Students and Faculty sharing their personal testimony on the Jaffer Institute at MDC

Jaffer Institute


Making interfaith literacy integral to inclusive humanities education

icon of humans putting a puzzle together


We offer interdisciplinary education focused on interfaith literacy and intercultural dialogue

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Our student-centered ecosystem broadens and deepens interdisciplinary interaction via dialogue

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We offer a community-engaged forum for open and sincere dialogue and discourse on topical issue-areas related to global Muslim world

The Jaffer Institute for Interfaith Dialogue and Education (JI) is part of MDC’s Office of Changemaking Education & Social Innovation (CESI). We envision inclusive communities where learning, strength, inspiration, and resilience are drawn from mutually-cherished values of multiculturalism, religious pluralism, and spiritual diversity. We help the advancement of constructive and positive dialogue between people of different religious traditions by making interfaith literacy an integral part of intercultural proficiency and a wholesome college education.

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In our densely interconnected world of the 21st century, intercultural literacy is an indispensable skill as it empowers us to interact and collaborate across multiple cultures. The Jaffer Institute offers and continues to develop innovative interdisciplinary courses specifically designed to diversify MDC course offerings and maximize our future global citizens’ knowledge base in a wide range of subject matters as they pursue their academic degree.

Two students working together on an assignment

Comparative Middle Eastern and North African Governments


The Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region has consistently been at the epicenter of international politics since the end of WWI. This survey course will address some of their issues by providing students with a historical, cultural, political, and economic overview.


Islam In The Modern World


Islam In the Modern World is a survey course to furnish students with a broad-based knowledge across a variety of conceptual debates, historical events, and policy discussions at the intersection of Islam and the contemporary world. These issues will be contextualized within theoretical, empirical and historical frameworks.


Group of three women smiling
Student studying from her laptop at the library

Islam And America


Islam And America is a survey course introducing, exploring and contextualizing the relationship between the United States and the Muslim World and the path forward. This course analyzes the intersection of religion, identity politics, geopolitics and economics of Islam-US relations in a historical context.



Group of adults networking

Identity Politics in US Election March 12, 2020

March 12, 2020
Eduardo J. Padrón Campus

What is identity politics? How has identity politics changed the traditional role of political parties? Has party polarization and conflict between political parties intensified the role of identity politics in the US?


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Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus

300 N.E. Second Ave
Building 1, Suite 1201
Miami, FL 33132


P: 305-237-7581