Dacia Steiner
Project Director
Dacia Steiner is the Title III Grant Project Director for STEM Legacy at Miami Dade College – Wolfson Campus. Previously, she was the Director of Development and Strategic Partnerships at the Center for Social Change, Miami’s first community space and co-working environment that is dedicated to promoting collaborative, systemic solutions to social problems. Before joining the Center, Dacia led the launch of ReServe South Florida, the first affiliate of a national nonprofit connecting older adults to area nonprofits for capacity building project-based service opportunities.
Prior to moving to Miami, Dacia was Program Manager at the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Institute at Northwestern University, where she worked closely with founders John McKnight and Jody Kretzmann for over five years on project with Chicago Public Schools, the Chicago Police Department and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). Dacia is currently an Emeritus Faculty with the ABCD Institute, now housed at DePaul University.
Dacia has worked directly with local, national and international government agencies, public institutions and nonprofits to design community-based participatory research projects, and provided training and technical assistance on the implementation of those efforts. Her research and writing primarily focused on themes related to youth, aging, and international development. She has also taught university courses in several topic areas, including introductory community development, complex organization, the nonprofit sector, asset-based organizing, and teaching in urban communities. Dacia has an undergraduate degree in Political Science and a Masters in Public Administration (MPA), both from the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Marice Diaz
Academic Manager
Maricé Diaz is the current Grant Academic Manager of the STEM Legacy, Title III grant. She manages the STEM Axis Center, which provides tutoring and Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) services, and works with faculty to incorporate high impact practices into their curriculum. Maricé also served on the committee that wrote the STEM Legacy grant. Prior to this, she worked for two Title V, Department of Education, grants at MDC: ARCOS & Opening the Gateways: Emotional Intelligence and Mathematics Success. Maricé is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in International Crime & Justice at FIU and an AS in CSI – Forensics at Miami Dade College. She obtained her B.A in Psychology from FIU and M.S in Criminal Justice from St. Thomas University.
Logan Saucer
STEM Student Transfer Manager
Logan Saucer is a graduate of Florida International University, having earned a Master of Science degree in Geosciences (focus on geoscience education) and a Bachelor of Science degree in Atmospheric Science (2nd major in Interdisciplinary Studies, minor in Geography). While at FIU, Logan was involved with the STEM Transformation Institute and participated in ComPASS (Communication Protocol for Accountability & Strategic Support), the university’s effort to leverage institutional student success data to drive improvement initiatives. Through STEM Legacy, Logan works with STEM students at Wolfson Campus to connect them with support structures proven to improve student success outcomes: discipline-specific academic advising, mentorship, and undergraduate research and internship opportunities.
Miami Dade College - Wolfson Campus
300 NE 2nd Avenue
Program Office Room 1546
Miami, FL 33132
305-237-3315 | stemlegacy@mdc.edu
Miami Dade College is an equal access/equal opportunity institution which does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, marital status, age, religion, national origin, disability, veteran’s status, ethnicity, pregnancy, sexual orientation or genetic information. To obtain more information about the College’s equal access and equal opportunity policies, procedures and practices, please contact the College’s Civil Rights Compliance Officer: Cindy Lau Evans, Director, Equal Opportunity Programs/ ADA Coordinator/ Title IX Coordinator, at (305) 237-2577 (Voice) or 711 (Relay Service). 11011 SW 104 St., Room 1102-01; Miami, FL 33176. CRCTitleIXADA@mdc.edu