Changemaking (IMPACT) Faculty Profile

Dr. Kelly Kennedy

Dr. Kelly Kennedy

Discipline/Courses: English/ ENC1101, ENC1102, LIT2000

Campus: Hialeah

UN SDGs related to your work: Although I feel that I touch on all of the Sustainable Development Goals because I use themes in almost all of my courses, and in my work as a Phi Theta Kappa advisor, Faculty Scholar, and Salzburg Global Fellow. I have used the following SDG’s most often as an integral part of what I do: 1) No Poverty 2) Zero Hunger 3) Good Health and Well-being 4) Quality Education 5) Gender Equality 6) Clean Water and Sanitation 10) Reduced Inequalities 13) Climate Action 14) Life Below Water 15) Life on Land

Essence Words: Compassionate, Good-natured, Accepting, Loving, Team Player

As faculty, what does changemaking mean to you? How do you define what changemaking education is to a faculty peer who’s never heard the term?

Changemaking to me means that you are willing to do the hard work that comes with wanting to make the world a better place-not only for those you love or those you work with but for those you have never met, never will meet, or just haven’t met yet.

Why do you consider yourself a changemaker faculty? What issues are at the center of your changemaking work?

I learned about changemaking on a faculty trip to Salzburg, Austria. It changed me to my core. When I got back from the trip, I immediately went to work on imparting this knowledge to my colleagues, friends, family, and students. I completely revamped my coursework, I started my interdisciplinary project known as The Global Citizenship Initiative, and the project still continues today. The issues that are most important to me are inequities that exist in terms of gender, race, and nationality as well as the protection of our wildlife, and ensuring that the students at our institution and others like it be given equal chances for a better life.

To be a changemaker, it is important to:

Feel compassion for others, be unafraid to speak your truth, and be willing to roll up your sleeves to do the hard work that needs to be done.

What would you tell a faculty peer who would like to consider enhancing their teaching with a changemaking lens?

Let’s talk… there is no limit to the topic or curricula or space where changemaking can make an impact. It is within the reach of us all to make a true difference.