MDC Online

Get Online. Get Ahead. Graduate.™

Miami Dade College (MDC) is closely monitoring Hurricane Helene, with tropical storm warnings and a Flood Watch in effect for ALL of South Florida through Friday morning.

At this time, College operations will continue as scheduled. MDC will continue working with Miami-Dade County’s Department of Emergency Management and the National Weather Service to monitor the latest information.

Check social media and the MDC Hotline 305-237-7500 for updates.

Message from the Campus Vice President

Dr. Walter McCollum

MDC Students,
First, I hope you and your families are doing well! I know it has been challenging for everyone as we have been faced with the pandemic challenges over the past seven months. We want you to know that you are our priority, and we are here to support you in any way possible so that you can be successful in your academic programs.

Welcome to MDC Online’s Inaugural Newsletter! We will be sending out a newsletter every quarter to share resources and highlight students and faculty for the exceptional work they are doing! We hope you will find this information invaluable as you continue your educational goals here at MDC.

We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished thus far! Continue to stay focused and strive for achievement. As we approach the upcoming term, reflect on how your academic journey is preparing you for the next phase of your life. Think about how you are growing and developing both personally and professionally, and how you will use your life as a vehicle to change some aspect of the world, whether on a micro or macro level. Think about what you are passionate about, and how you will align that passion with purpose to effect positive social change!

You are developing a well-rounded educational foundation to support you in determining what and how you would like to continue growing and developing in a specialized program of study. Begin to chart your path so you can transfer the skills you have learned at MDC in your profession. Challenge yourself and hold yourself accountable and responsible to your goals and objectives.

I look forward to meeting you all someday and celebrating your great accomplishments with you! The best is yet to come!

Dr. Walter McCollum
Vice President, MDC Online

Student Success

Resilience. Strength. Courage. Persistence.

These are traits MDC students are commonly known for, but in 2020, our students – YOU – showed that not even a pandemic could stop you from pursuing your goals, passions, and futures.

At MDC Online, student success is one of our top priorities. We remain committed to your success, and we consistently strive to meet your needs whenever and however we can. Here’s an overview of the support options and features we’ve brought on this year to help our students overcome challenges to their academic success, and to get them across the finish line and on the stage at graduation:

Blackboard 24/7 Support

Blackboard 24/7 Student Support—Beginning in March 2020, MDC Online partnered with Blackboard 24/7 Student Support (BbSS) to bring students and faculty on-demand technical support for Blackboard courses. All MDC students and faculty – online, remote, blended, and on-campus – can now call the MDC Online Support Lines and connect with a support agent to get help at any time – day or night.

Blackboard 24/7 Live Chat Support — As part of the BbSS, we expanded the service to include live, on-demand chat with Blackboard agents. Students and faculty can connect with a 24/7 Live Chat Support Agent – the link is also accessible through Blackboard.

Overall, 2020 has been a year of change, challenge, and uncertainty, but there’s one thing we know for sure – we’re committed to your success. We’re walking alongside all our students, as they continue their journeys toward a brighter future, and a better tomorrow.

Important upcoming dates:

Student Spotlight: Nicholas Romanov| BAS Supervision & Management, MDC Online & Wolfson Campus

Nicholas Romanov

Nicholas Romanov is an MDC alumnus who graduated with his AA degree in Fall 2017. A thirst for knowledge and a drive for better opportunity brought Nicholas back to swim among the sharks at MDC and pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Science in Supervision & Management through MDC Online in Spring 2020. Less than a year into the program, Nicholas has masterfully navigated the challenges of balancing a full-time work schedule and a full-time class load during his time in the BAS program. But when Nicholas decided to come back to finish his bachelor’s degree, little did he know of the public health emergency and global pandemic that was looming on the horizon.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Nicholas exhibits a strong character that is buttressed by resilience, courage, persistence, and respect. As a full-time employee in the service industry, he was one of the thousands of essential employees who were instrumental in the ongoing recovery and re-opening of Miami-Dade County and his local community. Through a partnership and volunteer opportunity at his job, Nicholas distributed food, supplies, and personal care items to individuals in dire need – Nicholas shared, “these were people who had lost their jobs at the height of the pandemic, right when they needed help the most…I volunteered because even though it was challenging to balance a full-time schedule at work and school, I wanted to have a positive impact at a time that seemed really bleak” Despite the adversity and seemingly insurmountable challenges, Nicholas has remained resilient and focused throughout the pandemic and the2019-2020 academic year. He completed most of his degree requirement courses in about a year’s time and is expected to graduate with a Bachelor’s in Applied Science in Supervision & Management by the end of Spring 2021. After graduating, Nicholas has plans to relocate to New York to pursue a career in Human Resources at a large, multi-national company.

We are extremely proud of Nicholas Romanov and his accomplishments this past year, and we applaud him and all the MDC students who persisted despite a pandemic. It takes great bravery to pursue a college degree to chase after a potential future in the face of adversity and uncertainty. Here’s to Nicholas and the thousands of other MDC students who pursued their goals, no matter what—so keep swimming, and stay strong, Sharks!

Instructional Design and Course Delivery

Instructional Design + Course Delivery

To support remote learning at Miami Dade College during the summer and fall of 2020, MDC Online made available its Master Courses to MDC faculty. MDC Online Master Courses are designed collaboratively by MDC Faculty Developers and MDC Online Instructional Designers using top instructional practices for online learning. They include learning modules, assessments, and designated textbooks and resources. Although the Master Courses may be customized, they do not require substantial development of new content.

The MDC Online Master Course Catalog is made available through a Blackboard Organization, which includes guidelines for use of the Master Courses and support files, including:

  • A PDF file of the syllabus for each Master Course providing a preview of Master Course content
  • A list of required textbooks and resources from the Master Course
  • A zipped file export of each Master Course
  • Directions for how to import the zipped Master Course file into a live course shell
  • Information on how to use ProctorU to offer the Proctored Assessment
  • Suggestions for alternative assessments/assignments that can be used instead of the Proctored Assessment and links to the resource page developed for faculty on Assessing Learning Remotely
  • Information on how to get additional support

The Course Delivery and Instructional Design teams have led the charge during the pandemic. The Instructional Design team developed and/or updated over 200 master courses, which the Course Delivery team then made available through the Blackboard Organization. Additionally, the Instructional Design team supported and trained remote learning classes and faculty college-wide. Thank you to the members of the Course Delivery team and the Instructional Design team for your hard work and dedication to our students and faculty!

Technology Services | New tools for engagement

Packback logo

Packback is an artificial intelligence (AI) supported, online discussion platform integrated into Blackboard Learn (BbL). It enables instructors to improve student communication and critical thinking skills through discussion. Students learn how to ask questions and receive coaching on their critical thinking skills as they respond to weekly discussion activities. Packback uses gamification to increase student engagement. AI automates the instructor’s administrative tasks such as moderating the discussions and grading, allowing the instructor to provide high quality feedback in short amounts of time.

Packback will launch their first Community of Practice in mid-Fall where instructors will have an opportunity to discuss current topics in pedagogy. The Packback team provides faculty training and support throughout the term. In addition, they are conducting a research project as part of our partnership. A preliminary review of the data has yielded exciting findings. A full report will be shared upon completion of the in-depth data review.

Playposit logo

The College is currently piloting PlayPosit this Fall semester and MDC Online plans to pilot in the Spring 2021 semester. PlayPosit is a tool that allows instructors to make their video content engaging by adding real-time questions and interactions into the video timeline. Instructors can add a variety of interactions such as multiple-choice questions, graded fill-in the blanks, discussions, and poll surveys to name a few. Interactions are called “bulbs” and can be placed anywhere on the video timeline to ask a question, prompt a discussion, or share additional information. PlayPosit bulbs can also be embedded everywhere with one single click at the same time to apps, websites, your Blackboard Learn assignments and pages, slides and more.

Students can take notes that are timestamped and searchable and downloadable within any video. It is mobile ready allowing students to watch bulbs from any device. For an overview on how PlayPosit works, go to PlayPosit interactive video.

Faculty Excellence & Professional Learning

Professional Learning

During the past year, the online learning environment became an essential part of teaching and delivering instructional content. Online education offers opportunities, but it also comes with some challenges, such as student engagement. If you are concerned about how to engage your students in the online learning environment, please consider taking the new course from the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE): Effective ONLINE Teaching Practices. This course follows the same, research-based approach as the ACUE Effective Teaching Practices course, but with a difference: the focus is entirely on ONLINE teaching. It shares the best practices for engaging students in deep learning through Online, Remote, and Blended environments

This is a fully online course, facilitated by MDC personnel using the ACUE course for Effective ONLINE Teaching Practices. It carries Faculty Development Credit (46 FPD) and you may obtain a transcript from the American Council on Education (ACE) if you want to document graduate level accomplishment (details are available from ACUE, this is not provided by MDC). The course is a rigorous, graduate level experience that will require a substantial time commitment.

Here are answers to a few commonly asked questions:

  • If I’ve already taken the ACUE course in Effective Teaching Practices, am I allowed to take this one too? Answer: YES, it is a new course with a focus on the ONLINE teaching and learning environment.
  • Are there any pre-requisites such as the original ACUE course? Answer: NO, there are no pre-requisites.
  • Will I be compensated for taking this course? Answer: No, while MDC does cover the course tuition, there is no additional compensation.
  • Is the course open to Adjunct Faculty members? Answer: Yes!
CIOL has two cohorts currently taking the course, and they plan on offering additional cohorts in January. Please be on the look out and take advantage of this valuable opportunity.

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Susan Epstein Garcia

Dr. Epstein Garcia

MDC Online is proud to announce that the Faculty Spotlight for our very first quarterly newsletter is shining on Dr. Susan Epstein Garcia! During a time of crisis, it is difficult enough to take care of yourself, let alone consider helping others that are also impacted by the crisis. Dr. Epstein Garcia, a faculty member at MDC and a faculty developer for MDC Online, admirably exemplifies this type of altruism. When Miami Dade College initially went into remote learning in the spring, Dr. Epstein Garcia modified her MUL1010 Master Course with the pandemic situation in mind in order to help the other faculty teaching MUL1010. She worked diligently to complete this work, and she did so without being asked. Additionally, she reached out directly to her colleagues to assist them with course set up and the implementation of proctored assessment options. Dr. Epstein Garcia continued this work in the summer in preparation for the fall, even though a decision had not been made regarding fall remote learning.

Dr. Epstein Garcia consistently considers her role as a faculty member, ensuring her course is designed in a way to foster student learning and success, and promote an excellent student experience. Her role as a faculty developer is also in the forefront. As stated by Dr. Epstein Garcia, "I am always willing to help my colleagues and students with whatever they need: instruction, master course content, and anything else that is needed. Faculty and students can feel free to reach out to me."

Dr. Epstein Garcia is a composer, educator and author. She holds an DMA in Composition from Boston University 1999 and a BM in Film Scoring from Berklee College of Music 1992. Her works have been performed by the Colorado Symphony Orchestra and at Clark, Brandeis, Boston and Florida International Universities, as well as internationally at University of Trinidad and Tobago, UniRio in Rio de Janeiro, and in Rome and Spain. She is a contributing author to Women and Music Since 1900: an Encyclopedia and is actively involved in IAWM (the International Alliance for Women in Music). Dr. Epstein Garcia holds the rank of Professor and joined the faculty of New World School of the Arts in 1999. She has been awarded the Mary Pond Family and Friends Endowed Teaching Chair in Memory of Karl S.E. Pond.

Thank you, Dr. Epstein Garcia, for being a great role model by demonstrating excellent support and collaboration.

Staff Spotlight: Nidia Caldera | Student Support Team, MDC Online

Nidia Caldera

Some Background:

Nidia is one of the most senior members of the MDC Online Student Support Team and has been with MDC for over eight years. In addition to her experience working with students and in higher education, Nidia also dabbles in graphic and visual design – a talent she puts into practice through her volunteer work at her community church. Her goals include launching a small business, advancing her career at MDC, and to one day become an adjunct faculty member at a state college.

What Are You Up To?

"Aside from making sure students get the help and support they need, I’ve been helping with some of the creative projects for the upcoming MDC Online Summit in November 2020. I am looking into potential graduate programs, but I am also focused on developing my small business."

On MDC Online:

"I am proud to work with a team that works together and collaborates with other departments so that we can learn from each other. We build on the strengths and creativity of each team member to create positive experiences and solutions for students. At the end of the day, I like that we’ll reach across campuses and departments to find the best way to help our students—it’s what we do."

Notable News:

Nidia recently earned her BAS in Supervision & Management after graduating with honors from MDC’s School of Global Business, Trade, and Transportation this summer! Congratulations, Nidia – we’re proud of you!

Meet the Team

Campus Vice Presidency

Dr. Walter McCollum | Campus Vice President
Dr. Walter McCollum, Vice President, MDC Online recently transitioned from Fort Washington, Maryland to MDC in June. He is passionate about student success! In his past time, Dr. McCollum enjoys capturing beautiful scenery while riding his motorcycle. He also enjoys working on international development initiatives in countries like Haiti, Costa Rica, and the continent of South Africa, to increase literacy and gender equality. Dr. McCollum holds a PhD in Applied Management and Decision Sciences, a MA in Management, a BS in Psychology and a AAS in Business Management.
Diana Salazar Vargas | Secretary III
Born in Cali, Colombia. She has over 10 years of experience in project, financial and administrative support in Information Technology Area. She worked across Latin America to successfully administer and supporter IT Project Management Office. She holds a B.S. in Industrial Engineer; she is a Project Management Professional from Project Management Institute and has a Green Belt Lean Six Sigma Certification.

Academic Team

Donna Lee Jennings | Academic Director
Born in Arkansas and grew up in Miami. She has 27 years in higher education, including 19 years at MDC and was a tenured faculty member at East Tennessee State University. She has three degrees (BS, MA, and PhD), all of which are in economics.
Rafael Rodriguez | Office Specialist
Originally from Cuba. He has been with Miami Dade College for the past 7 years serving in different capacities, as student advisor, administrative assistant, and most recently as MDC Online Office Specialist. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Manhattan School of Music.

Course Delivery Team

Amy C. Crowley-Gonsoulin | Course Delivery and Adj. Director
Is originally from Dallas, Texas. She has a background in teaching and technology, primarily focusing on supporting teachers with technology integration and best instructional practices to promote student success. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English and French with honors in English and Liberal Arts from the University of Texas at Austin, as well as a master’s degree in English from Boston College.
Wendy Echavarria | LMS Specialist
Is Originally from NY. Currently she is a Learning Management System Specialist for Miami Dade - MDC Online. She holds a M.Ed. in Instructional Technology from the University of South Florida.
Vincent V. Marshburn | LMS Specialist
Born in Vietnam, raised in U.S. He has a background in IT and has worked in the education industry for over 20 years, first as a professor of Information Technology, and now “behind the scenes” Vincent says, as an LMS specialist for the Course Delivery Team at MDC Online. He holds an Associate’s degree from Miami Dade Community College. He graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Information Technology degree from American Intercontinental University Online, and was awarded a Master of Education degree from the same institution. Mr. Marshburn is a strong proponent of the sentiment that it is never too late to start or finish something.
Liber Gonzalez | LMS Specialist
He is from Cuba, “countryside, not from the capital” Liber says. He has background as a System Admin, Automation, Coding. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Electronics.

Program Development Team

Dr. Ernest Burt III | Director of Program Development
He is from the Midwest. He is the Director of Program Development for MDC Online. He brings more than 15 years’ experience in Higher Education with a focus in online delivery, management, and student success. Dr. Burt received his B.A. in Criminology from The Ohio State University, Master’s in Criminal Justice from Tiffin University, and his Doctor of Educational Leadership from Keiser University.
Althea Alphonse-Prescott | Sr Instructional Designer
Born on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, West Indies, and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. For the past twenty years, she has worked in the educational industry teaching, training, designing, developing, researching, implementing, managing, and evaluating a variety of subjects for various institutions to diverse students of all ages. Additionally, she has over 15 years of administrative practice in the legal, financial, sales & marketing industries. She holds Doctoral and Master Degrees in Education specializing in Instructional Technology, Distance Education and School Business Leadership.
Michelle James | Sr Instructional Designer
She is from Jamaica Island; “the land of wood and water” Michelle says. Over 20 years in educational technology, technology training, instructional design and supporting activities within the higher education arena. She holds M.S. in Adult Education and Human Resource Development and a Bachelor of Business Administration, both from Florida International University.
Sandra Lomena | Sr Instructional Designer
Is originally from Venezuela. Her work experience in the educational field started in 2009 as Blackboard Admin. for a private university. For 10 years she gained knowledge in different technologies. She holds a M.S. in Management Information System from FIU and she is pursuing a Certificate in E-Learning Instructional Design from the University of California Irvine.
Lorena Mayoral | Sr Instructional Designer
Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is currently an Instructional Designer at MDC Online. She has over 17 years of experience in the field of adult education gained both in the United States and abroad. She has coordinated professional development programs in collaboration with local colleges and community schools and also designed and implemented a variety of online and blended training and staff development programs in corporate America. She holds a M.S. in Human Resources Development from Indiana State University, as well as a Master’s Certificate in Curriculum, Instruction and Media Technology for Higher Education. Additionally, she completed a B.S. in English and a B.S. in Education.
Melisa Rios | Sr Instructional Designer
Born in Puerto Rico, raised mainly in Miami. Over 20 plus years in academia, which include the most recent position of instructional Designer for MDC Online and Adjunct Entec Instructor (Broward/MDC); formerly worked as BbL Administrator, Distance Program Development, co-authored 2 grants, and Trainer among other things. She holds a M.S. in Management Information Systems, ATD e-Learning Instruction Design Certificate, BbL 9.0 System Administrator Certification, SCRUM Master Certification.

Technology Services Team

Debra Sheridan-Brinkman | Director of Technology
She has lived in South Florida for over 30 years. She has over 36 years in distance learning and teaching/learning technologies. She holds a B.S. in Broadcast Production from the University of Florida and a M.S. in Higher Education Administration with a focus on Public Policy.
Jerry Braun | Sr Systems Analyst
Born and raised in Minnesota. He did his undergraduate work at the University of Minnesota. He worked as a marketing director for Viking Express. Then he started as instructional design support at FIU and came to Miami Dade College in 2001. He was part of the initial core team that set up what was known as the Virtual College. He can still remember uploading their first batch of 284 "online" students into the old WebCT server. Now he is one of the BlackBoard Administrators, and his current duties involve supporting online web applications for MDC Online. He holds a Master of Instructional Technology from New York Institute of Technology.

Student Services Team

Hector Noriega | Student Services Director
Was born in Queens, NY, raised in Managua, Nicaragua & Fort Lauderdale, FL, and has deep family roots in Puerto Rico. With a career in higher education spanning over 11 years, he first started as a Student Advisor at American InterContinental University while pursuing his undergraduate degree. In 2014, he began with MDC and MDC Online as Student Services and was then promoted to Director of Student Services in 2017. He holds A.A. from Valencia College, a B.S. in Communications & B.A. in Psychology from FIU, an M.S. in Higher Education Administration from SNHU and is midway through his doctoral studies in pursuit of a PhD Higher Education Leadership at FAU.
Jonathan Gonzalez | Student Services Coordinator
Born and raised in Miami (his parents are Cuban refugees). He first started to work in Higher Ed. during his freshmen year in MDC. Then he moved on to the private sector to work other non-related jobs. In 2012 he returns to work for MDC, at the Wolfson Campus Testing Department as a proctor then examiner. Then transitioned into a Full-Time position at the Padron Campus in Testing Department as a Testing and Assessment Specialist. Thereafter, he started to work for MDC Online as the Student Services Coordinator. He holds a M.S in Higher Education Administration from Florida International University.
Jose Sanchez | Help Desk Supervisor
Born in Dominican Republic and raised in Puerto Rico and New York. He is a US NAVY Veteran and worked in MDC for 30 years. He holds an A.A. degree.
Sylvia Betancourt | Help Desk Clerk (PT)
Born and raised in Miami, Fl – never left. She has been with the College for over 40 years, most of those years were spent as the International Student Coordinator - spread across 4 campuses – all to do student services – admissions, advisement, and registration for any student. She holds Bachelors from Barry University in Public Administration.
Nidia Caldera | Help Desk Clerk (PT)
Born in Miami, Fl, but their parents are from Nicaragua. She has worked in Student Services for the past 10 years; 7 of those in Admissions and Registration and the past 3 years with MDC Online. She recently graduated from Bachelor of Applied Science in Supervision and Management this summer 2020.
Anielka Garcia | Clerk (PT)
Born in Nicaragua. She has working at MDC Online for about two years as a clerk in the reception area. She is currently working on her degree in paralegal studies at MDC.
Nina Harvison | Clerk (PT)
Born and raised in Miami, Fl. She came to the MDC Online family via internship, and subsequently was hired afterwards. She is a student at MDC, studying in the MAGIC program getting a degree in Animation and Game art.

Upcoming Events

Celebrating Heritage & Culture | Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month 2020

Each year Miami Dade College observes National Hispanic Heritage Month during October by celebrating the histories, cultures, and contributions of generations of Hispanic Americans who have consistently helped make our country strong and prosperous. Hispanic Americans are the largest minority group in the United States today. They contribute to our Nation beyond description. Join us at our celebration.

Veterans Awareness

Veterans Awareness 2020


Here at Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus, we are proud to honor those who served our Nation and their families in November, which is National Veterans and Military Families Month. In addition, we are planning to offer several events throughout the year leading up to our annual Memorial Day Celebration. Our mission is to honor, celebrate, education, and support our veterans and their families throughout the year.

All sessions will be recorded and available for viewing at a future date if students are unable to view them at the scheduled time.

We have several valuable events scheduled throughout the year. For November, they include:

November 9th, 2020 at 10:00 am | The Director of Veteran and Military Services at Miami Dade College will give a presentation honoring our veterans. Dr. Beatriz Gonzalez, President of the Wolfson Campus, will be introducing Donna Zazanis-Burke, Director of Veteran and Military Services at MDC to honor our veterans and kick-off Veterans Awareness Month.

Dr. Michael GatsonNovember 10th, 2020 at 5:00 pm | Presentation — ”Veterans and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Strategies for Suicide Prevention” - Speaker Dr. Michael Gatson, Mental Health Counselor with the Veterans Administration.

Dr. Thomas A. GorryNovember 16th, 2020 at 3:00 pm | Forum on "Post Military Transition to Civilian Life" - Speaker Brigadier General Thomas Gorry will discuss veteran's reintegration issues and the 21st century veteran profile. Introduced by Dr. Walter McCollum, Campus Vice President, MDC Online.

November 19th, 2020 at 10:00 am | Panel Presentation: Entrepreneurship, Education and Business Opportunities for Veterans and their Families. Speakers will explore moving from military to civilian vocations, educational requirements for success, MDC and community resources, and business/entrepreneurial options.

November 23rd, 2020 at 10:00 am | Veterans and Family Resource Workshop. A panel presentation with information on Health, Education and Family Benefits.

Stay tuned for 2021 events that will be announced to serve our Veterans and their families. Hope you can join us for these important programs!

Disability Awareness

Disability Awareness Month 2020

Check out our full calendar of events and registration information.

MDC Online Summit | 2020

MDC Online will be hosting its first Summit on November 10, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET.

The event will be hosted online and virtually through Blackboard Collaborate, and will be live-streamed at the beautiful, brand new Business Innovation & Technology Center (BIT Center), at the Wolfson Campus and part of the Miguel B. Fernandez Family School of Global Business, Trade, and Transportation. Those who choose to attend the live-streamed sessions will need to adhere to strict social distancing requirements and must wear a mask while inside the BIT Center and while on campus.

The theme for our inaugural 2020 summit:

Student Success and Faculty Excellence: Adapting to Changing Times

MDC Online Summit | 2020

As the MDC family and community continue to persevere and navigate through changes and uncertainty, this is an opportunity to gather, collaborate, and discuss the past, the present, and the future of our institution. Informational and engaging sessions facilitated by a panel of students, faculty, and administrators and will focus on research-based discussions on:

  • Shared experiences from students, faculty, and administrators
  • Best practices and strategies to succeed in online and digital learning
  • Innovative and creative teaching methods and student support strategies
  • Addressing equity gaps, bridging the digital divide, and fostering diversity and inclusion across learning spaces

Dr. Scott CowenWe are very excited to have Dr. Scott S. Cowen, interim president of Case Western Reserve University and president emeritus of Tulane University, join the Executive Leadership Session. Dr. Cowen was president of Tulane University during Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath in 2005, leading the university through adversity, uncertainty, and change. As a special guest speaker and session facilitator, Dr. Cowen will lead a conversational discussion with MDC leadership on leading through a crisis.

Keep an eye out for the official invitation and registration link – coming soon to your inbox!

Miami Book Fair | Online

Miami Book Fair Online Logo

37th Miami Book Fair, Nov. 15-22, 2020 | For the first time in 37 years, Miami Dade College’s weeklong celebration of books and writers in downtown Miami, Miami Book Fair (MBF), will be a virtual event for eight days, between Nov. 15 and 22., 2020. All of the Miami Book Fair 2020 programs will be accessible for free during the entire 8 days of the Fair, just by registering at

Miami Book Fair Online Authors

At the nation’s largest and oldest collection of literati, Miami Book Fair 2020 hosts a growing list of more than 200 authors and moderators, including poet and novelist Margaret Atwood, novelists Chuck Palahniuk, Dean Koontz, James McBride, Terry McMillan, Lee Child; singers Lenny Kravitz and Dee Snider, actress Natalie Portman, CNN commentator Jeffrey Toobin, Poet Laureate Joy Harjo, environmental activist Erin Brokovich, YA sensations Tiffany D. Jackson and David Yoon, among many others.

As in years past, signature programs, such as “Evenings With…” and the IberoAmerican and ReadCaribbean, as well as the robust children, YA, and Comics/Graphic Novel programs will return. Along with the beloved Children’s Alley, which again will be dedicated to providing fun, learning activities for children of all ages. In addition, the Fair will prominently showcase Florida authors, as part of the new initiative Florida Writer’s Map.

The virtual Book Fair Marketplace will feature booksellers and other vendors, in place of the popular Street Fair weekend. A free and simple registration is all that will be required, and users will receive email notifications about programs and activities as they become available, plus practical tips on how to navigate the website, create a watchlist, and more. For more information, please visit

QM Free Course

Quality Matters Logo

Quality Matters (QM) is the global organization leading quality assurance in online and innovative digital teaching and learning environments. If you are interested in learning more about QM, consider taking the following FREE course:

A Free, Self-paced “Elements of Quality Matters” Course
Quality Matters welcomes anyone who is new to QM and who is interested in learning more about QM to participate in this free, self-paced course. The course participant does NOT have to be a QM (personal) subscriber or from a QM subscribing institution. Anyone who is interested can participate.

Objectives of the Course:
At the end of this course, you’ll be able to identify the origin and scope of Quality Matters.
Target Audience:
Higher Education and K-12 faculty, administrators, and instructional designers.
A free certificate will be provided upon the completion of the course.
Most participants can complete the course in one or two weeks within a total of 4 hours.
