
Explore the Programs at Miami Dade College


Medical Knowledge (MK):

Acquire the medical knowledge required to provide patient care across the lifespan.

  • Apply fundamental knowledge of biomedical and clinical sciences to provide patient centered medical care across the lifespan. (MK1)
  • Recognize the etiology, risk factors, and epidemiology of various medical conditions. (MK2)
  • Apply foundational medical, surgical, social, and behavioral knowledge to a variety of acute, chronic, and emergent medical conditions across the lifespan.(MK3)
  • Search, appraise, and integrate information from evidence-based studies to make informed decisions about patient care. (MK4)

Clinical Reasoning and Problem-solving Abilities (CRPSA):

Demonstrate clinical reasoning and problem-solving abilities to provide patient care across the life span.

  • Synthesize information to formulate the most likely diagnosis based on an appropriate history, physical examination, and diagnostic workup for a variety of acute, chronic, and emergent medical conditions, for patients across the lifespan. (CRPSA 1)
  • Interpret data collected from diagnostic, laboratory, and imaging studies and procedures to accurately diagnose acute, chronic, and emergent health conditions. (CRPSA 2)
  • Formulate the appropriate clinical intervention and management strategies based on the relevant history, physical examination, and diagnostic workup. (CRPSA 3)

Interpersonal Communication (ICS):

Communicate effectively by demonstrating interpersonal and communication (verbal, nonverbal, written, and electronic) skills that result in effective, patient-centered care.

  • Elicit and provide accurate patient information incorporating appropriate verbal, nonverbal, written, and electronic skills to patients, families, and members of the healthcare team. (ICS1)
  • Effectively communicate health awareness, disease prevention, and patient education through verbal, nonverbal, written, and electronic skills. (ICS2)
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct oral case presentations accurately portraying the history, exam findings, and proposed plan of care. (ICS3)

Clinical and Technical Skills (CTS):

Demonstrate the clinical and technical skills required to provide appropriate assessment, evaluation, and management of patients across the lifespan.

  • Conduct comprehensive and focused history and physical examinations appropriate to the patient presentation in a patient-centered fashion. (CTS1)
  • Generate comprehensive and focused written documentation, accurately portraying the history, exam findings, and proposed plan of care. (CTS2)
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform basic common medical and surgical procedures and clinical skills essential for entry into PA practice including but not limited to local anesthetic administration; superficial wound closure; incision and drainage of abscess; large joint injection; Papanicolaou smear; and interpretation of diagnostic tests and imaging (e.g., plain film x-rays and EKGs). (CTS3)

Professional Behavior (PB):

Demonstrate professional, ethical, and legal behaviors, emphasizing professional maturity and accountability, to ensure the delivery of safe and high-quality care to patients and communities.

  • Collaborate with other healthcare professionals and teams to provide equitable care across the life span. (PB1)
  • Demonstrate individual accountability and ability to recognize personal limitations, admit mistakes and errors, and accept constructive feedback. (PB2)