures Effective Day Last Revision Date Last Review Date
8004 Advisory Committees for Workforce Education 12/16/1975 11/8/2005 12/15/2024
8030 Establishing Articulation Agreements 9/15/1969 10/18/2023 02/12/2024
8045 Record of Credit Earned by Examination 9/15/1969 3/11/2024 4/16/2024
8100 Assignment of Course Prefixes and Numbers 5/30/1972 10/18/2023 02/12/2024
8141 Academic Program Inventory 6/15/1970 3/11/2024 4/12/2024
8150 Curriculum Processes 10/15/1982 09/10/2013 02/12/2024
8171 Approval of New Non-Credit Courses 02/2/1977 11/8/2005 02/12/2024
8301 Student Appeal of Grades 8/6/1976 3/11/2024 3/11/2024
8303 Placement Testing of Students 9/15/1969 3/11/2024 3/11/2024
8380 Grade Reporting 9/15/1969 3/11/2024 4/14/2024
8381 Granting and Removing of Incomplete Grades 2/7/1978 3/11/2024 4/16/2024
8660 Institutional Responsibility for Career Technical Education 2/20/1976 7/29/2024 7/29/2024
8800 Veteran Education New Course or Program Approvals 9/15/1969 02/12/2024
8881 Out-of-District Study Programs (International – Education Abroad Programs) 8/26/1980 10/29/2023 02/12/2024
8890 Degrees and Certificates 11/6/1981 10/18/2023 02/12/2024
8893 Awarding Degrees 5/15/1970 10/14/2024 10/14/2024

Chapter 9 - Campus Libraries and Services

Chapter 9 - Campus Libraries and Services
  Procedures Effective Day Last Revision Date Last Review Date
9002 Campus Libraries Financial Accountability 9/15/1969 11/8/2005 02/02/2024
9005 Acquisition of Library Materials by Campus Libraries 9/15/1969 11/8/2005 02/02/2024
9100 Library Services 9/15/1969 11/8/05 02/02/2024
9120 Library Borrowing Privileges 9/15/1969 11/8/2005 02/02/2024
9121 Library Obligations 8/6/1976 10/14/2024 10/14/2024